This operation returns a tensor of type dtype with shape shape and all elements set to zero.
import tensorflow as tf
import basic.util.prints as p
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# 创建一个维度为1, 类型为int的对象
data = tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("sess.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int32)", data)
# 创建一个维度为3, 类型为int的对象
data = tf.zeros([1,2,1], dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("sess.zeros([3,4,5], dtype=tf.int32)", data)
# double
data = tf.zeros([8], dtype=tf.double)
p.printValue("sess.zeros([1], dtype=tf.double)", data)
# float
data = tf.zeros([8], dtype=tf.float16)
p.printValue("sess.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float16)", data)
# sess.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int32) : Tensor("zeros:0", shape=(1,), dtype=int32) -
# sess.zeros([3,4,5], dtype=tf.int32) : Tensor("zeros_1:0", shape=(1, 2, 1), dtype=int32) -
# sess.zeros([1], dtype=tf.double) : Tensor("zeros_2:0", shape=(8,), dtype=float64) -
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
# sess.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float16) : Tensor("zeros_3:0", shape=(8,), dtype=float16) -
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
# sharp不能为int类型,需要制定为tensor sharp类型
data = tf.zeros(1, dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("tf.zeros(1, dtype=tf.int32)", data)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/services/git/GIthub/ml-example/tensorflow/basic/casting/string_to_number.py", line 20, in
data = tf.zeros(1, dtype=tf.int32)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/array_ops.py", line 623, in zeros
output = fill(shape, constant(0, dtype=dtype), name=name)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/gen_array_ops.py", line 531, in fill
return _op_def_lib.apply_op("Fill", dims=dims, value=value, name=name)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/op_def_library.py", line 655, in apply_op
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 2156, in create_op
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py", line 1612, in set_shapes_for_outputs
shapes = shape_func(op)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/array_ops.py", line 1165, in _FillShape
dimensions_shape = op.inputs[0].get_shape().with_rank(1)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/tensor_shape.py", line 625, in with_rank
raise ValueError("Shape %s must have rank %d" % (self, rank))
ValueError: Shape () must have rank 1
# 可是使用如下方法替换
data = tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.int32)", data)
dtype: 返回的tensor对象类型,不设置(为空时)时返回类型同参数tensor一致.该参数必须为如下tensorflow类型: float32, float64, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8以及complex64.
name: 该操作别名 (可选).
import tensorflow as tf
import basic.util.prints as p
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# create a tensor object
original = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
p.printRowValue("Original value", original)
# 调用zeros_like,默认类型为int
data = tf.zeros_like(original)
p.printValue("tf.zeros_like(original)", data)
# 调用zeros_like,默认类型为double
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.double)
p.printValue("tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.double)", data)
# dtype类型为: float, int, double, uint以及complex(复数), 如下类型支持
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.float16)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.float16_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.float32)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.float32_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.float64)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.float64_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int8)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int8_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int16)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int16_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int32)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int32_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int64)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.int64_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.uint16)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.uint16_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.double)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.double_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64_ref)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128)
data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128_ref)
# [ERROR] 不支持类型包括: bfloat, qint, quint
# data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.bfloat16)
# data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.quint8)
# data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.qint16)
# data = tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.qint32)
# Original value : [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
# tf.zeros_like(original) : Tensor("zeros_like:0", shape=(2, 3), dtype=int32) -
[[0 0 0]
[0 0 0]]
# tf.zeros_like(original, dtype=tf.double) : Tensor("zeros_like_1:0", shape=(2, 3), dtype=float64) -
[[ 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0.]]
import tensorflow as tf
import basic.util.prints as p
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# 创建一个维度为1, 类型为int的对象
data = tf.ones([1], dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("sess.ones([1], dtype=tf.int32)", data)
# 创建一个维度为3, 类型为int的对象
data = tf.ones([1,2,1], dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("sess.ones([3,4,5], dtype=tf.int32)", data)
# double
data = tf.ones([8], dtype=tf.double)
p.printValue("sess.ones([1], dtype=tf.double)", data)
# float
data = tf.ones([8], dtype=tf.float16)
p.printValue("sess.ones([1], dtype=tf.float16)", data)
# [ERROR] sharp不能为int类型,需要制定为tensor sharp类型
# data = tf.ones(1, dtype=tf.int32)
# p.printValue("tf.ones(1, dtype=tf.int32)", data)
# 可是使用如下方法替换
data = tf.ones([1], dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("tf.ones([1], dtype=tf.int32)", data)
# sess.ones([1], dtype=tf.int32) : Tensor("ones:0", shape=(1,), dtype=int32) -
# sess.ones([3,4,5], dtype=tf.int32) : Tensor("ones_1:0", shape=(1, 2, 1), dtype=int32) -
# sess.ones([1], dtype=tf.double) : Tensor("ones_2:0", shape=(8,), dtype=float64) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# sess.ones([1], dtype=tf.float16) : Tensor("ones_3:0", shape=(8,), dtype=float16) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones([1], dtype=tf.int32) : Tensor("ones_4:0", shape=(1,), dtype=int32) - [1]
dtype: 返回的tensor对象类型,不设置(为空时)时返回类型同参数tensor一致.该参数必须为如下tensorflow类型: float32, float64, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8以及complex64.
