Frequently Asked Failure Analysis with cast steel gate valve to avoid methods

Cast Steel Gate Valve three common faults: hit the crack, sealing surface crack, jam, causing the following to the causes of cast steel gate valve to do the analysis and avoid the following methods:
A,cast steel gate valve sealing surface cracks: the sealing surface cracks were seen in alloy steel valves, often caused by an irrational due process. Reasonable control of selection and reasonable welding parameters can be avoided;
B, cast steel gate valve jammed: the performance of cast steel gate valve jammed in the gate valve chamber in the rail board side, even with the valve stem out, mainly caused by poor design and manufacture, such as rail contact width too short or too long, the track surface roughness. When the gate jammed in the seat in the valve stem to force a raise, there are often T-shaped gate slot broken or deformed, to avoid the "abnormal pressure" factor, while temperature and the closing force is noteworthy for two reasons. The typical temperature conditions such as valve closure in the cold and then hot open, because thermal expansion of stem elongation of the gate to further compress and increase the gate of the closing torque, resulting in wedge to live. Such as the thermal shut down cold open, because both sides of the crotch width of the seat caused by thermal deformation becomes larger, smaller cold shrank, leading to wedge live. With these two states, such as "off power" is too large, that shut tight, such as driver debugging Denso improper or inappropriate use of force increasing mechanism, such as wrench or lever, etc., then the probability of occurrence of wedge living increases;
C, cast steel valve and chipped: chipped gate (or the bottom of the deformation) were seen in the parallel plate structure Z944/Z964 products, such as gate valve at the bottom of the body directly impact the bottom occurs when the valve more than the electric power Improper installation debugging, close the trip has not established limit or limit prone to failure.
Correct, standard operation, the use of cast steel gate valve, largely to reduce the incidence of failure and improve efficiency.

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