环境:Sql Server2000 +sp4
select datediff(day,'20040910','20040920') --这句可以执行
--sub_para为varchar(8),错误信息是:从字符串转换为 datetime 时发生语法错误。
select * from T_SUB
where item_local_code='03004'
and datediff(day,sub_para,getdate())=29
and (sub_del_flag<>1)
select * from t_sub
where item_local_code='03004'
and isDate(sub_para)=0
--导致先执行了 datediff(day,sub_para,getdate())
create table tb(
item_local_code char(5),
sub_del_flag int,
sub_para varchar(10),
constraint PK_t primary key(sub_para,item_local_code)
insert tb select '03004',1,'2003-1-1'
union all select '03005',1,'2003a1-1'
select * from (
select * from tb
where item_local_code='03004'
and sub_del_flag<>0
and isdate(sub_para)=1
) A where datediff(day,sub_para,getdate())>29
drop table tb
item_local_code sub_del_flag sub_para
--------------- ------------ ----------
03004 1 2003-1-1
服务器: 消息 241,级别 16,状态 1,行 3
从字符串转换为 datetime 时发生语法错误。