cognos Transformer 导入EXCEL报错解决办法

在用Transformer导入数据源是EXCEL的文件是报错误“"[TR3623] No named ranges specified in the spreadsheet."”需要在EXCEL中定义你数据源字段的范围。打开你的数据源xls文件,点击“insert”----》 “Name”----》Define,选择你的数据的范围!



You need to define a named range in the Excel workbook prior to setting as a data source. Open the Excel document , go to "Insert" on the menu bar, choose "Name" and then "Define". Choose a name for the range of cells that you want as the data source and then click in the "Refers to" box at the bottom. Excel will switch control to the spreadsheet and you can drag across what you want as your source range. Save the sheet and go from there.....
