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JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4
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Interface Status

public interface Status

The Status interface defines static variables used for transaction status codes. Status接口定义了一些用于事务状态码的静态变量。

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Field Summary
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the active state. 与目标对象关联的事务处于活动状态。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it has been committed. 与目标对象关联的事务已被提交。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the process of committing. 与目标对象关联的事务正在提交过程中。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it has been marked for rollback, perhaps as a result of a setRollbackOnly operation. 与目标对象关联的事务已被标记为回滚,也许是setRollbackOnly操作的结果。
No transaction is currently associated with the target object. 目标对象目前没有关联事务。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it has been prepared. 与目标对象关联的事务已准备好。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the process of preparing. 与目标对象关联的事务正在准备过程中。
A transaction is associated with the target object and the outcome has been determined to be rollback. 与目标对象关联的事务被定义为回滚。
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the process of rolling back. 与目标对象关联的事务正在回滚过程中。
A transaction is associated with the target object but its current status cannot be determined. 目标对象有关联事务,但当前状态还未定义。
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<!-- ============ FIELD DETAIL =========== --><!-- -->

Field Detail
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public static final int STATUS_ACTIVE
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the active state. An implementation returns this status after a transaction has been started and prior to a Coordinator issuing any prepares, unless the transaction has been marked for rollback. 与目标对象关联的事务处于活动状态。事务已开始,并且在协调器进行准备之前, 实现返回该状态,除非事务已被标记为回滚。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK
A transaction is associated with the target object and it has been marked for rollback, perhaps as a result of a setRollbackOnly operation. 与目标对象关联的事务已被标记为回滚,也许是setRollbackOnly操作的结果。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_PREPARED
A transaction is associated with the target object and it has been prepared. That is, all subordinates have agreed to commit. The target object may be waiting for instructions from a superior as to how to proceed. 与目标对象关联的事务已准备好。也就是说所有相关已准备提交。目标对象可能正在等待 上一级关于如何进行的指令。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_COMMITTED
A transaction is associated with the target object and it has been committed. It is likely that heuristics exist; otherwise, the transaction would have been destroyed and NoTransaction returned. 与目标对象关联的事务已被提交。它可能只是理论上存在,因为事务将会结束,返回NoTransaction。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_ROLLEDBACK
A transaction is associated with the target object and the outcome has been determined to be rollback. It is likely that heuristics exist; otherwise, the transaction would have been destroyed and NoTransaction returned. 与目标对象关联的事务正在回滚过程中。它可能只是理论上存在,因为事务将会结束, 返回NoTransaction。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN
A transaction is associated with the target object but its current status cannot be determined. This is a transient condition and a subsequent invocation will ultimately return a different status. 目标对象有关联事务,但当前状态还未定义。这只是暂时的状态,随后的调用最终将 返回另外的状态。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION
No transaction is currently associated with the target object. This will occur after a transaction has completed. 目标对象目前没有关联事务。出现在事务完成之后。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_PREPARING
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the process of preparing. An implementation returns this status if it has started preparing, but has not yet completed the process. The likely reason for this is that the implementation is probably waiting for responses to prepare from one or more Resources. 与目标对象关联的事务正在准备过程中。如果已经开始准备但还未完成该过程,实现将返回 该状态。这样设计的原因可能因为实现有可能等待来自于一个或多个资源的响应作准备。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_COMMITTING
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the process of committing. An implementation returns this status if it has decided to commit but has not yet completed the committing process. This occurs because the implementation is probably waiting for responses from one or more Resources. 与目标对象关联的事务正在提交过程中。如果已经确定提交但还未完成提交过程, 实现返回该状态。当实现有可能等待来自于一个或多个资源的响应时发生。

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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public static final int STATUS_ROLLING_BACK
A transaction is associated with the target object and it is in the process of rolling back. An implementation returns this status if it has decided to rollback but has not yet completed the process. The implementation is probably waiting for responses from one or more Resources. 与目标对象关联的事务正在回滚过程中。如果已经确定回滚但还未完成该过程, 实现返回该状态。实现有可能等待来自于一个或多个资源的响应。

See Also:
Constant Field Values
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JavaTM 2 Platform
Ent. Ed. v1.4
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