Breastfeeding in public

   Why is it that something that should be totally natural to a new mother,so many times can put her into a state of panic? Breastfeeding our children is as natural as it gets.Women have been doing it since the beginning of time and yet,today, many mothers choose to stay home for fear they will end up in the middle of a mall with a starving infant demanding to be fed.

   Can you believe that it wasn't until 1993, that North Carolina where I currently live amended its indecent exposure law to exclude breastfeeding women? God created breasts for the ultimate purpose of feeding and nurturing our children contrary to how the media chooses to portray them!

   Something happened to me the other day that allowed me to reach a personal milestone in this area.First, let me tell you, I am a very modest person.When I was pregnant,I could not have imagined breastfeeding in public.Society had "trained"me to think that it was inappropriate.I admit to nursing my child at the hospital with absolutely no anxiety over who watched.Of course the doctors and nurses had seen aspects of me I don't even think my husband had ever seen much less wanted to! Even at home, I happily nursed anywhere and everywhere. But when visitors - even family - were around, I was off to the nursery behind closed doors.

   Then one day,I found myself in the middle of the mall with a 5 month old screaming to be fed.I was faced with a number of options - use the ladies room (definitely a last resort - yuk!),go on a mad search for a department store with a lounge or large dressing rooms, go back to the car(my normal nursing spot when out and about)or find the nearest seat. That day I decided it was until I could get to the car or find a private spot.So,i plopped myself down on a bench in the middle of the mall, put a blanket on my shoulder and fed my daughter.

  At first I was self-conscious.I was sure everyone who walked past was starting directly at me. After looking at the potted plant next to me for five munutes in an effort to avoid eye contact, I started looking around. I was surprised to find that most people didn't even notice me.They were too engrossed in their shopping to see the yong mother with the bady at her breast.The few people I made eye contact with just smiled back, but not one looked away in embarrassment or disgust. No derogatory comments were made.A mother with her teenage children even sat right next to me on the bench and still didn't take notice.

  It was such a liberating experience.One small step for nursing mothers everywhere - one giant leap for me. One I wish I hadn't waited so long to take."I'm just sorry that I let society keep me from doing what I feel is best for my daughter. Of course, I realize that I that every situation is different and the next time might not fair as well, but I have gotten over the first hurdle and each time will get easier."

  I wanted to share this experience for other nursing mothers who might just get that little "nudge" of encouragement they need to take that first step or at least help them to start feeling confortable with the idea, For others,it may still be too big of a leap to take just yet.And by all means, you must do what you feel is right and are comfortable with.But if I could do it, I am confident that you can too.
