Gartner 2019年关于数据分析和数据库的最新预测:图数据库未来年增长率会在100%


Trend No. 5: Graph Graph analytics is a set of analytic techniques that allows for the exploration of relationships between entities of interest such as organizations, people and transactions. The application of graph processing and graph DBMSs will grow at 100 percent annually through 2022 to continuously accelerate data preparation and enable more complex and adaptive data science. Graph data stores can efficiently model, explore and query data with complex interrelationships across data silos, but the need for specialized skills has limited their adoption to date, according to Gartner. Graph analytics will grow in the next few years due to the need to ask complex questions across complex data, which is not always practical or even possible at scale using SQL queries.


图分析是一种分析技术,能够方便地处理和探索组织、人员和交易等感兴趣的实体之间的关系。 到2022年,图分析处理和图数据库(DBMS)的应用将以每年100%的速度增长,从而不断加速数据准备、以实现更复杂和自适应的数据科学。 根据Gartner的说法,图数据存储可以跨越数据孤岛、并有效地建模、探索和查询数据,但是目前拥有相关专业技能人才缺乏的限制了其采用。 由于需要在复杂数据中提出复杂问题,图分析将在未来几年内高速增长;而使用SQL查询(在关系型数据库之上)实现相关分析是不切实际、甚至完全不可能的。

全文如下: Gartner Top 10 Data Trends 2019
