PCA Whitening


ZCA whitening is a form of pre-processing of the data that maps it from x to xZCAwhite. It turns out that this is also a rough model of how the biological eye (the retina) processes images. Specifically, as your eye perceives images, most adjacent “pixels” in your eye will perceive very similar values, since adjacent parts of an image tend to be highly correlated in intensity. It is thus wasteful for your eye to have to transmit every pixel separately (via your optic nerve) to your brain. Instead, your retina performs a decorrelation operation (this is done via retinal neurons that compute a function called “on center, off surround/off center, on surround”) which is similar to that performed by ZCA. This results in a less redundant representation of the input image, which is then transmitted to your brain.




UFLDL Tutorial

PCA Whitening


Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm that can be used to significantly speed up your unsupervised feature learning algorithm. More importantly, understanding PCA will enable us to later implement whitening, which is an important pre-processing step for many algorithms.

Suppose you are training your algorithm on images. Then the input will be somewhat redundant, because the values of adjacent pixels in an image are highly correlated. Concretely, suppose we are training on 16x16 grayscale image patches. Then x∈ℜ256 are 256 dimensional vectors, with one feature xj corresponding to the intensity of each pixel. Because of the correlation between adjacent pixels, PCA will allow us to approximate the input with a much lower dimensional one, while incurring very little error.

Example and Mathematical Background

For our running example, we will use a dataset {x(1),x(2),…,x(m)} with n=2 dimensional inputs, so that x(i)∈ℜ2. Suppose we want to reduce the data from 2 dimensions to 1. (In practice, we might want to reduce data from 256 to 50 dimensions, say; but using lower dimensional data in our example allows us to visualize the algorithms better.) Here is our dataset:

PCA Whitening_第1张图片

This data has already been pre-processed so that each of the features x1 and x2 have about the same mean (zero) and variance.

For the purpose of illustration, we have also colored each of the points one of three colors, depending on their x1 value; these colors are not used by the algorithm, and are for illustration only.

PCA will find a lower-dimensional subspace onto which to project our data.
From visually examining the data, it appears that u1 is the principal direction of variation of the data, and u2 the secondary direction of variation:

PCA Whitening_第2张图片

I.e., the data varies much more in the direction u1 than u2. To more formally find the directions u1 and u2, we first compute the matrix Σ as follows:


If x has zero mean, then Σ is exactly the covariance matrix of x. (The symbol ”Σ”, pronounced “Sigma”, is the standard notation for denoting the covariance matrix. Unfortunately it looks just like the summation symbol, as in ∑ni=1i; but these are two different things.)

It can then be shown that u1—the principal direction of variation of the data—is the top (principal) eigenvector of Σ, and u2 is the second eigenvector.

Note: If you are interested in seeing a more formal mathematical derivation/justification of this result, see the CS229 (Machine Learning) lecture notes on PCA (link at bottom of this page). You won’t need to do so to follow along this course, however.

You can use standard numerical linear algebra software to find these eigenvectors (see Implementation Notes). Concretely, let us compute the eigenvectors of Σ, and stack the eigenvectors in columns to form the matrix U:


Here, u1 is the principal eigenvector (corresponding to the largest eigenvalue), u2 is the second eigenvector, and so on. Also, let λ1,λ2,…,λn be the corresponding eigenvalues.

The vectors u1 and u2 in our example form a new basis in which we can represent the data. Concretely, let x∈ℜ2 be some training example. Then uT1x is the length (magnitude) of the projection of x onto the vector u1.

Similarly, uT2x is the magnitude of x projected onto the vector u2.

Rotating the Data

Thus, we can represent x in the (u1,u2)-basis by computing


(The subscript “rot” comes from the observation that this corresponds to a rotation (and possibly reflection) of the original data.) Lets take the entire training set, and compute x(i)rot=UTx(i) for every i. Plotting this transformed data xrot, we get:

PCA Whitening_第3张图片

This is the training set rotated into the u1,u2 basis. In the general case, UTx will be the training set rotated into the basis u1,u2, …,un.

One of the properties of U is that it is an “orthogonal” matrix, which means that it satisfies UTU=UUT=I. So if you ever need to go from the rotated vectors xrot back to the original data x, you can compute


because Uxrot=UUTx=x.

Reducing the Data Dimension

We see that the principal direction of variation of the data is the first dimension xrot,1 of this rotated data. Thus, if we want to reduce this data to one dimension, we can set

x̃ (i)=x(i)rot,1=uT1x(i)∈ℜ.

More generally, if x∈ℜn and we want to reduce it to a k dimensional representation x̃ ∈ℜk (where k < n), we would take the first k components of xrot, which correspond to the top k directions of variation.

