
This module covers the products for modeled customization. It will address Information Modeler,
Rational Rose and introduce the Windchill object model.
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
• Perform tasks in the Engineer Component element of the Application Solution
Development module of the System RVP work stream.
• Read and use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) at a basic level.
• Navigate the Windchill object model at a basic level — packages, interfaces and classes.

UML specifies symbols and diagrams to model object-oriented systems (classes, interfaces and other relationships).
• A template for a series of objects with the same “characteristics” and “behavior”
• A template for a series of objects with the same “behavior”
• In Windchill, typically multiple Interfaces are used to provide a collection of functions/services for a class.
The difference between an interface and a class, in Java, is that classes can be instantiated;
interfaces can not. Further, a class (e.g., a new custom class) can only inherit from one and only one class, but it can inherit implement) multiple interfaces.
So interfaces are used to segregate Windchill functions and still allow classes to inherit disparate
functions by implementing multiple interfaces.
Packages are logical grouping of classes, interfaces, packages and other modeling artifacts.
Figure 4-4: Unified Modeling Language Notation, Textual and Graphical

• Generalization: shows generalization/specialization
– PurchasedProduct specializes Product and extends “characteristics” and/or extends or overrides “behavior
Figure 4-5: Generalization
• Realization: shows implementation of an interface
– Product implements the Orderable Interface and inherits “behavior”
Figure 4-6: Realization
• Dependency: indicates that a change to one package or class may affect another
– appdevtests is dependent on wt
Figure 4-7: Dependency
• Association: shows an association or “link” between two classes
• Aggregation: shows a “uses” or a “has a” relationship, but each class instance (i.e. object) may exist independently.
A specific Company contains Persons; but one specific Person may not belong to any
specific Company.
• Composition: shows a “comprised of” relationship; it is a specific type of aggregation.
Aggregated objects with this type of association only exist when contained, not independently.
A specific company contains Departments; a Department must belong to a Company.
In contrast with the Person example, there is no such thing as a “Sales and Marketing
Department” unless it is with respect to a specific Company.
Figure 4-11: Association Class
