

1、学习英语并不只是语言这么简单,我们需要了解西方的文化,以及和我们进行交流的人的背景,以更好地理解对方。The are 4 kinds of meanings.

  • Conceptional meaning: the meaning a word can have on its own.
  • Propositional meaning: the neaning a sentence can have on its own.
  • Contextual meaning: the meaning a sentence can have only when in centext.
  • Pragmatic meaning: the meaning a sentence has only as part of the interaction between writer and reader.




  • You can change the subject
  • You can change the verb.
  • You can use different words.
  • You can change the sentence patterns.
  • You can use body language.


  • He plays basketball very well.
  • He is good at playing basketball.
  • He is an expert at paying backetball.
  • He is another Michael Jordan.
  • Nobody can beat him in basketball.
  • Playing basketball is a piece of cake for him.
  • Few can play basketball better than him.
  • (Body language)Two thumbs up.



3、Be real people in real Cmmunication。在和别人交流的过程中还有一些需要注意的地方。

  • Itonation
  • Eye-Contact
  • Gesture
  • Facial expression

                                                                                                                          William at Wuchang