Another way of explaining PCA is that xrot is an n dimensional vector, where the first few components are likely to be large (e.g., in our example, we saw that x(i)rot,1=uT1x(i) takes reasonably large values for most examples i), and the later components are likely to be small (e.g., in our example, x(i)rot,2=uT2x(i) was more likely to be small). What PCA does it it drops the the later (smaller) components of xrot, and just approximates them with 0’s. Concretely, our definition of x̃  can also be arrived at by using an approximation to xrot where all but the first k components are zeros. In other words, we have:

x̃ =⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢xrot,1⋮xrot,k0⋮0⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥≈⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢xrot,1⋮xrot,kxrot,k+1⋮xrot,n⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥=xrot

In our example, this gives us the following plot of x̃  (using n=2,k=1):

PCA Whitening_第4张图片

However, since the final n−k components of x̃  as defined above would always be zero, there is no need to keep these zeros around, and so we define x̃  as a k-dimensional vector with just the first k (non-zero) components.

This also explains why we wanted to express our data in the u1,u2,…,un basis: Deciding which components to keep becomes just keeping the top k components. When we do this, we also say that we are “retaining the top k PCA (or principal) components.”

Recovering an Approximation of the Data

Now, x̃ ∈ℜk is a lower-dimensional, “compressed” representation of the original x∈ℜn. Given x̃ , how can we recover an approximation x̂  to the original value of x? From an earlier section, we know that x=Uxrot. Further, we can think of x̃  as an approximation to xrot, where we have set the last n−kcomponents to zeros. Thus, given x̃ ∈ℜk, we can pad it out with n−k zeros to get our approximation to xrot∈ℜn. Finally, we pre-multiply by U to get our approximation to x. Concretely, we get

x̂ =U⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢x̃ 1⋮x̃ k0⋮0⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥=∑i=1kuix̃ i.

The final equality above comes from the definition of U given earlier. (In a practical implementation, we wouldn’t actually zero pad x̃  and then multiply by U, since that would mean multiplying a lot of things by zeros; instead, we’d just multiply x̃ ∈ℜk with the first k columns of U as in the final expression above.) Applying this to our dataset, we get the following plot for x̂ :

PCA Whitening_第5张图片

We are thus using a 1 dimensional approximation to the original dataset.

If you are training an autoencoder or other unsupervised feature learning algorithm, the running time of your algorithm will depend on the dimension of the input. If you feed x̃ ∈ℜk into your learning algorithm instead of x, then you’ll be training on a lower-dimensional input, and thus your algorithm might run significantly faster. For many datasets, the lower dimensional x̃  representation can be an extremely good approximation to the original, and using PCA this way can significantly speed up your algorithm while introducing very little approximation error.

Number of components to retain

How do we set k; i.e., how many PCA components should we retain? In our simple 2 dimensional example, it seemed natural to retain 1 out of the 2 components, but for higher dimensional data, this decision is less trivial. If k is too large, then we won’t be compressing the data much; in the limit of k=n, then we’re just using the original data (but rotated into a different basis). Conversely, if k is too small, then we might be using a very bad approximation to the data.

To decide how to set k, we will usually look at the ”‘percentage of variance retained”’ for different values of k. Concretely, if k=n, then we have an exact approximation to the data, and we say that 100% of the variance is retained. I.e., all of the variation of the original data is retained. Conversely, if k=0, then we are approximating all the data with the zero vector, and thus 0% of the variance is retained.

More generally, let λ1,λ2,…,λn be the eigenvalues of Σ (sorted in decreasing order), so that λj is the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector uj. Then if we retain k principal components, the percentage of variance retained is given by:


In our simple 2D example above, λ1=7.29, and λ2=0.69. Thus, by keeping only k=1 principal components, we retained 7.29/(7.29+0.69)=0.913, or 91.3% of the variance.

A more formal definition of percentage of variance retained is beyond the scope of these notes. However, it is possible to show that λj=∑mi=1x2rot,j. Thus, if λj≈0, that shows that xrot,j is usually near 0 anyway, and we lose relatively little by approximating it with a constant 0. This also explains why we retain the top principal components (corresponding to the larger values of λj) instead of the bottom ones. The top principal components xrot,j are the ones that’re more variable and that take on larger values, and for which we would incur a greater approximation error if we were to set them to zero.

In the case of images, one common heuristic is to choose k so as to retain 99% of the variance. In other words, we pick the smallest value of k that satisfies


Depending on the application, if you are willing to incur some additional error, values in the 90-98% range are also sometimes used. When you describe to others how you applied PCA, saying that you chose k to retain 95% of the variance will also be a much more easily interpretable description than saying that you retained 120 (or whatever other number of) components.

