faster rcnn 的重新训练

Beyond the demo: installation for training and testing models

  1. Download the training, validation, test data and VOCdevkit

  2. Extract all of these tars into one directory named VOCdevkit

    tar xvf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar
    tar xvf VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar
    tar xvf VOCdevkit_08-Jun-2007.tar
  3. It should have this basic structure

    $VOCdevkit/                           # development kit
    $VOCdevkit/VOCcode/                   # VOC utility code
    $VOCdevkit/VOC2007                    # image sets, annotations, etc.
    # ... and several other directories ...
  4. Create symlinks for the PASCAL VOC dataset

    cd $FRCN_ROOT/data #这里需要注意,$VOCdevkit代表路径变量,若echo $VOCdevkit为空则不能成功 
    ln -s $VOCdevkit VOCdevkit2007 #因此要先设置临时路径变量VOCdevkit=../VOCdevkit,因为我VOCdevkit目录在$FRCN_ROOT下

    Using symlinks is a good idea because you will likely want to share the same PASCAL dataset installation between multiple projects.

  5. [Optional] follow similar steps to get PASCAL VOC 2010 and 2012
  6. [Optional] If you want to use COCO, please see some notes under data/
  7. Follow the next sections to download pre-trained ImageNet models

Download pre-trained ImageNet models

Pre-trained ImageNet models can be downloaded for the three networks described in the paper: ZF and VGG16.


VGG16 comes from the Caffe Model Zoo, but is provided here for your convenience. ZF was trained at MSRA.


To train and test a Faster R-CNN detector using the alternating optimization algorithm from our NIPS 2015 paper, useexperiments/scripts/ Output is written underneath $FRCN_ROOT/output.

./experiments/scripts/ [GPU_ID] [NET] [--set ...]
# GPU_ID is the GPU you want to train on
# NET in {ZF, VGG_CNN_M_1024, VGG16} is the network arch to use
# --set ... allows you to specify fast_rcnn.config options, e.g.
#   --set EXP_DIR seed_rng1701 RNG_SEED 1701

("alt opt" refers to the alternating optimization training algorithm described in the NIPS paper.)

To train and test a Faster R-CNN detector using the approximate joint training method, useexperiments/scripts/ Output is written underneath $FRCN_ROOT/output.

./experiments/scripts/ [GPU_ID] [NET] [--set ...]
# GPU_ID is the GPU you want to train on
# NET in {ZF, VGG_CNN_M_1024, VGG16} is the network arch to use
# --set ... allows you to specify fast_rcnn.config options, e.g.
#   --set EXP_DIR seed_rng1701 RNG_SEED 1701

This method trains the RPN module jointly with the Fast R-CNN network, rather than alternating between training the two. It results in faster (~ 1.5x speedup) training times and similar detection accuracy. See these slides for more details.

Artifacts generated by the scripts in tools are written in this directory.

Trained Fast R-CNN networks are saved under:


Test outputs are saved under:

