
20180206 Zhu WW: Testing theeories of gravitaion using 21-year timing of pulsar Binary J1713+0747

1. After using the 21 years timing of PSR J1713+0747, Zhu et al.(2015) upadated the measurements of the system properities, including the masses of the pulsar (1.31 ± 0.11 M⊙) and the companion white dwarf (0.286 ± 0.012 M⊙) as well as their parallax distance 1.15 ± 0.03 kpc.
(As describled in Zhu et al.(2015),the ...)
2. The timing analysis reported in this paper will be incorporated into future pulsar timing array projects.
(Our timing analysis in this paper will work as a footstone for future IPTA researches)
3. The masses of the binary components can be inferred through the measurement of the mass function and Shapiro delay (Splaver et al. 2005). The systemʼs distance is well-measured through a timing parallax.
(According to Splaver et al. (2005), we can calculate the masses of the binary components through measuring of the mass function and Shapiro delay)
4. We also find a stringent constraint on the intrinsic variation of the orbital period, which enable us to test alternative theories of gravitation.
5. The stability and long orbital period of the PSR J1713+0747 binary make it an excellent laboratory for observing the time variation of Newton.s gravitational “constant” G.(The PSR J1713+0747 binary is also an excellent laboratory for testing the strong equivalence principle (SEP) and the preferred frame effect)
PSR J1713+0747 is likely the best pulsar binary for testing the constancy of G thanks to its high timing precision and long orbital period.
6. We also find a stringent constraint on the intrinsic variation of the orbital period, which enable us to test alternative theories of gravitation.
Using timing results reported in this paper, we found a stringent generic upper limit on G.
7. The violation of SEP or the existence of non-zero aˆ 3 could lead to potentially
observable effects which cannot be accounted in the context of GR, such as forced-polarization of the binary orbit.
8. The exact details of the implementation are described in Arzoumanian et al. (2015);
9. The DM of a pulsar reflects the number of free electrons between the pulsar and the telescopes and it varies because our sight-line through the turbulent ISM and solar wind is changing as the pulsar, the Sun, the Earth, and the ISM all move with respect to each other. DM variation can affect the timing of high-precision pulsars significantly.


They used the data descript in Arzoumanian et al 2015 and created a new method to identify the excess noise. They found that 26 of 37 pulsars show inconsistencies with white noise only model based on the short timescale. So they decomposed the excess noise into chromatic and achromatic components.
They provide 3 model to compare the time residual. Model A come from Arzoumanian's data release, Model B removed alll addtionnal noise parameter noise except the template-fitting errors, while Model C added the appropriately scaled jitter noise and scintillation noise. After test with the PSR B1937+21, it is clearly can be seen that PSR B1937+21 contains excess noise beyond the WN noise.
For their analysis, they assumed that the entirety of the achromatic red noise is due to intrinsic spin noise.Therefore, They believe that using the three-observable formalism with parameters that only represent spin noise is adequate to describe the red noise in general, though more parameters may be required in the future.
For the NANOGrav-only data (NANO), They find that our three scaling parameters {α, β, γ} are all roughly consistent with zero, reflecting that the red-noise measurements by themselves are generally unconstraining.

X..P.You Dispersion measure variations and their effect on precision pulsar timing

1、Read Tim's code of ppalign.py, the shortest code in the file and try to understand how it works.
2、By the way, I also learn the use of three python modules: subprocess:run shell command in the python code, shlex:split the parameters in the command, argparse:write help list
They carry out a statistically rigorous structure function analysis for their 20 millsecond pulsars to analyzed the DMs variation. However, I am quiet could not understand what the structure function is? Some of their samples, like PSR J1014-4509 and J1909+3744 provide the first clear evidence for a large inner scale, possibly due to ion–neutral damping. what's more, they also analyzed the influence of solar wind on the DMs variations and find the 2 simple model in both tempo and tempo2 cannot reliably correct for the effect. they first show clearly how DM variations affect pulsar timing residuals and how they can be corrected to get a better timing presicion.
At the end, they said their data span is limited and they said the rediuals of only 6 pulsar show a significantly improved by correcting for the DM varations.
As they were interested in DM variations, they did not fit for any time derivatives of the DM as part of the timing model; however, they did allow TEMPO2 to model the DM variations due to the solar wind. The timing model parameters were subsequently held constant in order to obtain timing residuals at all observing frequencies.
As fitting the timing model may reduce the effect of DM variations, but also causes significant errors in the fitted parameters.They cannot use the post-fit rms timing residual as a goodness measure, since it would not change at all after correction if the DM effect has been totally absorbed in the fitted parameters. Accordingly they calculated the optimal smoothing factor using a simple analytical model which requires equally spaced observations. They also simulated the observations at the actual sampling intervals with known model parameters and determined the optimal smoothing for the simulated data without having to fit a timing model.

