7.2 renderpass
这样的一遍可以使用Vulkan 中 renderpass 对象表示。一个单一的的renderpass对象封装了多个pass或者一系列最终图像的几个渲染阶段,renderpass对象包含输出图像所需的信息。
VkResult vkCreateRenderPass (
VkDevice device,
const VkRenderPassCreateInfo* pCreateInfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator,
VkRenderPass* pRenderPass);
typedef struct VkRenderPassCreateInfo {
VkStructureType sType;
const void* pNext;
VkRenderPassCreateFlags flags;
uint32_t attachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentDescription* pAttachments;
uint32_t subpassCount;
const VkSubpassDescription* pSubpasses;
uint32_t dependencyCount;
const VkSubpassDependency* pDependencies;
} VkRenderPassCreateInfo;
typedef struct VkAttachmentDescription {
VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags flags;
VkFormat format;
VkSampleCountFlagBits samples;
VkAttachmentLoadOp loadOp;
VkAttachmentStoreOp storeOp;
VkAttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp;
VkAttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp;
VkImageLayout initialLayout;
VkImageLayout finalLayout;
} VkAttachmentDescription;
• VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD indicates that the attachment has data in it already and
that you want to keep rendering to it. This causes Vulkan to treat the contents of the attachment
as valid when the renderpass begins.
• VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR indicates that you want Vulkan to clear the attachment
for you when the renderpass begins. The color to which you want to clear the attachments is
specified when the renderpass has begun.
• VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_DONT_CARE indicates that you don’t care about the content of
the attachment at the beginning of the renderpass and that Vulkan is free to do whatever it
wishes with it. You can use this if you plan to explicitly clear the attachment or if you know that
you’ll replace the content of the attachment inside the renderpass.
• VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE indicates that you want Vulkan to keep the contents
of the attachment for later use, which usually means that it should write them out into memory.
This is usually the case for images you want to display to the user, read from later, or use as an
attachment in another renderpass (with the VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD load
• VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_DONT_CARE indicates that you don’t need the content after
the renderpass has ended. This is normally used for intermediate storage or for the depth or
stencil buffers
如果附件是一个被绑定的depth-stenci附件,那么stencilLoadOp和stencilStoreOp与告诉Vulkan如何处理附件的stencil部分(常规的loadOp 和storeOp域指定了如何处理附件等哦depth部分),和depth部分不同。
typedef struct VkSubpassDescription {
VkSubpassDescriptionFlags flags;
VkPipelineBindPoint pipelineBindPoint;
uint32_t inputAttachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentReference* pInputAttachments;
uint32_t colorAttachmentCount;
const VkAttachmentReference* pColorAttachments;
const VkAttachmentReference* pResolveAttachments;
const VkAttachmentReference* pDepthStencilAttachment;
uint32_t preserveAttachmentCount;
const uint32_t* pPreserveAttachments;
} VkSubpassDescription;