PCA on Images

For PCA to work, usually we want each of the features x1,x2,…,xn to have a similar range of values to the others (and to have a mean close to zero). If you’ve used PCA on other applications before, you may therefore have separately pre-processed each feature to have zero mean and unit variance, by separately estimating the mean and variance of each feature xj. However, this isn’t the pre-processing that we will apply to most types of images. Specifically, suppose we are training our algorithm on ”‘natural images”’, so that xj is the value of pixel j. By “natural images,” we informally mean the type of image that a typical animal or person might see over their lifetime.

Note: Usually we use images of outdoor scenes with grass, trees, etc., and cut out small (say 16x16) image patches randomly from these to train the algorithm. But in practice most feature learning algorithms are extremely robust to the exact type of image it is trained on, so most images taken with a normal camera, so long as they aren’t excessively blurry or have strange artifacts, should work.

When training on natural images, it makes little sense to estimate a separate mean and variance for each pixel, because the statistics in one part of the image should (theoretically) be the same as any other.
This property of images is called ”‘stationarity.”’

In detail, in order for PCA to work well, informally we require that (i) The features have approximately zero mean, and (ii) The different features have similar variances to each other. With natural images, (ii) is already satisfied even without variance normalization, and so we won’t perform any variance normalization.
(If you are training on audio data—say, on spectrograms—or on text data—say, bag-of-word vectors—we will usually not perform variance normalization either.)
In fact, PCA is invariant to the scaling of the data, and will return the same eigenvectors regardless of the scaling of the input. More formally, if you multiply each feature vector x by some positive number (thus scaling every feature in every training example by the same number), PCA’s output eigenvectors will not change.

So, we won’t use variance normalization. The only normalization we need to perform then is mean normalization, to ensure that the features have a mean around zero. Depending on the application, very often we are not interested in how bright the overall input image is. For example, in object recognition tasks, the overall brightness of the image doesn’t affect what objects there are in the image. More formally, we are not interested in the mean intensity value of an image patch; thus, we can subtract out this value, as a form of mean normalization.

Concretely, if x(i)∈ℜn are the (grayscale) intensity values of a 16x16 image patch (n=256), we might normalize the intensity of each image x(i) as follows:



for all j

Note that the two steps above are done separately for each image x(i), and that μ(i) here is the mean intensity of the image x(i). In particular, this is not the same thing as estimating a mean value separately for each pixel xj.

If you are training your algorithm on images other than natural images (for example, images of handwritten characters, or images of single isolated objects centered against a white background), other types of normalization might be worth considering, and the best choice may be application dependent. But when training on natural images, using the per-image mean normalization method as given in the equations above would be a reasonable default.


We have used PCA to reduce the dimension of the data. There is a closely related preprocessing step called whitening (or, in some other literatures, sphering) which is needed for some algorithms. If we are training on images, the raw input is redundant, since adjacent pixel values are highly correlated. The goal of whitening is to make the input less redundant; more formally, our desiderata are that our learning algorithms sees a training input where (i) the features are less correlated with each other, and (ii) the features all have the same variance.

2D example

We will first describe whitening using our previous 2D example. We will then describe how this can be combined with smoothing, and finally how to combine this with PCA.

How can we make our input features uncorrelated with each other? We had already done this when computing x(i)rot=UTx(i).
Repeating our previous figure, our plot for xrot was:

PCA Whitening_第6张图片

The covariance matrix of this data is given by:


(Note: Technically, many of the statements in this section about the “covariance” will be true only if the data has zero mean. In the rest of this section, we will take this assumption as implicit in our statements. However, even if the data’s mean isn’t exactly zero, the intuitions we’re presenting here still hold true, and so this isn’t something that you should worry about.)

It is no accident that the diagonal values are λ1 and λ2. Further, the off-diagonal entries are zero; thus, xrot,1 and xrot,2 are uncorrelated, satisfying one of our desiderata for whitened data (that the features be less correlated).

To make each of our input features have unit variance, we can simply rescale each feature xrot,i by 1/λi‾‾√. Concretely, we define our whitened data xPCAwhite∈ℜn as follows:


Plotting xPCAwhite, we get:

PCA Whitening_第7张图片

This data now has covariance equal to the identity matrix I. We say that xPCAwhite is our PCA whitenedversion of the data: The different components of xPCAwhite are uncorrelated and have unit variance.

Whitening combined with dimensionality reduction. If you want to have data that is whitened and which is lower dimensional than the original input, you can also optionally keep only the top kcomponents of xPCAwhite. When we combine PCA whitening with regularization (described later), the last few components of xPCAwhite will be nearly zero anyway, and thus can safely be dropped.

ZCA Whitening

Finally, it turns out that this way of getting the data to have covariance identity I isn’t unique. Concretely, if R is any orthogonal matrix, so that it satisfies RRT=RTR=I (less formally, if R is a rotation/reflection matrix), then RxPCAwhite will also have identity covariance.

