git push fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. An error occurred while sending the request

1、windows7 向github提交代码报错:

$ git push
fatal: HttpRequestException encountered.
   An error occurred while sending the request.
fatal: HttpRequestException encountered.
   An error occurred while sending the request.
Username for '':

git push fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. An error occurred while sending the request_第1张图片

2、hexo 向 github中提交报错

fatal: could not read Username for '':No error

git push fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. An error occurred while sending the request_第2张图片

git push fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. An error occurred while sending the request_第3张图片

首先以为是公钥出错了,本地重新生成公钥,添加到github上,还是不行;用 SourceTree 测试git项目OK;猜测是git安装包出现问题,卸载git安装包,安装最新安装包,问题解决;
