本文介绍了由Sara Sabour,Nicholas Frosst和Geoffrey Hinton所著的论文“胶囊之间的动态路由”。在这篇文章中,我们将描述胶囊的基本概念,并应用胶囊网络(capsnet)检测MNIST数据集中的数字。在本文最后的第三部分中,我们对其做一个具体的实现。代码实现来源于xifengguo,基于Tensorflow的Keras。
如果我们将毕加索的肖像画“Portrait of woman in d`hermine pass”输入到一个CNN分类器,那么此分类器有多大几率将其识别 为一个真正的人脸?
CNN擅长检测特征,但对于特征(透视、大小、方向)之间的空间关系检测效果较差。例如,下面的图片可能会欺骗一个简单的 CNN模型,使其认为这是一个很好的素描的人的脸。
With feature property as part of the information extracted by capsules, we may generalize the model better without an over extensive amount of labeled data.
A capsule is a group of neurons that not only capture the likelihood but also the parameters of the specific feature.
例如,下面的第一行表示由神经元检测到数字“7”的概率。一个二维胶囊由2个神经元组成。这个胶囊输出一个二维向量来检测数字“7”。对于第一张图像的第二排,它输出向量 v=(0,0.9) v = ( 0 , 0.9 ) 。向量的大小 ||v||=02+0.92−−−−−−−√=0.9 | | v | | = 0 2 + 0.9 2 = 0.9 对应检测到“7”的概率。每一行的第二个图像看起来更像是“1”而不是“7”。因此,其相应的可能性为“7”的概率更小(更小的标量值或向量大小但方向相同)。
We call the output vector of a capsule as the activity vector with magnitude represents the probability of detecting a feature and its orientation represents its parameters (properties).
我们收集了3个不同大小和方向的相似草图,并以像素为单位测量了嘴巴和眼睛的水平宽度。其中 s(1)=(100,66),s(2)=(200,131),s(3)=(50,33). s ( 1 ) = ( 100 , 66 ) , s ( 2 ) = ( 200 , 131 ) , s ( 3 ) = ( 50 , 33 ) .
对于一个胶囊来说,输入 ui u i 和输出 vj v j 都是向量。
我们将变换矩阵 Wij W i j 与前一层胶囊的输出 ui u i 相乘。例如,对于一个 p×k p × k 矩阵,将 ui u i 转换为 u^j|i u ^ j | i ,维度从k变为p, ((p×k)×(k×1)⟹p×1) ( ( p × k ) × ( k × 1 ) ⟹ p × 1 ) 。然后根据权重 cij c i j 计算加权和 sj s j 。
cij c i j 为耦合系数,通过迭代的动态路由(将在下面讨论)过程计算得到,并且规定 ∑jcij ∑ j c i j 和为1,从概念上讲, cij c i j 衡量胶囊 i i 有多大可能激活胶囊 j j 。
对于 sj s j 的激活函数,我们采用squashing而不是ReLU,所以胶囊的最终输出向量 vj v j 的长度在0到1之间。该函数将小向量压缩为零,大向量压缩为单位向量。
在胶囊中,我们通过迭代的动态路由计算中间值 cij c i j (耦合系数)来计算胶囊的输出。
直观上看,预测向量 u^j|i u ^ j | i 是来自胶囊 i i 的预测(投票)并对胶囊 j j 的输出产生影响。如果激活向量与预测向量有很高的相似度,那么我们就可以断定这两个胶囊是高度相关的。这种相似性是通过预测向量和激活向量的标量积来度量的。
因此,相似度得分 bij b i j 会同时考虑到可能性和特征属性,而不像神经元只考虑可能性。同时,如果胶囊 i i 的激活 ui u i 很低,由于 u^j|i u ^ j | i 的长度与 ui u i 成正比, bij b i j 仍然会较低,即如果嘴巴胶囊没有激活, bij b i j 在嘴巴胶囊和人脸胶囊之间仍然很低。
耦合系数 cij c i j 由 bij b i j 的softmax计算得到:
Routing a capsule to the capsule in the layer above based on relevancy is called Routing-by-agreement.
