Delphi Data Types


Integer Data Types

Type Description Pointer
Byte 8-bit unsigned integer PByte
ShortInt 8-bit signed integer PShortInt
Word 16-bit unsigned integer PWord
SmallInt 16-bit signed integer PSmallInt
Cardinal 32-bit unsigned integer PCardinal
LongWord 32-bit unsigned integer PLongWord
DWord 32-bit unsigned integer PLongWord
Integer 32-bit signed integer PInteger
LongInt 32-bit signed integer PLongint
UInt64 64-bit unsigned integer PUInt64
Int64 64-bit signed integer PInt64
NativeUInt 64-bit or 32-bit platform-dependent unsigned integer PNativeUInt
NativeInt 64-bit or 32-bit platform-dependent signed integer PNativeInt

Floating-point Data Types

Type Description Pointer Record
Single Single precision floating-point value (4 bytes) PSingle TSingleRec
Double Double precision floating-point value (8 bytes) PDouble TDoubleRec
Extended Extended precision floating-point value (10 bytes on Win32, but 8 bytes on Win64) 
See page about multi-device applications.
PExtended TExtended80Rec
Real Alias of Double N/A N/A

String and Character Data Types

Type Description Pointer
AnsiChar ANSI character PAnsiChar
Char Wide character (16-bit) PChar
WideChar 16-bit character PWideChar
AnsiString Represents a dynamically allocated ANSI string whose maximum length is limited only by available memory. PAnsiString
RawByteString Use as a "codepage-agnostic" parameter to a method or function, or as a variable type to store BLOB data. PRawByteString
UnicodeString Unicode string PUnicodeString
String Alias for UnicodeString PString
ShortString A string of maximum 255 characters PShortString
WideString A string of 16-bit characters PWideString

File Data Types

Type Description Pointer
File File descriptor  
TextFileText Text file descriptor  

Boolean Data Types

Type Description Pointer
Boolean Represents a logical value (true or false). PBoolean
ByteBool Represents an 8-bit logical value.  
WordBool Represents a 16-bit logical value. PWordBool
LongBool Represents a 32-bit logical value. PLongBool


Other Data Types


Type Description Pointer
Array Represents an indexed collection of elements of the same type.  
Record Represents a heterogeneous set of elements.  
Variant Represents values that can change type at run time. PVariant
Pointer Represents a pointer to data of any type. PPointer
Currency A fixed-point data type used to hold monetary values. PCurrency
