wx.Window 是一个基类,许多构件从它继承。包括 wx.Frame 构件。技术上这意味着,我们可以在所有的
import wx app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = wx.Frame( None, -1, '' ) frame.SetToolTip( wx.ToolTip( 'This is a frame' ) ) frame.SetCursor( wx.StockCursor( wx.CURSOR_MAGNIFIER ) ) frame.SetPosition( wx.Point( 0, 0 ) ) frame.SetSize( wx.Size( 300, 250 ) ) frame.SetTitle( 'simple2.py' ) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
wx.Frame 是一个容器构件。这意味着它可以容纳其它构件。它有如下的构造器:
import wx def main(): app=wx.PySimpleApp() frame=wx.Frame(None,-1,'Icon',wx.DefaultPosition,wx.Size(350,300)) frame.SetIcon(wx.Icon('Tipi.ico',wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) frame.Center() frame.Show() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # FileName: menu1.py import wx class MyMenu( wx.Frame ): def __init__(self,parent,ID,title): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,-1,title,wx.DefaultPosition,wx.Size(200, 150)) menubar=wx.MenuBar() file=wx.Menu() edit=wx.Menu() help=wx.Menu() file.Append(101,'&Open','Open a new document') file.Append(102,'&Save','Save the document') file.AppendSeparator() quit=wx.MenuItem(file,105,'&Quit\tCtrl+Q','Quit the Application') quit.SetBitmap(wx.Image('stock_exit-16.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap()) file.AppendItem(quit) menubar.Append(file,'&File') menubar.Append(edit,'&Edit') menubar.Append(help,'&Help') self.SetMenuBar( menubar ) class MyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame=MyMenu(None,-1,'menu1.py') frame.Show(True) return True app=MyApp(0) app.MainLoop()
#!/usr/bin/python # FileName: menu2.py import wx class MyMenu(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, ID, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(380, 250)) menubar = wx.MenuBar() file = wx.Menu() edit = wx.Menu() help = wx.Menu() file.Append(101, '&Open', 'Open a new document') file.Append(102, '&Save', 'Save the document') file.AppendSeparator() quit = wx.MenuItem(file, 105, '&Quit\tCtrl+Q', 'Quit the Application') quit.SetBitmap(wx.Image ('gtk-quit.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap()) file.AppendItem(quit) edit.Append(201, 'check item1', '', wx.ITEM_CHECK) edit.Append(202, 'check item2', kind= wx.ITEM_CHECK) submenu = wx.Menu() submenu.Append(301, 'radio item1', kind=wx.ITEM_RADIO) submenu.Append(302, 'radio item2', kind=wx.ITEM_RADIO) submenu.Append(303, 'radio item3', kind= wx.ITEM_RADIO) edit.AppendMenu(203, 'submenu', submenu) menubar.Append(file, '&File') menubar.Append(edit, '&Edit') menubar.Append(help, '&Help') self.SetMenuBar(menubar) self.Centre() wx.EVT_MENU(self, 105, self.OnQuit) def OnQuit(self, event): self.Close() class MyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame = MyMenu(None, -1, 'menu2.py') frame.Show(True) return True app = MyApp(0) app.MainLoop()
#!/usr/bin/env python # FileName: toolbar.py import wx class MyToolBar( wx.Frame ): def __init__( self, parent, ID, title ): wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent, ID, title, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size( 350, 250 ) ) vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) toolbar = wx.ToolBar( self, -1, style=wx.TB_HORIZONTAL | wx.NO_BORDER ) toolbar.AddSimpleTool( 1, wx.Image( 'stock_new.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG ).ConvertToBitmap(), 'New', '' ) toolbar.AddSimpleTool( 2, wx.Image( 'stock_open.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG ).ConvertToBitmap(), 'Opne', '' ) toolbar.AddSimpleTool( 3, wx.Image( 'stock_save.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG ).ConvertToBitmap(), 'Save', '' ) toolbar.AddSeparator() toolbar.AddSimpleTool( 4, wx.Image( 'stock_exit.png', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG ).ConvertToBitmap(), 'Exit', '' ) toolbar.Realize() vbox.Add( toolbar, 0, border=5 ) self.SetSizer( vbox ) self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() self.Centre() wx.EVT_TOOL( self, 1, self.OnNew ) wx.EVT_TOOL( self, 2, self.OnOpen ) wx.EVT_TOOL( self, 3, self.OnSave ) wx.EVT_TOOL( self, 4, self.OnExit ) def OnNew( self, event ): self.statusbar.SetStatusText( 'New Command' ) def OnOpen( self, event ): self.statusbar.SetStatusText( 'Open Command' ) def OnSave( self, event ): self.statusbar.SetStatusText( 'Save Command' ) def OnExit( self, event ): self.Close() class MyApp( wx.App ): def OnInit( self ): frame = MyToolBar( None, -1, ' toolbar.py' ) frame.Show( True ) return True app = MyApp( 0 ) app.MainLoop()
#!/usr/bin/evn python import wx class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,ID,title): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,ID,title,wx.DefaultPosition,wx.Size(250,50)) panel=wx.Panel(self,-1) wx.Button(panel,-1,'Button1',(0,0)) wx.Button(panel,-1,'Button2',(80,0)) wx.Button(panel,-1,'Button3',(160,0)) class MyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame=MyFrame(None,-1,'layout.py') frame.Show(True) frame.Centre() app = MyApp(0) app.MainLoop()
#!/usr/bin/env python # FileName: wxboxsizer.py import wx class MyFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,ID,title): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,ID,title,(-1,-1),wx.Size(250,50)) panel=wx.Panel(self,-1) box=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) box.Add( wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Button1' ), 1 ) box.Add( wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Button2' ), 1 ) box.Add( wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Button3' ), 1 ) panel.SetSizer(box) self.Centre() class MyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame = MyFrame( None, -1, 'wxboxsizer.py' ) frame.Show(True) return True app = MyApp(0) app.MainLoop()
#!/usr/bin/python # FileName: layout3.py import wx class MyFrame( wx.Frame ): def __init__( self, parent, ID, title ): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,ID,title,(-1,-1),wx.Size(450,300)) panel = wx.Panel(self,-1) box = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) box.Add( wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Button1' ), 1, wx.ALL, 5 ) box.Add( wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Button2' ), 0, wx.EXPAND ) box.Add( wx.Button( panel, -1, 'Button3' ), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER ) panel.SetSizer( box ) self.Center() class MyApp( wx.App ): def OnInit( self ): frame = MyFrame( None, -1, 'layout3.py' ) frame.Show( True ) return True app = My App( 0 ) app.MainLoop()