In ZCA whitening, we choose R=U. We define


Plotting xZCAwhite, we get:

PCA Whitening_第8张图片

It can be shown that out of all possible choices for R, this choice of rotation causes xZCAwhite to be as close as possible to the original input data x.

When using ZCA whitening (unlike PCA whitening), we usually keep all n dimensions of the data, and do not try to reduce its dimension.


When implementing PCA whitening or ZCA whitening in practice, sometimes some of the eigenvalues λiwill be numerically close to 0, and thus the scaling step where we divide by λi‾‾√ would involve dividing by a value close to zero; this may cause the data to blow up (take on large values) or otherwise be numerically unstable. In practice, we therefore implement this scaling step using a small amount of regularization, and add a small constant ϵ to the eigenvalues before taking their square root and inverse:


When x takes values around [−1,1], a value of ϵ≈10−5 might be typical.

For the case of images, adding ϵ here also has the effect of slightly smoothing (or low-pass filtering) the input image. This also has a desirable effect of removing aliasing artifacts caused by the way pixels are laid out in an image, and can improve the features learned (details are beyond the scope of these notes).

ZCA whitening is a form of pre-processing of the data that maps it from x to xZCAwhite. It turns out that this is also a rough model of how the biological eye (the retina) processes images. Specifically, as your eye perceives images, most adjacent “pixels” in your eye will perceive very similar values, since adjacent parts of an image tend to be highly correlated in intensity. It is thus wasteful for your eye to have to transmit every pixel separately (via your optic nerve) to your brain. Instead, your retina performs a decorrelation operation (this is done via retinal neurons that compute a function called “on center, off surround/off center, on surround”) which is similar to that performed by ZCA. This results in a less redundant representation of the input image, which is then transmitted to your brain.

Implementing PCA Whitening

In this section, we summarize the PCA, PCA whitening and ZCA whitening algorithms, and also describe how you can implement them using efficient linear algebra libraries.

First, we need to ensure that the data has (approximately) zero-mean. For natural images, we achieve this (approximately) by subtracting the mean value of each image patch.

We achieve this by computing the mean for each patch and subtracting it for each patch. In Matlab, we can do this by using

 avg = mean(x, 1);     % Compute the mean pixel intensity value separately for each patch. 
 x = x - repmat(avg, size(x, 1), 1);

Next, we need to compute Σ=1m∑mi=1(x(i))(x(i))T. If you’re implementing this in Matlab (or even if you’re implementing this in C++, Java, etc., but have access to an efficient linear algebra library), doing it as an explicit sum is inefficient. Instead, we can compute this in one fell swoop as

 sigma = x * x' / size(x, 2);

(Check the math yourself for correctness.) Here, we assume that x is a data structure that contains one training example per column (so, x is a n-by-m matrix).

Next, PCA computes the eigenvectors of Σ. One could do this using the Matlab eig function. However, because Σ is a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix, it is more numerically reliable to do this using the svd function. Concretely, if you implement

 [U,S,V] = svd(sigma);

then the matrix U will contain the eigenvectors of Σ (one eigenvector per column, sorted in order from top to bottom eigenvector), and the diagonal entries of the matrix S will contain the corresponding eigenvalues (also sorted in decreasing order). The matrix V will be equal to U, and can be safely ignored.

(Note: The svd function actually computes the singular vectors and singular values of a matrix, which for the special case of a symmetric positive semi-definite matrix—which is all that we’re concerned with here—is equal to its eigenvectors and eigenvalues. A full discussion of singular vectors vs. eigenvectors is beyond the scope of these notes.)

Finally, you can compute xrot and x̃  as follows:

 xRot = U' * x;          % rotated version of the data. 
 xTilde = U(:,1:k)' * x; % reduced dimension representation of the data, 
                         % where k is the number of eigenvectors to keep

This gives your PCA representation of the data in terms of x̃ ∈ℜk. Incidentally, if x is a n-by-m matrix containing all your training data, this is a vectorized implementation, and the expressions above work too for computing xrot and x̃  for your entire training set all in one go. The resulting xrot and x̃  will have one column corresponding to each training example.

To compute the PCA whitened data xPCAwhite, use

 xPCAwhite = diag(1./sqrt(diag(S) + epsilon)) * U' * x;

Since S’s diagonal contains the eigenvalues λi, this turns out to be a compact way of computing xPCAwhite,i=xrot,iλi√ simultaneously for all i.

Finally, you can also compute the ZCA whitened data xZCAwhite as:

 xZCAwhite = U * diag(1./sqrt(diag(S) + epsilon)) * U' * x;

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