CPlusProject Learning


开发环境:Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 

编译成功后,在Binaries ,run in local 后在控制台就可看到结果. 






// Name        : CPlusProject.cpp
// Author      : William
// Version     :
// Copyright   : Your copyright notice
// Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style

using namespace std;

class Calc

  int val2;
  Calc(int x)

class stud
    char name[30],clas[10];
    int rol,age;
    string myname;

    void enter()
//        cout<<"Enter Student Name: "; cin>>name;
//        cout<<"Enter Student Age: "; cin>>age;
//        cout<<"Enter Student Roll number: "; cin>>rol;
//        cout<<"Enter Student Class: "; cin>>clas;

//    	cout<<"Enter Student Name: "; cin>>myname;

    void display()
        cout<<"\n Age\tName\tR.No.\tClass";
        cout<<"\n"<> roll;
        cout << "Enter the two highest marks: "; cin >> m1 >> m2;
class extracurriculam {
    int xm;

    void getsm()
        cout << "\nEnter the mark for Extra Curriculam Activities: "; cin >> xm;
class output : public studx, public extracurriculam {
    int tot, avg;

    void display()
        tot = (m1 + m2 + xm);
        avg = tot / 3;
        cout << "\n\n\tRoll No    : " << roll << "\n\tTotal      : " << tot;
        cout << "\n\tAverage    : " << avg;

int main() {
//	std::cout<<"This is my first C++ Program.";
//	std::cout< a) {
		  cout << "\nb is greater" << endl;
		  cout << "\na is greater" << endl;

	  if(area > 3000){
		  cout << " 111" << endl;;
		  cout << " 222" << endl;;

	  int age[5]={2,25,30,32,35};
	  cout<<"\n " << age[1];
	  cout<<"\n sizeof: " << sizeof(age);
	  cout<<"\n sizeof: " << sizeof(age)/sizeof(age[0]);

	  for(int n=0;n 



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