shootout指通过一系列算法对language performance进行比较,具体可看:
[root@localhost bench]# ls ackermann except harmonic knucleotide message nsievebits raytracer reversefile tcpecho ary fannkuch hash LICENSE messagering objinst README robots.txt tcprequest binarytrees fannkuchredux hash2 license.txt meteor partialsums recursive sieve tcpsocket chameneos fasta health lists methcall pidigits regexdna spectralnorm tcpstream chameneosredux fastaredux heapsort magicsquares moments primes regexmatch spellcheck threadring discovery fibo hello mandelbrot nbody process regexsub strcat wc dispatch flyweightstate implicitode matrix nestedloop prodcons regsub sumcol wordfreq echo gifdeanim Include matrixnorm nsieve random revcomp takfp
shootout官方测试的机器是ubuntu,kernel是3.0,arch包含x86 one-core/x86 quad-core/x86-64 one-core/x86-64 quad-core,每种arch下的测试结果排名上略有不同,但纵观所有测试结果,可以发现一些特点:
1)编译型语言往往比虚拟机语言速度更快,但也不完全是。如Java 7比Go在某些测试中速度更好(Javay有JIT)。
3)Fortran Intel是最快的,比C/C++更快,我想这是因为后面的Intel的缘故,Intel的c编译器比gcc也快。
在threadring的测试,Erlang Hipe排名第一,haskell排名第二,Go排名第三。threadring算法其实很简单,这里就看看Go/Erlang/Java的threadring实现:
package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" ) var n = flag.Int("n", 1000, "how many passes") const Nthread = 503 func f(i int, in <-chan int, out chan<- int) { for { n := <-in if n == 0 { fmt.Printf("%d\n", i) os.Exit(0) } out <- n - 1 } } func main() { flag.Parse() one := make(chan int) // will be input to thread 1 var in, out chan int = nil, one for i := 1; i <= Nthread-1; i++ { in, out = out, make(chan int) go f(i, in, out) } go f(Nthread, out, one) one <- *n <-make(chan int) // hang until ring completes }
这个go程序耗时28sec(time ./8.out -n 50000000)
-module(threadring). -export([main/1, roundtrip/2]). -define(RING, 503). start(Token) -> H = lists:foldl( fun(Id, Pid) -> spawn(threadring, roundtrip, [Id, Pid]) end, self(), lists:seq(?RING, 2, -1)), H ! Token, roundtrip(1, H). roundtrip(Id, Pid) -> receive 1 -> io:fwrite("~b~n", [Id]), erlang:halt(); Token -> Pid ! Token - 1, roundtrip(Id, Pid) end. main([Arg]) -> Token = list_to_integer(Arg), start(Token).
Erlang版本的threadring plain耗时17sec,比go版本还要少,erlang smp耗时就多到1m左右(由于threadring算法设计,导致在runqueue中只有一个running process,所以此场景下smp没有发挥优势,反而由于lock contention导致性能下降)。
[root@localhost threadring]# time erl -smp disable -noshell -run threadring main 50000000 292 real 0m17.290s user 0m0.517s sys 0m16.768s [root@localhost threadring]# time erl -noshell -run threadring main 50000000 292 real 1m9.036s user 0m4.266s sys 1m4.759s
import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; public class threadring { public static void main(String[] args) { Node[] ring = new Node[503]; for (int i=0; i<ring.length; i++) { ring[i] = new Node(i+1); } for (int i=0; i<ring.length; i++) { int nextIndex = (ring[i].label % ring.length); ring[i].next = ring[nextIndex]; } int nHops = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); new Thread(new Consumer()).start(); ring[0].sendMessage(nHops); } private static Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>(); static class Consumer implements Runnable { public void run() { while (true) { try { Node node; node = q.poll(); if (node == null) { //ignore, wait for some element Thread.sleep(100); } else {; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } static class Node implements Runnable { private final int label; private Node next; private int message; public Node(int label) { this.label = label; } public void sendMessage(int message) { this.message=message; q.add(this); } public void run() { // System.out.println("after lock"); if (message == 0) { System.out.println(label); System.exit(0); } else { next.sendMessage(message - 1); } } } }
/** * The Computer Language Benchmarks Game * * contributed by Klaus Friedel */ import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; public class threadring { static final int THREAD_COUNT = 503; public static class MessageThread extends Thread { MessageThread nextThread; volatile Integer message; public MessageThread(MessageThread nextThread, int name) { super(""+name); this.nextThread = nextThread; } public void run() { while(true) nextThread.enqueue(dequeue()); } public void enqueue(Integer hopsRemaining) { if(hopsRemaining == 0){ System.out.println(getName()); System.exit(0); } // as only one message populates the ring, it's impossible // that queue is not empty message = hopsRemaining - 1; LockSupport.unpark(this); // work waiting... } private Integer dequeue(){ while(message == null){ LockSupport.park(); } Integer msg = message; message = null; return msg; } } public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ int hopCount = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); MessageThread first = null; MessageThread last = null; for (int i = THREAD_COUNT; i >= 1 ; i--) { first = new MessageThread(first, i); if(i == THREAD_COUNT) last = first; } // close the ring: last.nextThread = first; // start all Threads MessageThread t = first; do{ t.start(); t = t.nextThread; }while(t != first); // inject message first.enqueue(hopCount); first.join(); // wait for System.exit } }
这个Java程序则耗时非常长(time java -server threadring 50000000 )。