2015年计划透析10本英文原著,最开始选定的第一本英文书是《Who Moved my Cheese》,可是这本书实在是太短、太简单了,总体的意思就是要顺应变化,要跳出自己的舒适区,全文不认识的单词也不多,所以很快读完后就开始找第其它的适合我的英文书。
根据《把你的英语用起来》作者的推荐,从zyea要到了《Daughter of Deceit》的文本,发送到Kindle上阅读试试。这书对于我来说果然还是有难度的,前面一堆人物的出场,让我实在搞不清楚他们之间的关系。看了不到10%,暂时先放放。还是按兴趣选书吧,按照lucida的推荐,先找到了这本《The Practice of Programming》,书确实是经典,好像是1999年出版的,里面的编程语言主要针对C和JAVA,一边学英语,一边学IT,想两样兼顾还真是不容易,下一本还是选英文小说吧。
neophyte :新手。from neophyte to expert in 21 days,21天从小工到专家...这类计算机书现在太滥了。
harbor (v.) maintain
seasoned : ~ programmers 经验丰富的
outright: adj. adv.
belabor: 过度说明 don't belabor the obvious
sloppy adj. 草率的,马虎的 sloppy code
pivot 枢轴,快速排序时选定的那个项作为pivot。
perverse 反常的,变态的 Perverse or unlucky inputs may cause an otherwise well-behaved algorithm to run extremely slowly or use a lot of memory.
flabby 松弛的;没气力的
whimsical 异想天开的
verbatim adj. adv. 逐字的,(完全)按字面的。正好室里发光盘,原来它还是一个商标的名称。
dormant 冬眠的 It lay dormant until we thought to use it in a university course as an illustration of program design.
tradeoffs 权衡,折衷
barrage 火力网,密集火力
reentrant 重入的,好像reentrant code是指相同的输入,产生相同的输出,并且不改变全局变量等环境,这就是指函数式编程吗?这类函数适合于并行。
arcane 晦涩难解的 Debuggers can be arcane and difficult programs, and especially for beginners may provide more confusion than help.
baffle : the engineers were baffled.
inexcusably : adv. 无法原谅地 The vendor's header file was inexcusably wrong.
head off : Another way to head off problems is to verify that expected or necessary properties hold before (pre-condition) and after (post-condition) some piece of code executes.
apocryphal : 杜撰的,来历不明的 The following story might be apocryphal, but we'll tell it anyway.