using namespace std;
typedef struct BtNode
int value;
struct BtNode *lchild;
struct BtNode *rchild;
}BtNode, *Bitree;
Bitree newBtNode()
Bitree p = new BtNode;
if( NULL == p )
cout << "newBtNode func: err -1, NULL==p " << endl;
return p;
p->value = 0;
p->lchild = p->rchild = NULL;
return p;
int createBitree( Bitree *head )
int ret = 0;
if( NULL == head )
cout << "createBitree func: err -1, NULL==head" << endl;
ret = -1;
return ret;
int data = 0;
cin >> data;
if( 0 == data ) // leaf
*head = NULL;
*head = newBtNode();
(*head)->value = data;
createBitree( &( (*head)->lchild ) );
createBitree( &( (*head)->rchild ) );
return ret;
void preTravel( Bitree head )
if( head != NULL )
cout << head->value << ' ';
preTravel( head->lchild );
preTravel( head->rchild );
void midTravel( Bitree head )
if( head != NULL )
midTravel( head->lchild );
cout << head->value << ' ';
midTravel( head->rchild );
void postTravel( Bitree head )
if( head != NULL )
postTravel( head->lchild );
postTravel( head->rchild );
cout << head->value << ' ';
// 找出二叉树中的两个结点的最低公共祖先
Bitree findLastCommonNode( Bitree head, int value1, int value2 )
Bitree pRet = NULL;
if( NULL == head )
cout << "findLastCommonNode func: err -1, NULL==head" << endl;
return pRet;
if( ( value1 < head->value && head->value < value2 ) || ( value2 < head->value && head->value < value1 ) )
pRet = head;
return pRet;
else if( head->value > value1 && head->value > value2 ) // 当前节点比要找的两个节点的值大,从左子树递归查找
if( NULL == head->lchild )
cout << "findLastCommonNode func: can not find the two nodes in bitree" << endl;
return pRet;
return findLastCommonNode( head->lchild, value1, value2 );
else if( head->value < value1 && head->value < value2 ) // 当前节点比要找的两个节点的值小,右子树递归查找
if( NULL == head->lchild )
cout << "findLastCommonNode func: can not find the two nodes in bitree" << endl;
return pRet;
return findLastCommonNode( head->rchild, value1, value2 );
cout << "findLastCommonNode func: err, value1 = " << value1 << ", value2 = " << value2 << endl;
return pRet;
// 在二叉树中查找是否存在该节点
Bitree checkIsInBiTree( Bitree root, int value )
Bitree pTarget = NULL;
if( NULL == root )
cout << "checkIsInBiTree( Bitree root, int value ) func: err -1, NULL==root, value = " << value << endl;
return pTarget;
if( root->value == value )
pTarget = root;
return pTarget;
else if( root->value < value && root->rchild != NULL )
return checkIsInBiTree( root->rchild, value );
else if( root->value > value && root->lchild != NULL )
return checkIsInBiTree( root->lchild, value );
return pTarget;
int checkValid( Bitree root, int value1, int value2, Bitree *pFirstNode )
int ret = 0;
if( NULL == root || NULL == pFirstNode )
cout << " checkValid func: err -1,NULL == root || NULL == pFirstNode " << endl;
ret = -1;
return ret;
if( value1 == value2 )
Bitree p1 = checkIsInBiTree( root, value1 );
if( NULL == p1 )
ret = -1;
return ret;
Bitree p2 = NULL;
if( p1->lchild != NULL )
p2 = checkIsInBiTree( p1->lchild, value2 );
else if( p1->rchild != NULL )
p2 = checkIsInBiTree( p1->rchild, value2 );
if( NULL == p2 )
ret = -1;
return ret;
*pFirstNode = p1;
ret = 1; // value2节点是value1的子节点
Bitree p1 = checkIsInBiTree( root, value1 );
Bitree p2 = checkIsInBiTree( root, value2 );
if( NULL == p1 || NULL == p2 )
ret = -1;
return ret;
//bool isChild = false;
if( p1->lchild != NULL )
if( checkIsInBiTree( p1->lchild, value2 ) != NULL )
*pFirstNode = p1;
ret = 1;
// 查找是否value1是value2的子节点,或value2是value1的子节点
if( p1->rchild != NULL )
if( checkIsInBiTree( p1->rchild, value2 ) != NULL )
*pFirstNode = p1;
ret = 1;
if( p2->lchild != NULL )
if( checkIsInBiTree( p2->lchild, value1 ) != NULL )
*pFirstNode = p2;
ret = 1;
if( p2->rchild != NULL )
if( checkIsInBiTree( p2->rchild, value1 ) != NULL )
*pFirstNode = p2;
ret = 1;
return ret;
Bitree findParentOfChildByValue( Bitree root, int child )
Bitree parent = NULL;
if( NULL == root )
cout << "findParentOfChild func: err -1, NULL==root " << endl;
return parent;
if( root->lchild != NULL && root->lchild->value == child )
parent = root;
return parent;
else if( root->rchild != NULL && root->rchild->value == child )
parent = root;
return parent;
else if( root->lchild != NULL && root->value > child )
return findParentOfChildByValue( root->lchild, child );
else if( root->rchild != NULL && root->value < child )
return findParentOfChildByValue( root->rchild, child );
return parent;
Bitree findParentOfChildByPointer( Bitree root, Bitree child )
Bitree parent = NULL;
if( NULL == root || NULL == child )
cout << "findParentOfChildByPointer func: err -1, NULL==root || NULL == child " << endl;
return parent;
