
关于价格 C



A: Can't we find a price that's within my company's reach? Negotiations have been going on too long.
B: Agreed. But we need to find a price that is good for both sides.
A: To be honest, if you keep holding off for a lower price we won't be able to make a deal, because we won't be able to make a profit.
B: OK. You say your cost price is 100 for each unit, and you want a 20% profit. That's 120 per unit. Would you accept a 7% profit if we doubled the order?
A: That would mean a price of 107 per unit, which I think is still too low. If you can accept 110 per unit, we have a deal.
B: An invoice price of 110? I'll have to check it with my boss, but I think we can accept those terms.


A: 应该谈出个敝公司能接受的价码了吧?!这次的谈判进行得够久了!
B: 没错。但我们总要定一个对双方都有利的价钱!
A: 说真的,您如果还想压低价钱,我们是很难谈出结果的,因为这样我们公司会一毛钱也赚不到!
B: 好吧!您说贵公司成本价是每单项100元,还要维持20%的利润,那就是单价120元。如果我们订货量加一倍,您能接受7%的利润吗?
A: 那就是每单项降低为107元。这价钱我认为还是太低。如果您可以接受110元,那就成交。
B: 指发票价格吗?我得和老板商量一下,不过,我想这个条件可以接受。


cost price 生产价格、成本价格
"cost",‘成本、花费’。这个说法即指产品在未附加任何其它费用之前的生产成本价格。另外,"cost price"也可解释为买下一批货时的进货价格,又称‘成本价格’。

invoice price 发票价格


●  老实说…
1. To be honest,...
2. To tell you the truth,...
3. To be frank,...
"honest", ‘诚实的’。这样子的句子开头语,经常可见于一般会话当中;就等于中文的:‘老实说,凭良心讲...’。若要说明是对某人说真话,即直接用介词"with"。在商业谈判中,"To be honest with you,..."是常常听到的用语。
