Oracle 11g

Use Character, Number, and Date Functions  in SELECT Statements
❑   The INITCAP function accepts a string of characters and returns each word
in title case.
❑   The function that computes the number of characters in a string including
spaces and special characters is the LENGTH function.
❑   The INSTR function returns the positional location of the nth occurrence of
a specified string of characters in a source string.
❑   The SUBSTR function extracts and returns a segment from a given source
❑   The REPLACE function substitutes each occurrence of a search item in the
source string with a replacement term and returns the modified source string.
❑   A modulus operation returns the remainder of a division operation and is
available via the MOD function.
❑   The numeric ROUND function rounds numbers either up or down to the
specified degree of precision.
❑   The SYSDATE function is traditionally executed against the DUAL table
and returns current date and time of the database server.
❑   Date types store century, year, month, day, hour, minutes, and seconds 
❑   The difference between two date items is always a number that represents the
number of days between these two items.



Format Element Description Result
Y Last digit of year 5
YY Last two digits of year 75
YYY Last three digits of year 975
YYYY Four-digit year 1975
RR Two-digit year (see Chapter 3 for details) 75
YEAR Case-sensitive English spelling of year NINETEEN
MM Two-digit month 06
MON Three-letter abbreviation of month JUN
MONTH Case-sensitive English spelling of month JUNE
D Day of the week 2
DD Two-digit day of month 02
DDD Day of the year 153
DY Three-letter abbreviation of day MON
DAY  Case-sensitive English spelling of day MONDAY