if( root->lchild == child || root->rchild == child )
parent = root;
return parent;
else if( root->lchild != NULL && root->value > child->value )
return findParentOfChildByPointer( root->lchild, child );
else if( root->rchild != NULL && root->value < child->value )
return findParentOfChildByPointer( root->rchild, child );
return parent;
// 在二叉树(并不需要是排序二叉树)中查找value的节点,并返回指向该节点的指针,没找到返回NULL
Bitree getNodeByValue( Bitree root, int value )
Bitree pRet = NULL;
if( NULL == root )
cout << "getNodeByValue func: err -1, NULL==root" << endl;
return pRet;
if( root->value == value )
pRet = root;
return pRet;
Bitree pLeftResult = NULL;
Bitree pRightResult = NULL;
if( root->lchild != NULL )
pLeftResult = getNodeByValue( root->lchild, value );
if( pLeftResult != NULL ) // 找到了
pRet = pLeftResult;
return pRet;
if( root->rchild != NULL )
pRightResult = getNodeByValue( root->rchild, value );
if( pRightResult != NULL ) // 找到了
pRet = pRightResult;
return pRet;
return pRet;
// 查找从根节点到pNode节点的路径
vector getNodePathFromRoot( Bitree root, Bitree pNode, vector curPath )
vector path;
if( NULL == root || NULL == pNode )
cout << "getNodePathFromRoot func: err -1, NULL == root || NULL == pNode" << endl;
return path;
if( root == pNode )
curPath.push_back( root );
return curPath;
Bitree pleft = root->lchild;
Bitree pright = root->rchild;
vector leftResult;
vector rightResult;
curPath.push_back( root );
if( pleft != NULL )
leftResult = getNodePathFromRoot( pleft, pNode, curPath );
if( pright != NULL )
rightResult = getNodePathFromRoot( pright, pNode, curPath );
if( leftResult.size() > 0 && leftResult[ leftResult.size() - 1 ] == pNode )
//cout << "find in leftTree" << endl;
return leftResult;
if( rightResult.size() > 0 && rightResult[ rightResult.size() - 1 ] == pNode )
//cout << "find in rightTree" << endl;
return rightResult;
return path;
int getNodePathFromRoot1( Bitree root, Bitree pNode, vector &path )
int ret = 0;
if( NULL == root || NULL == pNode )
cout << "getNodePathFromRoot1 func: err -1, NULL == root || NULL == pNode" << endl;
ret = -1;
return ret;
if( root == pNode ) // 查找到了
return ret;
Bitree pleft = root->lchild;
Bitree pright = root->rchild;
int found = -1;
if( pleft != NULL )
int ret1 = getNodePathFromRoot1( pleft, pNode, path ); // 从左子树查找
if( 0 == ret1 )
ret = ret1;
return ret;
if( pright != NULL )
int ret2 = getNodePathFromRoot1( pright, pNode, path ); // 从右子树查找
if( 0 == ret2 )
ret = ret2;
return ret;
path.pop_back(); // 左右子树都没有找到就弹出当前元素
ret = -1;
return ret; // 返回查找失败的标志
int main()
int ret = 0;
Bitree root = NULL;
createBitree( &root );
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "============================" << endl << endl;
int value1 = 0;
int value2 = 0;
Bitree pFirstNode = NULL;
while( cin >> value1 )
Bitree pNode = getNodeByValue( root, value1 );
vector curPath;
//vector path = getNodePathFromRoot( root, pNode, curPath );
getNodePathFromRoot1( root, pNode, curPath );
int len = curPath.size();
for( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
cout << curPath[i]->value << ' ';
cout << endl;
while( cin >> value1 >> value2 )
int status = checkValid( root, value1, value2, &pFirstNode );
if( status < 0 )
cout << "main func: err -1, can not find " << value1 << " or " << value2 << endl;
else if( 1 == status ) // 一个节点为另外一个节点的子节点
if( value1 == value2 )
if( root->value == value1 ) //为父亲节点
cout << "no common node with " << value1 << " and " << value2 << endl;
Bitree parent = findParentOfChildByValue( root, value1 );
if( parent != NULL )
cout << "common Node: " << parent->value << endl;
cout << "can not find common node with " << value1 << " and " << value2 << endl;
if( root == pFirstNode )
cout << "no common node with " << value1 << " and " << value2 << endl;
Bitree parent = findParentOfChildByPointer( root, pFirstNode );
if( parent != NULL )
cout << "common Node: " << parent->value << endl;
cout << "can not find common node with " << value1 << " and " << value2 << endl;
else // status = 0
//cout << "will call findLastCommonNode" << endl;
//cout << pFirstNode->value << endl;
Bitree result = findLastCommonNode( root, value1, value2 );
cout << "common Node: " << result->value << endl;
return ret;
/ \
5 15
/\ /\
3 8 12 16
/ /\
1 6 9
10 5 3 1 0 0 0 8 6 0 0 9 0 0 15 12 0 0 16 0 0
10 5 3 1 8 6 9 15 12 16
1 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16
1 3 6 9 8 5 12 16 15 10
1 3
common Node: 5
3 6
common Node: 5
3 15
common Node: 10
3 12
common Node: 10
1 16
common Node: 10
6 9
common Node: 8
3 8
common Node: 5
5 6
common Node: 10
1 2
main func: err -1, can not find 1 or 2
22 11
main func: err -1, can not find 22 or 11