动态路由并不能完全替代反向传播。转换矩阵 W W 仍然使用成本函数通过反向传播训练。我们只是使用动态路由来计算胶囊的输出。通过计算 cij c i j 来量化胶囊与其父胶囊之间的连接。这个值很重要,但生命周期很短暂。对于每一个数据点,在进行动态路由计算之前,我们都将它重新初始化为0。在计算胶囊输出时,无论是训练或测试,都需要重新做动态路由计算。
W W 则通过全局成本函数使用反向传播算法来训练得到。而迭代动态路由提供了一种通过使用本地特征的属性来计算胶囊如何激活的替代方法。从理论上讲,这样可以更好更简单地组合胶囊,形成一个有更低的对抗风险的解析树。
胶囊的迭代动态路由只是协议路由(routing-by-agreement)的一个展示。在关于胶囊的第二篇论文“Matrix capsules with EM routing”中,提出了一种新的基于期望最大化(EM)路由的矩阵胶囊[可能性,4x4姿态矩阵]。其姿态矩阵用来捕捉不同的视角,因此胶囊可以捕捉不同方位角和俯仰角的物体。
图像将喂给一个标准的卷积层ReLU Conv1。它使用256个9x9内核,产生256个通道的输出(特征映射)。其步长为1,无填充,将空间维数降低到20X20(28-9+1=20)。
然后数据进入一个修改过的用于支持胶囊的卷积层PrimaryCapsules。它生成一个8维向量而不是标量。PrimaryCapsules通过8x32个卷积核生成32个8维的胶囊(即8个输出神经元组合在一起构成一个胶囊)。PrimaryCapsules采用9x9卷积核,步长为2,无填充,将空间维度从20x20减小到到6x6( ⌊20−92⌋+1=6 ⌊ 20 − 9 2 ⌋ + 1 = 6 )。在PrimaryCapsules中,共有32x6x6个胶囊。
然后数据进入DigiCaps层,它通过一个形状为16x8的转换矩阵 Wij W i j 将8维胶囊转换为16维胶囊,每一个胶囊对应于一个数字类别 j j (从1到10)。
类别 j j 最终的输出 vj v j 为:
因为有10个类别,DigiCaps的形状是10x16(10个16-D向量)。每个向量 vj v j 作为类别 j j 的胶囊。图像被分类为 j j 的概率可通过计算 ||vj|| | | v j | | 得到。在我们的例子中,图像的标签是7,而 v7 v 7 是我们输入的潜在表示。通过2个全连接隐藏层,我们可以从 v7 v 7 中重构 28x28的图像。
层 | 使用 | 输出形状 |
Image | 原图像阵列 | 28x28x1 |
ReLU Conv1 | 卷积层,9x9内核,256个通道,步长1,无填充,ReLU激活 | 20x20x256 |
PrimaryCapsules | 卷积胶囊层,9x9内核,输出32x6x6个8维胶囊,步长2,无填充 | 6x6x32x8 |
DigiCaps | 胶囊的输出由 Wij W i j 计算得到( i i 从1到32x6x6, j j 从1到10) | 10x16 |
FC1 | 全连接层,ReLU激活 | 512 |
FC2 | 全连接层,ReLU激活 | 1024 |
Output image | 全连接层,sigmoid激活 | 784 (28x28) |
Our capsule layers use convolution kernels to explore locality information.
在我们的示例中,我们希望检测一张图片中的多个数字。胶囊对于出现在画面中的每个类别的数字 c c 使用一个单独的边距损失 Lc L c :
如果一个类别的对象存在时 Tc=1 T c = 1 。 m+=0.9,m−=−0.1 m + = 0.9 , m − = − 0.1 。 λ λ 下加权(默认为0.5)通过收缩所有类的激活向量停止初始学习。总损失即是所有类别的损失的总和。
def margin_loss(y_true, y_pred):
:param y_true: [None, n_classes]
:param y_pred: [None, num_capsule]
:return: a scalar loss value.
L = y_true * K.square(K.maximum(0., 0.9 - y_pred)) + \
0.5 * (1 - y_true) * K.square(K.maximum(0., y_pred - 0.1))
return K.mean(K.sum(L, 1))
def CapsNet(input_shape, n_class, num_routing):
:param input_shape: (None, width, height, channels)
:param n_class: number of classes
:param num_routing: number of routing iterations
:return: A Keras Model with 2 inputs (image, label) and
2 outputs (capsule output and reconstruct image)
# Image
x = layers.Input(shape=input_shape)
# ReLU Conv1
conv1 = layers.Conv2D(filters=256, kernel_size=9, strides=1,
padding='valid', activation='relu', name='conv1')(x)
# PrimaryCapsules: Conv2D layer with `squash` activation,
# reshape to [None, num_capsule, dim_vector]
primarycaps = PrimaryCap(conv1, dim_vector=8, n_channels=32,
kernel_size=9, strides=2, padding='valid')
# DigiCap: Capsule layer. Routing algorithm works here.
digitcaps = DigiCaps(num_capsule=n_class, dim_vector=16,
num_routing=num_routing, name='digitcaps')(primarycaps)
# The length of the capsule's output vector
out_caps = Length(name='out_caps')(digitcaps)
