Is it harder to learn English for an adult?

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Is it harder to learn English for an adult?

Different people have the different views on this question But I think it is true.

My wife find it is easier she learn it in very relax way and it is very very easy to learn but it is very few people after all. But on the other hand the very small child can learn it very quick.

Although she uses this fact to prove the English is just like any other language is not so difficult as you think. Because no one will think the mother tongue is difficult no one makes fuss about speaking good mother tongue.

But I do not agree with her.

Because for the adult the things become totally different.

I find some many adults including myself who have spent so much time on learning English but getting less than we should.

And we can use this fact to prove the English is harder to learn.

On the other hands My wife also taught some people to learn English but even she worked hard to teach but the adult student did not get what they need quickly. They maybe get something but it is hard to stick to doing it and quit at last.

I think the things will be changed soon because I find the reason is that for most of us especially for the 70’s people we did not contact the English until we were older enough.

The brain is different between the adult and child. the way of thinking change graduly with the time.

The adult and child actually use the different method to learn intuatively but the child know how to learn the language while the adult do not know it. this is why the adult spend more time than the child. The choose an unnatural way to learn. The child listen first and process it in their brain and store it until someday they can let it out. they never focus on the writing and reading. But for us we have used the wrong method to learn so that we spend much more time but do not get what we expected.

If my finding is right then we can use the similar method to try.

I think the language has itself rule. The people do not follow the rule will get published: spare indefinite effort but getting nothing.

I will try the listening first method from today.

Hope it works effetively.
