Strict standards: Non-static method cls_image::gd_version() should not be called statically in

Strict standards: Non-static method cls_image::gd_version() should not be called statically in E:\SiteAll\\www\includes\lib_base.php on line346

这个错误的的处理是修改文件:E:\SiteAll\ZBPHP.COM\www\includes\cls_image.php 第693行,把

“function gd_version()” 改成“static function gd_version()” 即可。

Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in E:\SiteAll\\www\includes\lib_main.php on line 1360



1)类的静态方法,前面必须有static修饰。不能直接写public function fName(),前面必须加上static,否则报错

2)类的继承extends,子类的方法,如果父类也有,那么必须参数一致,否则也会报错。Strict standards: Declaration of UrlPath::Goods() should be compatible with UrlBase::Goods($rs, $param = Array) in

补充:Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in E:\SiteAll\ZBPHP.COM\www\includes\cls_template.php on line 418

将 $tag_sel = array_shift(explode(' ', $tag)); 修改为

            $tag_sel = explode(' ', $tag);
            $tag_sel = array_shift($tag_sel);
