
    'openid_server': ('OpenID Server',
        'These settings control the built-in OpenID Identity Provider (server).',
      ('enabled', False, "True to enable the built-in OpenID server."),
      ('restricted_users_group', None, "If set to a group name, the group members are allowed to use the wiki as an OpenID provider. (None = allow for all users)"),
      ('enable_user', False, "If True, the OpenIDUser processing instruction is allowed."),

    'mail': ('Mail settings',
        'These settings control outgoing and incoming email from and to the wiki.',
      ('from', None, "Used as From: address for generated mail."),
      ('login', None, "'username userpass' for SMTP server authentication (None = don't use auth)."),
      ('smarthost', None, "Address of SMTP server to use for sending mail (None = don't use SMTP server)."),
      ('sendmail', None, "sendmail command to use for sending mail (None = don't use sendmail)"),

      ('import_subpage_template', u"$from-$date-$subject", "Create subpages using this template when importing mail."),
      ('import_pagename_search', ['subject', 'to', ], "Where to look for target pagename specification."),
      ('import_pagename_envelope', u"%s", "Use this to add some fixed prefix/postfix to the generated target pagename."),
      ('import_pagename_regex', r'\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]', "Regular expression used to search for target pagename specification."),
      ('import_wiki_addrs', [], "Target mail addresses to consider when importing mail"),

    'backup': ('Backup settings',
        'These settings control how the backup action works and who is allowed to use it.',
      ('compression', 'gz', 'What compression to use for the backup ("gz" or "bz2").'),
      ('users', [], 'List of trusted user names who are allowed to get a backup.'),
      ('include', [], 'List of pathes to backup.'),
      ('exclude', lambda self, filename: False, 'Function f(self, filename) that tells whether a file should be excluded from backup. By default, nothing is excluded.'),

def _add_options_to_defconfig(opts, addgroup=True):
    for groupname in opts:
        group_short, group_doc, group_opts = opts[groupname]
        for name, default, doc in group_opts:
            if addgroup:
                name = groupname + '_' + name
            if isinstance(default, DefaultExpression):
                default = default.value
            setattr(DefaultConfig, name, default)

_add_options_to_defconfig(options_no_group_name, False)

# remove the gettext pseudo function
del _
