Dirty Checking
- Concept : understand dirty checking concept
- Implementation : understand mechanism in hibernate
- Behaviour : difference between properties and collection
Hibernate Components This category contains questions regarding the setup of Hibernate (configuration files, mapping files, ...); usefulness and use of important methods for configuration.
- Configuration : understand the basic Configuration object methods (addClass(Class persistentClass), addFile(), ...) How to get a SessionFactory Object,
- SessionFactory Object : understand the basic methods ( openSession(), how to get entity metadatas, ...)
- Property files, hibernate.properties vs. hibernate.cfg.xml, explicit loading
- Dialects : Basic information found in a dialect, how to configure, how hibernate uses it.
Lifecycle States and Transition Understand entities lifecycle (Transient, Persistent, Detached) and state transition.
- States : Reading code being able to define what is the state of an entity.
- Session APIs : Programmatic ways to check the state (Session API)
- State Transition Session APIs : Understand the Session APIs related to entity state (persist(), save(), evict(), ...)
- Understand Flushing mechanism
POJO Classes Structure and Simple mapping What are the basic requirements for POJO classes and how to map them in .hbm.xml files
- Constructor requirements : access modifier allowed, Is constructor mandatory, are parameters allowed.
- equals() & hashCode() : Understand correct equals() & hashCode() implementations.
- getters() & setters() : Know how to implement getters and setters, are they mandatory, field/property access.
- Identifier property : Know how to map and implement id, composite id, generators, custom generators. Understand generator mechanism.
- Basic Mapping : How to define a particular SQL type for a column, how to map a class on multiple table, ...
- Attributes for the <class> element and their meaning
- Attributes for the <property> element and their meaning
- Hibernate Types : difference between Entity and ValueType, know how to implement Component, Component Collections, ...
- Custom Types : How to implement UserType and CompositeUserType, understand the mechanism
- Understand the use of the org.hibernate.usertype.ParameterizedType interface.