G. Desvignes et al. A new pulsar instrumentation at the allen telescope array and the nancay radio telescope

In this paper, they introduced that they install a new coherent dedispersion backend at the allen telescope array and the nancay radio telescope.
ATA has 42 six-meter dishes and will consist of 350 antennas after completion. Its main characteristics are: a wide field of view : 2.45 degree at λ = 21 cm, an instaneous bandwidth from 0.5 to 10 GHz. There is current three correlators and tree beamformers at the ATA. A Gpu-based pulsar machine is used to process either raw data from the full 100MHz band or channized data, 32 subband and 1024 subbands, for realtime conherent dedispersion and targeted pulsar searches.
The BON(berkeley-orleans-Nancay) backentd in NRT provides a limited bandwidth of 128MHz for real-time coherent dedispersion. An iADC digitizes a 512 MHz band dual-polarization to 8-bits samples, and then the CASPER ROACH board split the whole band onto 128 channels PFB and send sampled data to four computers through four 10 GbE links. The signal is coherently dedispersed an folded in real time inside the GPUs equipped in the computers.
shapiro delay stokes parameters 11cm
Rotating Radio TRansinets
1. Install all the software on my laptop
2. Learn Noise analysis method for pulsar timing, perform Bayesian model seletcion using the evidence to determine optimal descriptions of the data, and compare parameter estimates for different noise model. However, there are also some knowledge form the the tutorial, but I have not digest and fully understand it.
3. Learn the usage of some other plugins, such as splk, plotMany, glitch(to creat regions file and analysis glitch), spectralmodel and so on. More importantatly, I also leart how to mearsuring and removing DM variation.
4. By the way, you also teached me how to , but I have not practice it and may forget how to deal with it. So I may also to ask you about this issue late.
Rotating Radio TRansinets are pulsars discoverd through their single, isolated pulses. After the first discovery of the first pulsar, around 30 pulsars were discoverd by visual inspection of the time series. Soon afterwards, pulsars began to be searched in Fourier domain which is called standard searching pipeline. Fourier searches, wide DM-range searches, and the use of extended bandwidths resulted in the discovery of many more pulsars. Faster time sampling allowed the discovery of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) and sophisticated techniques for detecting binary systems were developed. However, there are many pulsars that are more significantly or only detectable via single pulse searches. Single-pulse searches involve searching each dedispersed time series for significant peaks, an exercise in matched filtering.
In 2006, Mclaughlin indetnfied 11 new sources which was not detectable in PMPS periodicity searches.
The author detailed introduced four pulsar surveys that used for RRAT searches, namely Archival Parkes surveys(PMPS), High Time Resolution Universe (HTRU, aka HTRU South) survey, Low-frequency Green Bank Telescope searches, Pulsar Arecibo L-band Feed Array(PALFA) survey, which covers different celestial area at different frequency respectively.
While most pulsars are timed through their average profiles, RRATs are timed from their isolated pulses and often a large amount of time may be required to accumulate enough pulses to achieve a solution. Con-sequently, some RRATs (especially those with the lowest detected burst rates) still do not have solutions after several years.Through observations with the Parkes, Lovell, Green Bank, and Arecibo telescopes, timing solutions have been determined now for 19 PMPS RRATs. For some pulsars, especially PSR J1819-1458, they also observed at Optical Infrared frequency and find no evdience for optical bursts or increased optical flux.
