本来感觉应该是不会写博客的,而且也不是很擅长写 博客。但在后来,突然醒悟到,博客这个东西,实际上并不是给别人看的(感觉也不会有人看),更重要的,是给自己一个提示,一个记录。只有把原始森林中所有的危险地点全部都标记下来,下次来的时候才不会重蹈覆辙。
游戏要分多个 round , 飞碟数量每个 round 都是 n 个,但色彩,大小;发射位置,速度,角度,每次发射数量可以变化。
游戏过程中,仅能创建 n 个飞碟, 且不容许初始化阶段生成任何飞碟。 飞碟线路计算请使用 mathf 类。 向下加速度 a 是常数。 飞碟被用户击中,则回收。并按你定义的规则计算分数。飞碟落地(y < c),则自动回收。
文本框组:在 Component的UI里新建text,并设置三个文本,分别表示当前回合数,当前分数和倒计时。
运用enum Status,进行不同类在执行完动作后的回调函数中切换状态,并且利用Singleton类保持类的唯一性。
void Update() {
if (nowState == 符合当前类执行的状态) {
// 实现当前类操作
if (任务完成条件达成) {
// 重置或者设置某些状态
nowState = 符合下一个类执行的状态;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:动作基类文件
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/04/01 14:14:33
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Tem.Action
public enum SSActionEventType : int { STARTED, COMPLETED }
public interface ISSActionCallback
void SSEventAction(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.COMPLETED,
int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objParam = null);
public class SSAction : ScriptableObject // 动作的基类
public bool enable = true;
public bool destory = false;
public GameObject gameObject { get; set; }
public Transform transform { get; set; }
public ISSActionCallback callback { get; set; }
public virtual void Start()
throw new System.NotImplementedException("Action Start Error!");
public virtual void Update()
throw new System.NotImplementedException("Action Update Error!");
public class CCMoveToAction : SSAction
public Vector3 target;
public float speed;
public static CCMoveToAction GetSSAction(Vector3 _target, float _speed)
CCMoveToAction currentAction = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
currentAction.target = _target;
currentAction.speed = _speed;
return currentAction;
public override void Start()
public override void Update()
this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.position, target, speed * Time.deltaTime);
if (this.transform.position == target)
this.destory = true;
public class CCBezierMoveAction : SSAction // 仅用于三次贝塞尔曲线
public List vectors;
public Vector3 target;
public float speed;
private Vector3 begin;
private float t;
private bool firstTime;
/*private Vector3 vector2begin;
private Vector3 vector2mid;
private Vector3 vector2end;
private Vector3 vector3begin;
private Vector3 vector3end;
private float timeBegin;
private float timeDiff;*/
public static CCBezierMoveAction GetCCBezierMoveAction(List _vectors, float _speed)
// vector里面最后一个值是目标位置
CCBezierMoveAction action = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
action.vectors = _vectors;
action.target = _vectors[_vectors.Count - 1];
action.vectors.RemoveAt(action.vectors.Count - 1);
action.speed = _speed;
return action;
public override void Start() // 公式写法
//timeDiff = 0;
firstTime = true;
t = 0;
public override void Update()
if (firstTime)
speed = speed / Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, target) / 1.5f;
// 速度除以相对距离并除以2作为速度比
begin = this.transform.position;
firstTime = false;
t += Time.deltaTime * speed;
if (t > 1) t = 1;
float _t = 1 - t;
this.transform.position = begin * Mathf.Pow(_t, 3) + 3 * vectors[0] * Mathf.Pow(_t, 2) * t
+ 3 * vectors[1] * _t * Mathf.Pow(t, 2) + target * Mathf.Pow(t, 3);
if (this.transform.position == target)
this.destory = true;
/*public override void Update() // 正常写法
timeDiff += Time.deltaTime;
vector2begin = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.position, vectors[0], speed * timeDiff);
vector2mid = Vector3.Lerp(vectors[0], vectors[1], speed * timeDiff);
vector2end = Vector3.Lerp(vectors[1], target, speed * timeDiff);
// 第一次计算差值
vector3begin = Vector3.Lerp(vector2begin, vector2mid, speed * timeDiff);
vector3end = Vector3.Lerp(vector2mid, vector2end, speed * timeDiff);
// 第二次计算差值
this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(vector3begin, vector3end, speed * timeDiff);
// 最后一次计算差值
if (this.transform.position == target)
this.destory = true;
public class CCSequenceAction : SSAction, ISSActionCallback
public List sequence;
public int repeat = -1;
public int start = 0;
public static CCSequenceAction GetSSAction(List _sequence, int _start = 0, int _repead = 1)
CCSequenceAction actions = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
actions.sequence = _sequence;
actions.start = _start;
actions.repeat = _repead;
return actions;
public override void Start()
foreach (SSAction ac in sequence)
ac.gameObject = this.gameObject;
ac.transform = this.transform;
ac.callback = this;
public override void Update()
if (sequence.Count == 0) return;
if (start < sequence.Count) sequence[start].Update();
public void SSEventAction(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.COMPLETED,
int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objParam = null) //通过对callback函数的调用执行下个动作
source.destory = false; // 当前动作不能销毁(有可能执行下一次)
if (this.start >= this.sequence.Count)
this.start = 0;
if (this.repeat > 0) repeat--;
if (this.repeat == 0)
this.destory = true;
private void OnDestroy()
this.destory = true;
public class SSActionManager : MonoBehaviour
private Dictionary<int, SSAction> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, SSAction>();
private List watingAddAction = new List();