# Decoder network.
y = layers.Input(shape=(n_class,))
# The true label is used to extract the corresponding vj
masked = Mask()([digitcaps, y])
x_recon = layers.Dense(512, activation='relu')(masked)
x_recon = layers.Dense(1024, activation='relu')(x_recon)
x_recon = layers.Dense(784, activation='sigmoid')(x_recon)
x_recon = layers.Reshape(target_shape=[28, 28, 1], name='out_recon')(x_recon)
# two-input-two-output keras Model
return models.Model([x, y], [out_caps, x_recon])
该胶囊的输出向量 ||vj|| | | v j | | 的长度对应于它属于类别 j j 的概率。例如, ||v7|| | | v 7 | | 是输入图像为7的概率。
class Length(layers.Layer):
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
# L2 length which is the square root
# of the sum of square of the capsule element
return K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(inputs), -1))
PrimaryCapsules将20x20 256通道数据转换为32x6x6的8维胶囊。
def PrimaryCap(inputs, dim_vector, n_channels, kernel_size, strides, padding):
Apply Conv2D `n_channels` times and concatenate all capsules
:param inputs: 4D tensor, shape=[None, width, height, channels]
:param dim_vector: the dim of the output vector of capsule
:param n_channels: the number of types of capsules
:return: output tensor, shape=[None, num_capsule, dim_vector]
output = layers.Conv2D(filters=dim_vector*n_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, strides=strides, padding=padding)(inputs)
outputs = layers.Reshape(target_shape=[-1, dim_vector])(output)
return layers.Lambda(squash)(outputs)
def squash(vectors, axis=-1):
The non-linear activation used in Capsule. It drives the length of a large vector to near 1 and small vector to 0
:param vectors: some vectors to be squashed, N-dim tensor
:param axis: the axis to squash
:return: a Tensor with same shape as input vectors
s_squared_norm = K.sum(K.square(vectors), axis, keepdims=True)
scale = s_squared_norm / (1 + s_squared_norm) / K.sqrt(s_squared_norm)
return scale * vectors
DigiCaps将PrimaryCapsules层中的胶囊转换为10个胶囊,每个代表一个类别 j j 的预测。以下是构造10个类别16维胶囊的代码:
# num_routing is default to 3
digitcaps = DigiCap(num_capsule=n_class, dim_vector=16,
num_routing=num_routing, name='digitcaps')(primarycaps)
output shape = (None, num_capsule (10), dim_vector(16) )
class DigiCap(layers.Layer):
The capsule layer.
:param num_capsule: number of capsules in this layer
:param dim_vector: dimension of the output vectors of the capsules in this layer
:param num_routings: number of iterations for the routing algorithm
def __init__(self, num_capsule, dim_vector, num_routing=3,
super(DigiCap, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.num_capsule = num_capsule # 10
self.dim_vector = dim_vector # 16
self.num_routing = num_routing # 3
self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer)
self.b_initializer = initializers.get(b_initializer)
def build(self, input_shape):
"The input Tensor should have shape=[None, input_num_capsule, input_dim_vector]"
assert len(input_shape) >= 3,
self.input_num_capsule = input_shape[1]
self.input_dim_vector = input_shape[2]
# Transform matrix W
self.W = self.add_weight(shape=[self.input_num_capsule, self.num_capsule,
self.input_dim_vector, self.dim_vector],
# Coupling coefficient.
# The redundant dimensions are just to facilitate subsequent matrix calculation.
self.b = self.add_weight(shape=[1, self.input_num_capsule, self.num_capsule, 1, 1],
self.built = True
def call(self, inputs, training=None):
# inputs.shape = (None, input_num_capsule, input_dim_vector)
# Expand dims to (None, input_num_capsule, 1, 1, input_dim_vector)
inputs_expand = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(inputs, 2), 2)
# Replicate num_capsule dimension to prepare being multiplied by W
# Now shape = [None, input_num_capsule, num_capsule, 1, input_dim_vector]
inputs_tiled = K.tile(inputs_expand, [1, 1, self.num_capsule, 1, 1])
# Compute `inputs * W` by scanning inputs_tiled on dimension 0.
# inputs_hat.shape = [None, input_num_capsule, num_capsule, 1, dim_vector]
inputs_hat = tf.scan(lambda ac, x: K.batch_dot(x, self.W, [3, 2]),
initializer=K.zeros([self.input_num_capsule, self.num_capsule, 1, self.dim_vector]))
# Routing algorithm
assert self.num_routing > 0, 'The num_routing should be > 0.'
