
The default when a connection is established between two nodes, is to immediately connect all other visible nodes as well. This way, there is always a fully connected network. If there are nodes with different cookies, this method might be inappropriate and the command line flag -connect_all false must be set, see erl(1).


%% Suppose nodes A and B connect, and C is connected to A.
%% Here's the algorithm's flow:
%% Node A
%% ------
%% << {nodeup, B}
%%   TheLocker ! {nodeup, ..., Node, ...} (there is one locker per node)
%% B ! {init_connect, ..., {..., TheLockerAtA, ...}}
%% << {init_connect, TheLockerAtB}
%%   [The lockers try to set the lock]
%% << {lock_is_set, B, ...}
%%   [Now, lock is set in both partitions]
%% B ! {exchange, A, Names, ...}
%% << {exchange, B, Names, ...}
%%   [solve conflict]
%% B ! {resolved, A, ResolvedA, KnownAtA, ...}
%% << {resolved, B, ResolvedB, KnownAtB, ...}
%% C ! {new_nodes, ResolvedAandB, [B]}
%% Node C
%% ------
%% << {new_nodes, ResolvedOps, NewNodes}
%%   [insert Ops]
%% ping(NewNodes)
%% << {nodeup, B}
%% <ignore this one>

A和B之间先互相换信息,A告诉C有关B的信息, C会主动连接B的 这是在global模块实现的 而不是erts的一部分.
