Rich Dad Toolkit

Budget Ratios Worksheet.xls
Step 2: Once you have completed your personal financial statement, you are ready to analyze how you spend your money and determine what changes need to be made.

The Waste Watchers Diet.doc
Step 3: By cutting back on doodads, you will increase the percentage of income you keep and be able to use that money for the purchase of income producing assets. This form will help.

Secure Comfortable Rich.doc
Step 4: If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting the results you've always got. What changes do you need to make to become secure? comfortable? rich? Use this form to help you decide.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals.doc
Step 5: Now that you know what Secure, Comfortable, and Rich look like, you are ready to set goals to help you get there.

Time Use.doc
Step 6: Using the Time Use form, you will be able to see how you "spend" your time and what changes you need to make to get out of the "rat race."

Time Budgeting.doc
Step 7: Use this form to budget your time and leverage one of your greatest assets.

Real Estate Evaluator.xls
When you decide to invest in real estate, this form will help you evaluate properties to see if they are a wise investment or not.

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