private List<int> watingDelete = new List<int>();
protected void Start()
protected void Update()
foreach (SSAction ac in watingAddAction) dictionary[ac.GetInstanceID()] = ac;
// 将待加入动作加入dictionary执行
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SSAction> dic in dictionary)
SSAction ac = dic.Value;
if (ac.destory) watingDelete.Add(ac.GetInstanceID());
else if (ac.enable) ac.Update();
// 如果要删除,加入要删除的list,否则更新
foreach (int id in watingDelete)
SSAction ac = dictionary[id];
// 将deletelist中的动作删除
public void runAction(GameObject gameObject, SSAction action, ISSActionCallback callback)
action.gameObject = gameObject;
action.transform = gameObject.transform;
action.callback = callback;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
public class ChangeScriptTemplates : UnityEditor.AssetModificationProcessor
// 添加脚本注释模板
private static string str =
"// ========================================================\r\n"
+"// 描 述:\r\n"
+"// 作 者:hza \r\n"
+"// 创建时间:#CreateTime#\r\n"
+"// 版 本:v 1.0\r\n"
+"// ========================================================\r\n\n";
// 创建资源调用
public static void OnWillCreateAsset(string path)
// 只修改C#脚本
path = path.Replace(".meta", "");
if (path.EndsWith(".cs"))
string allText = str;
allText += File.ReadAllText(path);
// 替换字符串为系统时间
allText = allText.Replace("#CreateTime#",System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"));
File.WriteAllText(path, allText);
// ========================================================
// 描 述:这是一个单实例模板,用来引用别的继承monobehaviour的单实例类
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/03/27 00:02:13
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Singleton : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour {
// 私有static变量
protected static T instance;
public static T Instance
if (instance == null)
// 在场景里寻找该类
instance = (T)FindObjectOfType(typeof(T));
if (instance == null)
Debug.LogError("An instance of " + typeof(T) +
" is needed in the scene, but it not!");
return instance;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:场景控制,主要控制开始结束按钮和场景启动
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/03/27 00:21:36
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using My.Disk;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public enum Status { BEGIN, COUNTING, WATING, GAMING, OVER }
public class SceneController : MonoBehaviour
public ParticleSystem boom;
public Text centerText;
public Text scoreText;
public Text roundText;
public ScoreRecorder recorder;
RoundController round;
public Status nowState;
void Start()
nowState = Status.BEGIN;
centerText.text = "";
roundText.text = "";
recorder = new ScoreRecorder(scoreText);
round = Singleton.Instance;
// 初始设置
private void OnGUI()
if (nowState == Status.BEGIN)
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 30), "Game Rule"))
GUI.TextArea(new Rect(120, 10, Screen.width / 2, 30), "点击空格开始关卡,鼠标点击射击,击中所有目标即可进行下一关");
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height / 2 - 25, 100, 50), "Play Game"))
nowState = Status.WATING;
else if (nowState == Status.OVER)
if (GUI.RepeatButton(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height * 3 / 4 - 25, 100, 50), "Reset Game"))
public void restart()
centerText.text = "";
roundText.text = "";
nowState = Status.BEGIN;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:用来计算得分,加减分数后将得分面板刷新
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/03/29 21:53:48
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ScoreRecorder {
public Text scoreText;
// 计分板
private int score;
// 纪录分数
public ScoreRecorder(Text _scoreText)
scoreText = _scoreText;
public void resetScore()
score = 0;
// 飞碟点击中加分
public void addScore(int addscore)
score += addscore;
scoreText.text = "Score:" + score;
public void setDisActive()
scoreText.text = "";
public void setActive()
scoreText.text = "Score:" + score;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:用于回合数控制,回合循环
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/04/02 20:22:30
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class RoundController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text roundText;
public Text centerText;
// 外部引用
SceneController scene;
Count count;
ScoreRecorder recorder;
DiskActionManager actionManager;
// 类间引用
int round;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
scene = Singleton.Instance;
count = Singleton.Instance;
actionManager = Singleton.Instance;
recorder = scene.recorder;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (scene.nowState == Status.WATING)
// 等待阶段
centerText.text = "Round:" + round;
if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
scene.nowState = Status.COUNTING;
// 开始计数
public void runRound()
public void NextRound()
public void resetRound()
round = 1;
// 用于暂停显示回合数和当前分数
public void PauseRecord()
roundText.text = "";
// 用于恢复显示回合数和当前分数
public void ResumeRecord()
roundText.text = "Round:" + round;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:用于回合间的计数
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/03/27 22:46:23
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Count : MonoBehaviour {
public Text centerText;
bool active = false;
