


# author Ding Keyan
import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from pylab import*

Image = cv2.imread( '1.bmp', 1) #读入原图
image = cv2.cvtColor(Image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img=np.array(image,dtype=np.float64) #读入到np的array中,并转化浮点类型

IniLSF = np.ones((img.shape[ 0],img.shape[ 1]),img.dtype)
IniLSF[ 30: 80, 30: 80]= - 1

Image = cv2.cvtColor(Image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
plt.figure( 1),plt.imshow(Image),plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([]) # to hide tick values on X and Y axis
plt.contour(IniLSF,[ 0],color = 'b',linewidth= 2) #画LSF=0处的等高线
plt.draw(),plt.show(block= False)

def mat_math (intput,str):
for i in range(img.shape[ 0]):
for j in range(img.shape[ 1]):
if str== "atan":
output[i,j] = math.atan(intput[i,j])
if str== "sqrt":
output[i,j] = math.sqrt(intput[i,j])
return output

def CV (LSF, img, mu, nu, epison,step):

Drc = (epison / math.pi) / (epison*epison+ LSF*LSF)
Hea = 0.5*( 1 + ( 2 / math.pi)*mat_math(LSF/epison, "atan"))
Iy, Ix = np.gradient(LSF)
s = mat_math(Ix*Ix+Iy*Iy, "sqrt")
Nx = Ix / (s+ 0.000001)
Ny = Iy / (s+ 0.000001)
Mxx,Nxx =np.gradient(Nx)
Nyy,Myy =np.gradient(Ny)
cur = Nxx + Nyy
Length = nu*Drc*cur

Lap = cv2.Laplacian(LSF,- 1)
Penalty = mu*(Lap - cur)

s2=( 1-Hea)*img
s3= 1-Hea
C1 = s1.sum()/ Hea.sum()
C2 = s2.sum()/ s3.sum()
CVterm = Drc*(- 1 * (img - C1)*(img - C1) + 1 * (img - C2)*(img - C2))

LSF = LSF + step*(Length + Penalty + CVterm)
#plt.imshow(s, cmap ='gray'),plt.show()
return LSF

mu = 1
nu = 0.003 * 255 * 255
num = 20
epison = 1
step = 0.1
for i in range( 1,num):
LSF = CV(LSF, img, mu, nu, epison,step) #迭代
if i % 1 == 0: #显示分割轮廓
plt.imshow(Image),plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.contour(LSF,[ 0],colors= 'r',linewidth= 2)
plt.draw(),plt.show(block= False),plt.pause( 0.01)


# author Ding Keyan
import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

def DrawContour(LSF,p1,p2):
plt.imshow(Image),plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.contour(LSF,[ 0],color = p1,linewidth = p2)
plt.show(block= False),plt.pause( 0.01)

def mat_math (intput,str):
for i in range(img.shape[ 0]):
for j in range(img.shape[ 1]):
if str== "atan":
output[i,j] = math.atan(intput[i,j])
if str== "sqrt":
output[i,j] = math.sqrt(intput[i,j])
return output

def RSF (LSF, img, mu, nu, epison,step,lambda1,lambda2,kernel):

Drc = (epison / math.pi) / (epison*epison+ LSF*LSF)
Hea = 0.5*( 1 + ( 2 / math.pi)*mat_math(LSF/epison, "atan"))
Iy, Ix = np.gradient(LSF)
s = mat_math(Ix*Ix+Iy*Iy, "sqrt")
Nx = Ix / (s+ 0.000001)
Ny = Iy / (s+ 0.000001)
Mxx,Nxx =np.gradient(Nx)
Nyy,Myy =np.gradient(Ny)
cur = Nxx + Nyy
Length = nu*Drc*cur

Lap = cv2.Laplacian(LSF,- 1)
Penalty = mu*(Lap - cur)

KIH = cv2.filter2D(Hea*img,- 1,kernel)
KH = cv2.filter2D(Hea,- 1,kernel)
f1 = KIH / KH
KIH1 = cv2.filter2D(( 1-Hea)*img,- 1,kernel)
KH1 = cv2.filter2D( 1-Hea,- 1,kernel)
f2 = KIH1 / KH1
R1 = (lambda1- lambda2)*img*img
R2 = cv2.filter2D(lambda1*f1 - lambda2*f2,- 1,kernel)
R3 = cv2.filter2D(lambda1*f1*f1 - lambda2*f2*f2,- 1,kernel)
RSFterm = -Drc*(R1- 2*R2*img+R3)

LSF = LSF + step*(Length + Penalty + RSFterm)
#plt.imshow(s, cmap ='gray'),plt.show()
return LSF

Image = cv2.imread( '1.bmp', 1)
image = cv2.cvtColor(Image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img = np.float64(image)

sig= 3
kernel = np.ones((sig* 4+ 1,sig* 4+ 1),np.float64)/(sig* 4+ 1)** 2

IniLSF = np.ones((img.shape[ 0],img.shape[ 1]),img.dtype)
IniLSF[ 30: 80, 30: 80]= - 1

Image = cv2.cvtColor(Image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
plt.figure( 1)
DrawContour(IniLSF, 'r', 2) # Draw contour

mu = 1
nu = 0.003 * 255 * 255
num = 50
epison = 1
step = 0.1
lambda1=lambda2= 1

for i in range( 1,num):
LSF = RSF(LSF, img, mu, nu, epison,step,lambda1,lambda2,kernel)
if i % 5 == 0:
DrawContour(LSF, 'r', 2)
