下面看看 half-sync/half-async 的例子
start() -> case gen_tcp:listen(80, [binary, {nodelay,true}, {packet, 0}, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, false}]) of {ok, Listen} -> io:format("Listning port 80 @ ~p~n", [self()]), accept_loop(Listen); Error -> io:format("Error occur: ~p~n", [Error]) end. accept_loop(Listen) -> case gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of {ok, Socket} -> io:format("Socket ~p connected~n", [Socket]), spawn(?MODULE, handler, [Socket]), accept_loop(Listen); Other -> exit(oops) end. handler(Socket) -> io:format("Waiting incoming message @ ~p~n", [self()]), inet:setopts(Socket, [{nodelay,true}, {active, false}]), case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of {ok, Packet} -> io:format("Receive msg ~p~n", [binary_to_list(Packet)]), gen_tcp:send(Socket, Packet), gen_tcp:close(Socket), handler(Socket); {error, Reason} -> io:format("Socket ~p error ~p~n", [Socket, Reason]) end.
在许多“网络编程”的教程里面,都会给出类似这样的例子。首先当前线程先监听一个端口,然后accept外来Socket连接,并将Socket传递到新的线程中处理。在C、Java这样的语言中,创建一个线程的开销是很大的,一般来说,会使用线程池来处理短连接,一些Web Server就是基于这样的模式。然而在Erlang里面,创建一个Proces的开销极少,进程间切换完全在用户态实现,这样减少了用户态和核心态间切换的开销,使得这种模式成为了可能。
start2() -> case gen_tcp:listen(81, [binary, {nodelay,true}, {packet, 0}, {reuseaddr, true}, {active, false}]) of {ok, Listen} -> handler2(Listen); Error -> io:format("Error occur: ~p~n", [Error]) end. handler2(Listen) -> io:format("Listning port 81 @ ~p~n", [self()]), case gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of {ok, Socket} -> io:format("Socket ~p connected~n", [Socket]), inet:setopts(Socket, [{nodelay,true}, {active, true}]), spawn(?MODULE, handler2, [Listen]), io:format("Waiting incoming message @ ~p~n", [self()]), receive {tcp, Socket, Bin} -> io:format("Receive msg ~p~n", [binary_to_list(Bin)]), gen_tcp:send(Socket, Bin), gen_tcp:close(Socket); {tcp_closed, Socket} -> io:format("Socket ~p closed ~n", [Socket]); Any -> io:format("~p~n", [Any]) end; Other -> io:format("~p~n", [Other]), exit(oops) end.
在这里,Leader Process 设置了这样一个参数
inet:setopts(Socket, [{nodelay,true}, {active, true}]),
Packets can be sent to the returned socket Socket using send/2. Packets sent from the peer are delivered as messages:
{tcp, Socket, Data}
unless {active, false} was specified in the option list for the listen socket, in which case packets are retrieved by calling recv/2.
{tcp, Socket, Data}
unless {active, false} was specified in the option list for the listen socket, in which case packets are retrieved by calling recv/2.
当在gen_tcp:listen/2中使用了{active, true}参数,那么当接收到数据的时候,就会主动发送消息到调用gen_tcp:accept/1的Process中,否则需要使用 gen_tcp:recv 来阻塞获取。通过这样的方式,就可以灵活实现同步/异步接收Socket数据。