float beginTime;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (!active) return;
// 不活跃
beginTime -= Time.deltaTime;
if (beginTime > 0)
centerText.text = " " + countingNumber();
centerText.text = "";
SceneController scene = Singleton.Instance;
scene.nowState = Status.GAMING;
RoundController round = Singleton.Instance;
active = false;
// 设置为不活跃
public void beginCount()
beginTime = 3;
active = true;
private int countingNumber()
return (int)beginTime + 1;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:用于管理飞碟飞行,其中包含FlyAction类
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/04/01 14:25:14
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Tem.Action;
using My.Disk;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class FlyAction : SSAction
public Vector3 firstDirect;
// 飞行方向
private float time;
// 已经飞行时间
private static float g = 5f;
public static FlyAction GetSSAction(Vector3 _firstDirect)
FlyAction currentAction = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance();
currentAction.firstDirect = _firstDirect;
currentAction.time = 0;
return currentAction;
public override void Start()
public override void Update()
if (!this.gameObject.activeSelf) // 如果飞碟已经回收
this.destory = true;
this.callback.SSEventAction(this, SSActionEventType.STARTED);
time += Time.deltaTime;
transform.position += Time.deltaTime * firstDirect;
// 各个方向的匀速运动
transform.position += Vector3.down * g * time * Time.deltaTime;
// 竖直方向的匀加速运动
if (this.transform.position.y < 0)
this.destory = true;
DiskFactory fac = Singleton.Instance;
// 回收飞碟
public class DiskActionManager : SSActionManager, ISSActionCallback {
public GameObject cam;
public Text centerText;
DiskFactory dic;
Vector3 leftEmitPos = new Vector3(-15, 10, -5);
Vector3 rightRmitPos = new Vector3(15, 10, -5);
int sumNum;
bool isLose;
new void Start () {
dic = Singleton.Instance;
// Update is called once per frame
new void Update () {
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
Ray ray = cam.GetComponent().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
// 获取射线
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit) && hit.collider.tag == "Disk")
// 如果点击的物体是Disk
SceneController scene = Singleton.Instance;
scene.recorder.addScore(10); // 射中+10分
/*boom.transform.position = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.position;
boom.GetComponent().material.color = hit.collider.GetComponent().material.color;
// 粒子爆炸效果*/
// 点中,毁掉自身脚本,返回工厂
public void runActionByRound(int round)
sumNum = round;
isLose = false;
GameObject disk;
for (int i = 0; i < round; i += 2)
disk = dic.setDiskOnPos(leftEmitPos);
FlyAction fly = FlyAction.GetSSAction(new Vector3(Random.Range(5f, 20), Random.Range(2.5f, 5), Random.Range(0, 0.75f)));
this.runAction(disk, fly, this);
for (int i = 1; i < round; i += 2)
disk = dic.setDiskOnPos(rightRmitPos);
FlyAction fly = FlyAction.GetSSAction(new Vector3(Random.Range(-20f, -5f), Random.Range(2.5f, 5), Random.Range(0, 0.75f)));
this.runAction(disk, fly, this);
// 设置飞碟发射,发射round个飞碟
// 回调函数
public void SSEventAction(SSAction source, SSActionEventType events = SSActionEventType.COMPLETED,
int intParam = 0, string strParam = null, Object objParam = null)
if (events == SSActionEventType.COMPLETED)
// 落到y轴以下
isLose = true;
if (sumNum == 0)
// 如果本回合结束
SceneController scene = Singleton.Instance;
if (isLose)
centerText.text = " LOSE";
scene.nowState = Status.OVER;
RoundController round = Singleton.Instance;
scene.nowState = Status.WATING;
// ========================================================
// 描 述:飞碟工厂,用来生产飞碟和保留不用的飞碟
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/03/27 00:02:54
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace My.Disk
public class DiskFactory : MonoBehaviour
private static List used = new List();
// 正在使用的对象链表
private static List free = new List();
// 正在空闲的对象链表
DiskInformation inf;
private void Start()
inf = new DiskInformation();
// 此函数表示将Target物体放到一个位置
public GameObject setDiskOnPos(Vector3 targetposition)
if (free.Count == 0)
GameObject aGameObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("prefabs/Cylinder")
, targetposition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
// 新建实例,将位置设置成为targetposition
used[used.Count - 1].SetActive(true);
used[used.Count - 1].transform.position = targetposition;
inf.processDisk(used[used.Count - 1]);
// 加工disk
return used[used.Count - 1];
public void freeDisk(GameObject oj)
// ========================================================
// 描 述:此类保存Disk的各种information,和构建disk的属性
// 作 者:hza
// 创建时间:2017/03/28 20:33:20
// 版 本:v 1.0
// ========================================================
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DiskInformation
private Color color;
private float scale;
public void processDisk(GameObject _disk)
color = new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
_disk.GetComponent().material.color = color;
// 初始化color
scale = Random.Range(2f, 4f);
_disk.transform.localScale *= scale;
// 初始化大小
public void processDisk(GameObject _disk, Color _color, float _scale)
_disk.GetComponent().material.color = _color;
_disk.transform.localScale *= _scale;
// 自己设置color和大小