Arcgis报错: Bad login user Failed to execute (CreateEnterpriseGeodatabase).

  在使用工具Create Enterprise Geodatabase的时候报错Bad login user,开始怀疑为密码错误,然后反复在plsql中尝试发现并没有错误,很疑惑,然后去官网查询:

Error: Bad login user
Possible reason you received the error message:
Most likely, you attempted to connect to a geodatabase on a database server using a database-authenticated user name and password.
Connections to geodatabases on database servers only use Windows-authenticated logins. Therefore, choose the operating system authentication option on the Spatial Database Connection dialog box while logged in with a valid Windows login.

根据官网的消息使用windows-authenticated并不能解决,Create Enterprise Geodatabase并没有提供这种功能,只能输入用户名和密码,反复尝试下确定用户名和密码肯定没有输错;

