Win10 下使用 VS2008 开发 WinCE 应用可能遇到的问题(2)

对 Win10 下使用 VS2008 开发 WinCE 应用可能遇到的问题 的完善与补充。

更新 Win10 后使用 VS2008 又出现不能通过 VS2008 Deploy & Debug WinCE7 应用的问题。

1>------ Deploy started: Project: SystemLog, Configuration: Release WinCE7_SDK (ARMv4I) ------
1>The required ActiveSync proxy ports are not registered. Please launch Visual Studio in elevated administrator mode once to register this.

以管理员权限重新打开 VS2008 后,出现新的错误提示,如下:
1>------ Deploy started: Project: SystemLog, Configuration: Release WinCE7_SDK  (ARMv4I) ------
1>All attempts to connect to the deployment target at port 5655 have failed. Addresses attempted:
1>The device security configuration may have disallowed the connection. Ensure that you have the appropriate certificates on your device for development. Review your SDK documentation for proper security settings for connecting to this device.
1>Connect to device failed.

重启PC后,则可以正常Run & 调试了。

设备掉电后重新连接,按 F5 后出错如下的错误提示:
1>------ Deploy started: Project: SystemLog, Configuration: Release WinCE7_SDK (ARMv4I) ------
1>RPC 服务器不可用。

重启 VS2008 后正常。

你可能感兴趣的:(Win10 下使用 VS2008 开发 WinCE 应用可能遇到的问题(2))