#!/usr/bin/env python # FileName: borders.py import wx class MyFrame( wx.Frame ): def __init__( self, parent, id, title ): wx.Frame.__init__( self, parent, id, title ) vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) hbox1 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) hbox2 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) pnl1 = wx.Panel( self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER ) pnl2 = wx.Panel( self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER ) pnl3 = wx.Panel( self, -1, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER ) pnl4 = wx.Panel( self, -1, style=wx.DOUBLE_BORDER ) pnl5 = wx.Panel( self, -1, style=wx.STATIC_BORDER ) pnl6 = wx.Panel( self, -1, style=wx.NO_BORDER ) hbox1.Add( pnl1, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3 ) hbox1.Add( pnl2, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3 ) hbox1.Add( pnl3, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3 ) hbox2.Add( pnl4, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3 ) hbox2.Add( pnl5, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3 ) hbox2.Add( pnl6, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 3 ) vbox.Add( hbox1, 1, wx.EXPAND ) vbox.Add( hbox2, 1, wx.EXPAND ) self.SetSizer( vbox ) self.Centre() class MyApp( wx.App ): def OnInit( self ): frame = MyFrame( None, -1, 'borders.py' ) frame.Show( True ) return True app = MyApp( 0 ) app.MainLoop()
wx.GridSizer 使用两维的表格来布局它里面的东西。每个表格的宽度等于它里面最大那个构件的宽度,高度等于它里面高度最大的那个构件的高度。
#!/usr/bin/env python # FileName: calculator.py import wx class MyFrame( wx.Frame ): def __init__( self, parent, id, title ): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,title,wx.DefaultPosition,wx.Size(300, 250)) self.formula = False menubar = wx.MenuBar() file = wx.Menu() file.Append( 22, '&Quit', 'Exit Calculator' ) menubar.Append( file, '&File' ) self.SetMenuBar( menubar ) wx.EVT_MENU( self, 22, self.OnClose ) sizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) self.display = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', style=wx.TE_RIGHT) sizer.Add(self.display, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 4) gs = wx.GridSizer(4, 4, 3, 3) gs.AddMany([(wx.Button(self, 20, 'Cls'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 21, 'Bck'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.StaticText(self, -1, ''), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 22, 'Close'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 1, '7'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 2, '8'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 3, '9'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 4, '/'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 5, '4'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 6, '5'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 7, '6'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 8, '*'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 9, '1'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 10, '2'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 11, '3'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 12, '-'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 13, '0'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 14, '.'), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 15, '='), 0, wx.EXPAND), (wx.Button(self, 16, '+'), 0, wx.EXPAND)]) sizer.Add(gs, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.Centre() wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 20, self.OnClear) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 21, self.OnBackspace) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 22, self.OnClose) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 1, self.OnSeven) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 2, self.OnEight) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 3, self.OnNine) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 4, self.OnDivide) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 5, self.OnFour) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 6, self.OnFive) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 7, self.OnSix) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 8, self.OnMultiply) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 9, self.OnOne) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 10, self.OnTwo) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 11, self.OnThree) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 12, self.OnMinus) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 13, self.OnZero) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 14, self.OnDot) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 15, self.OnEqual) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 16, self.OnPlus) def OnClear(self, event): self.display.Clear() def OnBackspace(self, event): formula = self.display.GetValue() self.display.Clear() self.display.SetValue(formula[:-1]) def OnClose(self, event): self.Close() def OnDivide(self, event): if self.formula: return self.display.AppendText('/') def OnMultiply(self, event): if self.formula: return self.display.AppendText('*') def OnMinus(self, event): if self.formula: return self.display.AppendText('-') def OnPlus(self, event): if self.formula: return self.display.AppendText('+') def OnDot(self, event): if self.formula: return self.display.AppendText('.') def OnEqual(self, event): if self.formula: return formula = self.display.GetValue() self.formula = True try: self.display.Clear() output = eval(formula) self.display.AppendText(str(output)) except StandardError: self.display.AppendText("Error") def OnZero(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('0') def OnOne(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('1') def OnTwo(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('2') def OnThree(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('3') def OnFour(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('4') def OnFive(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('5') def OnSix(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('6') def OnSeven(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('7') def OnEight(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('8') def OnNine(self, event): if self.formula: self.display.Clear() self.formula = False self.display.AppendText('9') class MyApp(wx.App): def OnInit(self): frame = MyFrame(None, -1, "calculator.py") frame.Show(True) self.SetTopWindow(frame) return True app = MyApp(0) app.MainLoop()