name: 该操作别名 (可选).
import tensorflow as tf
import basic.util.prints as p
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# create a tensor object
original = [1,2,3,4,5]
# original = tf.zeros([5], dtype=tf.float16)
p.printRowValue("Original value", original)
# 调用ones_like,默认类型为int
data = tf.ones_like(original)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original)", data)
# 调用ones_like,默认类型为double
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double)", data)
# dtype类型为: float, int, double, uint以及complex(复数), 如下类型支持
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float32)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float32)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float32_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float32_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float64)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float64)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float64_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float64_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int8)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int8)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int8_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int8_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int16)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int16)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int16_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int16_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int32)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int32)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int32_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int32_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int64)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int64)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int64_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int64_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128_ref)
p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128_ref)", data)
# 特殊情况
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float16)
# p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float16)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float16_ref)
# p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float16_ref)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint16)
# p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint16)", data)
data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint16_ref)
# p.printValue("tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint16_ref)", data)
# [ERROR] 不支持类型包括: bfloat, qint, quint
# data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.bfloat16)
# data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.quint8)
# data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.qint16)
# data = tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.qint32)
# Original value : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# tf.ones_like(original) : Tensor("ones_like:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int32) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double) : Tensor("ones_like_1:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float64) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float32) : Tensor("ones_like_2:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float32) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float32_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_3:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float32) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float64) : Tensor("ones_like_4:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float64) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.float64_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_5:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float64) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int8) : Tensor("ones_like_6:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int8) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int8_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_7:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int8) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int16) : Tensor("ones_like_8:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int16) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int16_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_9:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int16) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int32) : Tensor("ones_like_10:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int32) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int32_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_11:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int32) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int64) : Tensor("ones_like_12:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int64) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.int64_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_13:0", shape=(5,), dtype=int64) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8) : Tensor("ones_like_14:0", shape=(5,), dtype=uint8) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.uint8_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_15:0", shape=(5,), dtype=uint8) -
[1 1 1 1 1]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double) : Tensor("ones_like_16:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float64) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.double_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_17:0", shape=(5,), dtype=float64) -
[ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64) : Tensor("ones_like_18:0", shape=(5,), dtype=complex64) -
[ 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex64_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_19:0", shape=(5,), dtype=complex64) -
[ 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128) : Tensor("ones_like_20:0", shape=(5,), dtype=complex128) -
[ 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j]
# tf.ones_like(original, dtype=tf.complex128_ref) : Tensor("ones_like_21:0", shape=(5,), dtype=complex128) -
[ 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j 1.+0.j]
import tensorflow as tf
import basic.util.prints as p
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
dim = [2,3]
data = tf.fill(dim, 5)
p.printValue("tf.fill(dim, value)", data)
data = tf.fill(dim, 5.0)
p.printValue("tf.fill(dim, value)", data)
data = tf.fill(dim, "5.0")
p.printValue("tf.fill(dim, value)", data)
# tf.fill(dim, value) : Tensor("Fill:0", shape=(2, 3), dtype=int32) -
[[5 5 5]
[5 5 5]]
# tf.fill(dim, value) : Tensor("Fill_1:0", shape=(2, 3), dtype=float32) -
[[ 5. 5. 5.]
[ 5. 5. 5.]]
# tf.fill(dim, value) : Tensor("Fill_2:0", shape=(2, 3), dtype=string) -
[['5.0' '5.0' '5.0']
['5.0' '5.0' '5.0']]
创建一个常量tensor,按照给出value来赋值,可以用shape来指定其形状。value可以是一个数,也可以是一个list。 如果是一个数,那么这个常亮中所有值的按该数来赋值。 如果是list,那么len(value)一定要小于等于shape展开后的长度。赋值时,先将value中的值逐个存入。不够的部分,则全部存入value的最后一个值。
a = tf.constant(2,shape=[2])
b = tf.constant(2,shape=[2,2])
c = tf.constant([1,2,3],shape=[6])
d = tf.constant([1,2,3],shape=[3,2])
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
#[2 2]
#[[2 2]
# [2 2]]
#[1 2 3 3 3 3]
#[[1 2]
# [3 3]
# [3 3]]