无论书还是博客, 耦合这个词已被无数人说烂,任何一位程序员都会告诉你设计软件要注意低耦合,可究竟什么是低耦合?每次去查这个问题,就会牵扯出各种术语和理论,让人头晕。最近看了一些英文资料,发现低耦合其实没那么复杂。
“耦合”翻译自英文(coupling),英文描述是:"when a component has a dependency on something else". 这句话简单易懂--当一个组件对其他东西有依赖就叫耦合,为方便描述,先给段代码:
public class EmailService { public void SendMessage() { } } public class NotificationSystem { private EmailService svc; public NotificationSystem() { svc = new EmailService(); } public void InterestingEventHappend() { svc.SendMessage(); } }
高耦合翻译自“tightly coupled”,描述是这样的:"A class that knows a lot about the other classes it interacts with is said to be tightly coupled".翻译过来就是---它知道的太多了。^_^
public interface IMessageService { void SendMessage(); } public class EmailService : IMessageService { public void SendMessage() { } } public class NotificationSystem { private IMessageService svc; public NotificationSystem() { svc = new EmailService(); } public void InterestingEventHappend() { svc.SendMessage(); } }
与之前比较,svc变量类型变成了接口IMessageService ,从而使NotificationSystem依赖IMessageService接口,而不是EmailService类。 但svc通过new 方式赋值,这让两个类藕断丝连,一旦EmailService变化,NotificationSystem也跟着变,违背了开闭原则。
想彻底解耦,就要换一种方式对svc赋值,于是想到控制反转模式,控制反转翻译自“inversion of control”简称Ioc,一句话描述:“Moving the creation of dependencies outside of the class that consumes those dependencies”,简单翻译过来就是:在外面创建这个类。
public interface IMessageService { void SendMessage(); } public class EmailService : IMessageService { public void SendMessage() { } } public interface IServiceLocator { IMessageService GetMessageService(); } public class NotificationSystem { private IMessageService svc; public NotificationSystem(IServiceLocator locator) { svc = locator.GetMessageService(); } public void InterestingEventHappend() { svc.SendMessage(); } }
从代码看出,现在svc是通过IServiceLocator接口类创建,从而让原类之间解耦。IServiceLocator的实现类就像工厂模式,通过参数或配置文件等决定生成哪个类。然而这种做法让IServiceLocator和IMessageService 的实现类之间增加了耦合,每添加一个IMessageService 的实现类,就要修改IServiceLocator的代码,可能是switch或连续的if,这样看似不错的模式仍然违反开闭原则:
public class ServiceLocator:IServiceLocator { public IMessageService GetMessageService() { string type = "type1"; switch (type) { case "type1":return new EmailService1(); case "type2": return new EmailService2(); case "type3": return new EmailService3(); ………… } } }
public class NotificationSystem { private IMessageService svc; public NotificationSystem(IMessageService messageService) { svc = messageService; } public void InterestingEventHappend() { svc.SendMessage(); } }
var builder = new ContainerBuilder(); builder.RegisterType<EmailService>().As<IMessageService>();
IMessageService messageService= container.Resolve<IMessageService>(); NotificationSystem system=new NotificationSystem(messageService);
参考资料:<Professional Asp.Net MVC 3>