Public Sub Show_txtFloat() txtFloat.Visible = False txtFloat.Width = mGrid.CellWidth txtFloat.Height = mGrid.CellHeight txtFloat.Left = mGrid.Left + mGrid.CellLeft - 10 txtFloat.Top = mGrid.Top + mGrid.CellTop - 10 txtFloat.Text = mGrid.TextMatrix(mGrid.Row, mGrid.Col) txtFloat.SelStart = Len(txtFloat.Text) txtFloat.Visible = True txtFloat.SetFocus End Sub Public Sub Hide_txtFloat() If txtFloat.Visible = True Then mGrid.TextMatrix(mGrid.Row, mGrid.Col) = txtFloat.Text txtFloat.Text = "" txtFloat.Visible = False End If End Sub
Private Sub mGrid_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If txtFloat.Visible = False And KeyAscii <> vbKeyDown And KeyAscii <> vbKeyUp And KeyAscii <> vbKeyLeft And KeyAscii <> vbKeyRight And KeyAscii <> vbKeyReturn Then Show_txtFloat txtFloat.Text = Chr(KeyAscii) txtFloat.SelStart = Len(txtFloat) End If End Sub
Private Sub mGrid_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyTab If mGrid.Col <= mGrid.cols - 1 Then mGrid.Col = mGrid.Col + 1 ElseIf mGrid.Row < mGrid.rows - 1 Then mGrid.Row = mGrid.Row + 1 mGrid.Col = 1 End If mGrid.SetFocus Case vbKeyReturn If mGrid.Row < mGrid.rows - 1 Then mGrid.Row = mGrid.Row + 1 mGrid.SetFocus Case vbKeyBack Show_txtFloat txtFloat.Text = "" Case 46 MSGrid_Clear mGrid End Select End Sub
Private Sub txtFloat_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Dim PageRows As Integer PageRows = mGrid.Height / mGrid.CellHeight Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyDown, vbKeyReturn '下箭头 Hide_txtFloat If mGrid.Row < mGrid.rows - 1 Then mGrid.Row = mGrid.Row + 1 mGrid.SetFocus Case vbKeyUp '上箭头 Hide_txtFloat If mGrid.Row > 1 Then mGrid.Row = mGrid.Row - 1 mGrid.SetFocus Case vbKeyLeft '左箭头 If GetCaretPos(txtFloat) <> 0 Then Exit Sub Hide_txtFloat If mGrid.Col <> 1 Then mGrid.Col = mGrid.Col - 1 ElseIf mGrid.Row > 1 Then mGrid.Row = mGrid.Row - 1 mGrid.Col = mGrid.cols - 1 End If mGrid.SetFocus Case vbKeyRight '右箭头 If GetCaretPos(txtFloat) < Len(Trim(txtFloat)) Then Exit Sub Hide_txtFloat If mGrid.Col <= mGrid.cols - 1 Then mGrid.Col = mGrid.Col + 1 ElseIf mGrid.Row < mGrid.rows - 1 Then mGrid.Row = mGrid.Row + 1 mGrid.Col = 1 End If mGrid.SetFocus End Select End Sub
Public Sub MSGrid_AddLine(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### '往mshflexgrid里面添加一行 '#################################################################### mGrid.AddItem "", mGrid.Row End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_DelLine(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面删除一行 '#################################################################### Dim beginRow%, endRow% '定义起始行列 With mGrid beginRow = IIf(.Row < .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) endRow = IIf(.Row > .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) If .rows <= 2 Then MsgBox "只有一行数据不能删除 ", vbInformation, G_ERPWindowsName Exit Sub End If For i = endRow To beginRow Step -1 If i = 1 Then Exit Sub .RemoveItem i Next i For i = 1 To .rows - 1 .TextMatrix(i, 0) = i Next i End With End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_Copy(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面复制一行 '#################################################################### Dim str As String Clipboard.clear str = mGrid.Clip & Chr(13) Clipboard.SetText str, vbCFText End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_Paste(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面粘贴一行 '#################################################################### Dim temp As String Dim beginRow As Integer Dim beginCol As Integer Dim endRow As Integer Dim endCol As Integer Dim rows As Integer '选区行数 Dim cols As Integer '选区列数 Dim i As Integer Dim itab As Integer 'tab键个数 Dim ienter As Integer 'enter键个数 temp = Clipboard.GetText If (Len(temp) = 0) Then Exit Sub End If For i = 1 To Len(temp) If Mid(temp, i, 1) = Chr(vbKeyReturn) Then ienter = ienter + 1 End If If Mid(temp, i, 1) = Chr(vbKeyTab) Then itab = itab + 1 End If Next i If Mid(temp, Len(temp), 1) = Chr(10) Then rows = ienter Else rows = ienter + 1 End If cols = itab / rows beginRow = IIf(mGrid.Row < mGrid.RowSel, mGrid.Row, mGrid.RowSel) beginCol = IIf(mGrid.Col < mGrid.ColSel, mGrid.Col, mGrid.ColSel) endRow = IIf(mGrid.Row > mGrid.RowSel, mGrid.Row, mGrid.RowSel) endCol = IIf(mGrid.Col > mGrid.RowSel, mGrid.Col, mGrid.ColSel) If Abs(mGrid.RowSel - mGrid.Row) < rows Then beginRow = IIf(mGrid.Row < mGrid.RowSel, mGrid.Row, mGrid.RowSel) If mGrid.rows < beginRow + rows Then '需要增行 mGrid.rows = beginRow + rows End If endRow = beginRow + rows - 1 End If If Abs(mGrid.ColSel - mGrid.Col) < cols Then beginCol = IIf(mGrid.Col < mGrid.ColSel, mGrid.Col, mGrid.ColSel) If mGrid.cols < beginCol + cols + 1 Then '超过最大列数 endCol = mGrid.cols - 1 Else endCol = beginCol + cols End If End If mGrid.Row = beginRow mGrid.Col = beginCol mGrid.RowSel = endRow mGrid.ColSel = endCol mGrid.Clip = Clipboard.GetText End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_Cut(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面剪切一行 '#################################################################### MSGrid_Copy mGrid MSGrid_Clear mGrid End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_Clear(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面剪切一行 '#################################################################### With mGrid For i = IIf(.Row < .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) To IIf(.Row > .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) For j = IIf(.Col < .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) To IIf(.Col > .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) .TextMatrix(i, j) = "" Next j Next i End With End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_Repeat(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面剪切一行 '#################################################################### Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer With mGrid For i = IIf(.Row < .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) To IIf(.Row > .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) For j = IIf(.Col < .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) To IIf(.Col > .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) .TextMatrix(i, j) = .TextMatrix(IIf(.Row < .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel), IIf(.Col < .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel)) Next j Next i End With End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_Increase(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面剪切一行 '#################################################################### Dim beginRow As Integer Dim beginCol As Integer Dim start As Integer Dim gap As Integer Dim j As Integer With mGrid If .Row = .RowSel And .Col = .ColSel Then Exit Sub End If If .Row <> .RowSel And .Col <> .ColSel Then Exit Sub End If beginRow = IIf(.Row < .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) beginCol = IIf(.Col < .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) start = Val(.TextMatrix(beginRow, beginCol)) If .Row = .RowSel Then gap = Val(.TextMatrix(beginRow, beginCol + 1)) - Val(.TextMatrix(beginRow, beginCol)) For j = IIf(.Col < .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) + 1 To IIf(.Col > .ColSel, .Col, .ColSel) .TextMatrix(.Row, j) = Val(.TextMatrix(.Row, j - 1)) + gap Next j ElseIf .Col = .ColSel Then gap = Val(.TextMatrix(beginRow + 1, beginCol)) - Val(.TextMatrix(beginRow, beginCol)) For j = IIf(.Row < .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) + 1 To IIf(.Row > .RowSel, .Row, .RowSel) .TextMatrix(j, .Col) = Val(.TextMatrix(j - 1, .Col)) + gap Next j End If End With End Sub Public Sub MSGrid_SelectAll(mGrid As MSHFlexGrid) '#################################################################### 'mshflexgrid里面剪切一行 '#################################################################### Dim endRow As Integer Dim endCol As Integer endRow = 1 endCol = 1 mGrid.Row = 1 mGrid.Col = 1 For i = 1 To mGrid.rows - 1 For j = 1 To mGrid.cols - 1 If mGrid.TextMatrix(i, j) <> "" Then If endRow < i Then endRow = i If endCol < j Then endCol = j End If Next j Next i mGrid.RowSel = endRow mGrid.ColSel = endCol End Sub
这个里面就粘贴代码长点。原因是excel复制出来的东西比mshflexgrid本身复制出来的东西多一个enter+shift键吧,所以得讨论下。mGrid.Clip = Clipboard.GetText 是核心代码,它能将粘贴板上的东西粘贴到mshflexgrid上,不过它只粘贴你选中的mshflexgrid单元格,超出的部分不管,我做了一点增强。