US Seeks To Improve Links With China Navy

美国海军作战部长罗海德上将(Gary Roughead)周日对记者表示,美国想就海军安全与交流同中国展开更多讨论。此前不久,一艘美军监测船与中国舰船曾在南中国海发生对峙。他说,两国海军舰船间的互动应当是“专业和安全的,不危及船员的安全”。罗海德说,两国海军的行动必须遵照国际法。他是今年访华的最高级别美军将领。上个月,五艘中国舰船在中国海南省附近海域包围了美国监测船无懈号(Impeccable)。中国称,无懈号在中国专属经济区进行监测活动,违反了国际法。美国及许多其他国家均视此类活动为合法。美国太平洋舰队司令基廷(Timothy Keating)上将当时说,这一事件显示出中国不愿意遵守可接受的行为准则。不过,罗海德说两国海军目前的关系是积极正面的。他说,中国海军想发展航空母舰的愿望将意味着,中国可以将其军事力量投放到海岸线之外更远的地方,同时,中国海军的发展也与中国经济的发展以及中国在全球化世界中所扮演的角色相一致。但他也表示,在中国实现海军现代化的同时,应当就增强军力的意图何在进行更清楚的沟通。罗海德说,将来与中国对话时,他希望双方能够在搜索和救援以及共同打击海盗的行动方面进一步展开合作,以遏制索马里海域猖獗的海盗袭击。罗海德说,打击海盗是双方共同关注的重点,也是我们首次在远离中国的地方进行军事合作。Loretta Chao相关阅读中国驳斥舰船骚扰美方监测船之说 2009-03-10美国海军击毙索马里海盗 成功解救船长 2009-04-13中国大力发展潜艇震慑对手 2009-02-09中国考虑建造第一艘航空母舰 2008-12-24

The U.S. wants more discussions on naval safety and communications with China, following a recent confrontation between an American surveillance ship and Chinese vessels in the South China Sea, a senior U.S. navy officer said.U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Gary Roughead, told reporters Sunday that interaction between ships of the two navies should 'be professional and safe, and not jeopardize the well-being of our sailors.'The navies must 'operate in accordance with international law,' added Adm. Roughead, the highest-ranking U.S. military official to visit China this year.Five Chinese vessels last month crowded around the USNS Impeccable off China's southern island province of Hainan. China says the Impeccable was violating international law by conducting surveillance activities in its exclusive economic zone. The U.S. and many other nations view such activity as legal.Adm. Timothy Keating, the officer in charge of American forces in Asia, said at the time that the incident showed that the Chinese are 'not willing to abide by acceptable standards of behavior.'Nevertheless, Adm. Roughead said the current relationship between the two navies is 'one that is positive.'He said that the desire of the China People's Liberation Army Navy to acquire an aircraft carrier would mean China could project its military power much further from its coast, and that the growth of China's naval forces is 'consistent with China's economic advancement and its role in a globalized world.'But he added that as China modernizes its navy 'there should be clearer communications with regard to what the intentions of that capability are.'Adm. Roughead added that in future dialogues with China, he hopes the two sides can discuss further cooperation on search-and-rescue missions as well as continuing joint counterpiracy efforts to stop the surge in attacks off of Somalia.Counter-piracy is 'very much on the forefront of both our minds, and it is also the first time we have operated together that far from China,' Adm. Roughead said.Loretta Chao