for i in range(self.num_routing):
c = tf.nn.softmax(self.b, dim=2) # dim=2 is the num_capsule dimension
# outputs.shape=[None, 1, num_capsule, 1, dim_vector]
outputs = squash(K.sum(c * inputs_hat, 1, keepdims=True))
# last iteration needs not compute b which will not be passed to the graph any more anyway.
if i != self.num_routing - 1:
self.b += K.sum(inputs_hat * outputs, -1, keepdims=True)
return K.reshape(outputs, [-1, self.num_capsule, self.dim_vector])
build方法声明了self.W参数和self.b参数,分别代表转换矩阵 W W 和 bij b i j
def build(self, input_shape):
"The input Tensor should have shape=[None, input_num_capsule, input_dim_vector]"
assert len(input_shape) >= 3,
self.input_num_capsule = input_shape[1]
self.input_dim_vector = input_shape[2]
# Transform matrix W
self.W = self.add_weight(shape=[self.input_num_capsule, self.num_capsule,
self.input_dim_vector, self.dim_vector],
# Coupling coefficient.
# The redundant dimensions are just to facilitate subsequent matrix calculation.
self.b = self.add_weight(shape=[1, self.input_num_capsule, self.num_capsule, 1, 1],
self.built = True
代码首先展开了 ui u i 的维度,然后与 w w 相乘。然而,考虑到运行速度,对 Wijui W i j u i 的简单点积的实现(见注释)由tf.scan取代。
class DigiCap(layers.Layer):
def call(self, inputs, training=None):
# inputs.shape = (None, input_num_capsule, input_dim_vector)
# Expand dims to (None, input_num_capsule, 1, 1, input_dim_vector)
inputs_expand = K.expand_dims(K.expand_dims(inputs, 2), 2)
# Replicate num_capsule dimension to prepare being multiplied by W
# Now shape = [None, input_num_capsule, num_capsule, 1, input_dim_vector]
inputs_tiled = K.tile(inputs_expand, [1, 1, self.num_capsule, 1, 1])
# Compute `inputs * W`
# By expanding the first dim of W.
# W has shape (batch_size, input_num_capsule, num_capsule, input_dim_vector, dim_vector)
w_tiled = K.tile(K.expand_dims(self.W, 0), [self.batch_size, 1, 1, 1, 1])
# Transformed vectors,
inputs_hat.shape = (None, input_num_capsule, num_capsule, 1, dim_vector)
inputs_hat = K.batch_dot(inputs_tiled, w_tiled, [4, 3])
# However, we will implement the same code with a faster implementation using tf.sacn
# Compute `inputs * W` by scanning inputs_tiled on dimension 0.
# inputs_hat.shape = [None, input_num_capsule, num_capsule, 1, dim_vector]
inputs_hat = tf.scan(lambda ac, x: K.batch_dot(x, self.W, [3, 2]),
initializer=K.zeros([self.input_num_capsule, self.num_capsule, 1, self.dim_vector]))
class DigiCap(layers.Layer):
def call(self, inputs, training=None):
# Routing algorithm
assert self.num_routing > 0, 'The num_routing should be > 0.'
for i in range(self.num_routing): # Default: loop 3 times
c = tf.nn.softmax(self.b, dim=2) # dim=2 is the num_capsule dimension
# outputs.shape=[None, 1, num_capsule, 1, dim_vector]
outputs = squash(K.sum(c * inputs_hat, 1, keepdims=True))
# last iteration needs not compute b which will not be passed to the graph any more anyway.
if i != self.num_routing - 1:
self.b += K.sum(inputs_hat * outputs, -1, keepdims=True)
return K.reshape(outputs, [-1, self.num_capsule, self.dim_vector])
在训练中我们用真实的标签来选择 vj v j 并重建图像。然后我们通过将 vj v j 喂到 3个全连接层来重新生成原始图像。
在训练中用mask方法选择 vj v j
class Mask(layers.Layer):
Mask a Tensor with shape=[None, d1, d2] by the max value in axis=1.
Output shape: [None, d2]
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
# use true label to select target capsule, shape=[batch_size, num_capsule]
if type(inputs) is list: # true label is provided with shape = [batch_size, n_classes], i.e. one-hot code.
assert len(inputs) == 2
inputs, mask = inputs
else: # if no true label, mask by the max length of vectors of capsules
x = inputs
# Enlarge the range of values in x to make max(new_x)=1 and others < 0
x = (x - K.max(x, 1, True)) / K.epsilon() + 1
mask = K.clip(x, 0, 1) # the max value in x clipped to 1 and other to 0
# masked inputs, shape = [batch_size, dim_vector]
inputs_masked = K.batch_dot(inputs, mask, [1, 1])
return inputs_masked
将重构的损失 ||image−reconstructedimage|| | | i m a g e − r e c o n s t r u c t e d i m a g e | | 加入损失函数。训练网络并捕捉关键属性到胶囊中。然而,重构损失将会与一个正则因子(0.0005)相乘,所以它不主导边际损失。
Sara Sabour在GitHub发布了一个胶囊实现 Github Sara Sabour。由于这是一个正在进行的研究,期望实现可能与论文有所不同。