
A subculture has developed of young people who embrace daka as a lifestyle. So-called daka zu—“daka tribes”—can be found roaming Chongqing and other cities, checking in at as many hot locations as possible within a single day. Guides can be found online, to show the most efficient ways to achieve this. Companies offer “daka tours”. Douyin users can use the app to create “daka videos”: super-speed slideshows of themselves at daka sites.

今天阅读经济学人中的打卡族,阅读时,总会有看到我的影子,想到以前打卡的我。和朋友旅行,自己做攻略,跟着旅行团等等,都是一种打卡的方式,和作者写的点也是完全一摸一样。自从今年开始尝试一个人旅行时,也越发喜欢那种慢慢的旅行方式 ~

(原计划是把这篇文章读完,但睡前喝了一杯酸奶,好困,明天完成这一篇 )。
