

SQL code
<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> -- ============================================= -- Author: <shipeng.wang> -- Create date: <2009-09-11> -- Description: <根据表名创建实体类的字段和属性> -- ============================================= create proc [ dbo ] . [ p_Wsp ] @tablename varchar ( 50 ) -- 表名 as declare @sql varchar ( 8000 ) select @sql = isnull ( @sql + char ( 9 ) + ' private ' , ' public class ' + @tablename + char ( 13 ) + ' { ' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 9 ) + ' private ' ) + case when a.name in ( ' image ' , ' uniqueidentifier ' , ' ntext ' , ' varchar ' , ' ntext ' , ' nchar ' , ' nvarchar ' , ' text ' , ' char ' ) then ' string ' when a.name in ( ' tinyint ' , ' smallint ' , ' int ' , ' bigint ' ) then ' int ' when a.name in ( ' datetime ' , ' smalldatetime ' ) then ' DateTime ' when a.name in ( ' float ' , ' decimal ' , ' numeric ' , ' money ' , ' real ' , ' smallmoney ' ) then ' decimal ' when a.name = ' bit ' then ' bool ' else a.name end + ' ' + lower ( ' _ ' + b.name) + ' ; ' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 9 ) + ' public ' + case when a.name in ( ' image ' , ' uniqueidentifier ' , ' ntext ' , ' varchar ' , ' ntext ' , ' nchar ' , ' nvarchar ' , ' text ' , ' char ' ) then ' string ' when a.name in ( ' tinyint ' , ' smallint ' , ' int ' , ' bigint ' ) then ' int ' when a.name in ( ' datetime ' , ' smalldatetime ' ) then ' DateTime ' when a.name in ( ' float ' , ' decimal ' , ' numeric ' , ' money ' , ' real ' , ' smallmoney ' ) then ' decimal ' when a.name = ' bit ' then ' bool ' else a.name end + ' ' + b.name + char ( 13 ) + char ( 9 ) + ' { ' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 9 ) + char ( 9 ) + ' get{return ' + lower ( ' _ ' + b.name) + ' ;} ' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 9 ) + char ( 9 ) + ' set{ ' + lower ( ' _ ' + b.name) + ' =value;} ' + char ( 13 ) + char ( 9 ) + ' } ' + char ( 13 ) from syscolumns b, ( select distinct name,xtype from systypes where status = 0 ) a where a.xtype = b.xtype and b.id = object_id ( @tablename ) set @sql = @sql + ' } ' print @sql go -- 调用: exec [ p_Wsp ] ' admin '
-- =============================================
-- Author:        <shipeng.wang>
-- Create date: <2009-09-14>
-- Description:    <根据数据库名创建实体类>
-- =============================================
create proc p_db_wsp
@dbname varchar(50),   --数据库名
@path varchar(100),    --实体类所在目录名,如D:\My\Models
@namespace varchar(50) --实体类命名空间,默认值为Models
    if(db_id(@dbname)is not null)
            set @namespace='Models'
        -- 允许配置高级选项
        EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
        -- 重新配置
        -- 启用Ole Automation Procedures 
        EXEC sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1
        -- 启用xp_cmdshell,可以向磁盘中写入文件
        EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
        -- 重新配置
        declare @dbsql varchar(1000),@tablename varchar(100)
        set @dbsql='declare wsp cursor for select name from '+@dbname+'..sysobjects where xtype=''u'''
        open wsp
        fetch wsp into @tablename--使用游标循环遍历数据库中每个表
            declare @nsql nvarchar(4000),@sql varchar(8000)
            set @nsql='select @s=isnull(@s+char(9)+''private '',''using System;'+char(13)+'using System.Collections.Generic;'
            +char(13)+'using System.Text;'+char(13)+'namespace '+@namespace+char(13)+
            '{'+char(13)+char(9)+'public class '+@tablename+char(13)+'{''+char(13)+char(9)+''private '')+
            case when a.name in(''image'',''uniqueidentifier'',''ntext'',''varchar'',''ntext'',''nchar'',''nvarchar'',''text'',''char'') then ''string''
            when a.name in(''tinyint'',''smallint'',''int'',''bigint'') then ''int''
            when a.name in(''datetime'',''smalldatetime'') then ''DateTime''
            when a.name in(''float'',''decimal'',''numeric'',''money'',''real'',''smallmoney'') then ''decimal''
            when a.name =''bit'' then ''bool''
            else a.name end+'' ''+lower(''_''+b.name)+'';''+char(13)+char(9)+''public ''+
            case when a.name in(''image'',''uniqueidentifier'',''ntext'',''varchar'',''ntext'',''nchar'',''nvarchar'',''text'',''char'') then ''string''
            when a.name in(''tinyint'',''smallint'',''int'',''bigint'') then ''int''
            when a.name in(''datetime'',''smalldatetime'') then ''DateTime''
            when a.name in(''float'',''decimal'',''numeric'',''money'',''real'',''smallmoney'') then ''decimal''
            when a.name =''bit'' then ''bool''
            else a.name end
            +'' ''+b.name+char(13)+char(9)+''{''+char(13)+char(9)+char(9)+''get{return ''+lower(''_''+b.name)+'';}''+
            from '+@dbname+'..syscolumns b,
            (select distinct name,xtype from '+@dbname+'..systypes where status=0) a
            where a.xtype=b.xtype and b.id=object_id('''+@dbname+'..'+@tablename+''')'
            exec sp_executesql @nsql,N'@s varchar(8000) output',@sql output
            set @sql=@sql+char(9)+'}'+char(13)+'}'
            --print @sql
            DECLARE @err INT,@fso INT,@fleExists BIT,@file VARCHAR(100)
            SET @file=@path+'\'+@tablename+'.cs'
            EXEC @err=sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject',@fso OUTPUT
            EXEC @err=sp_OAMethod @fso, 'FileExists',@fleExists OUTPUT,@file
            EXEC @err = sp_OADestroy @fso

            IF @fleExists!=0
                exec('exec xp_cmdshell ''del '+@file+'''') --存在则删除
            exec('exec xp_cmdshell ''echo '+@sql+' > '+@file+'''') --将文本写进文件中
            set @sql=null
            fetch wsp into @tablename
        close wsp
        deallocate wsp
        print '生成成功!'
        print '数据库不存在!'
go-- ============================================= -- Author: <shipeng.wang> -- Create date: <2009-09-14> -- Description: <根据数据库名创建实体类> -- ============================================= create proc p_db_wsp @dbname varchar(50), --数据库名 @path varchar(100), --实体类所在目录名,如D:\My\Models @namespace varchar(50) --实体类命名空间,默认值为Models as --判断数据库是否存在  if(db_id(@dbname)is not null) begin if(isnull(@namespace,'')='') set @namespace='Models' -- 允许配置高级选项  EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 -- 重新配置  RECONFIGURE -- 启用Ole Automation Procedures   EXEC sp_configure 'Ole Automation Procedures', 1 -- 启用xp_cmdshell,可以向磁盘中写入文件  EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 -- 重新配置  RECONFIGURE declare @dbsql varchar(1000),@tablename varchar(100) set @dbsql='declare wsp cursor for select name from '+@dbname+'..sysobjects where xtype=''u''' exec(@dbsql) open wsp fetch wsp into @tablename--使用游标循环遍历数据库中每个表  while(@@fetch_status=0) begin --根据表中字段组合实体类中的字段和属性  declare @nsql nvarchar(4000),@sql varchar(8000color: #0 
