

 (function (global,factory){
})(typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : this , function(window,noGlobal){



(function (global,factory){
     "use strict";
     if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) {
              module.exports = global.document ?
            factory( global, true ) :
            function( w ) {
                if ( !w.document ) {
                    throw new Error( "jQuery requires a window with a document" );
                return factory( w );
    } else {
        factory( global );
})(typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : this , function(window,noGlobal){


// For environments that do not have a window with a document
// (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.


     var version = "3.2.1",
     // Define a local copy of jQuery
    jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
            return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );

1.selector:选择器 可以是字符串 正则 等一系列的东东
2.context:上下文 这个选择器是在那个节点下面找到的,默认是body

jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
            return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
var init = jQuery.fn.init = function( selector, context, root ) {
init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {

init.prototype = jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype 这个连等都看的懂吧
然后 init = jQuery.fn.init 那么

new jQuery.fn.init() == new init() == new Jquery()
其实这里大费周章 new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context ) 就是返回Jquery一个实例而已

接下来我们比较关心的是 jQuery.fn.init = function( selector, context, root ) {

var rootjQuery,
    rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/,
        init = jQuery.fn.init = function( selector, context, root ) {
        var match, elem;
                if ( !selector ) {
            return this;

        root = root || rootjQuery;

        // Handle HTML strings
        if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {

        // HANDLE: $(DOMElement)
        } else if ( selector.nodeType ) {
            this[ 0 ] = selector;
            this.length = 1;
            return this;

                // HANDLE: $(function)
          } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
            return root.ready !== undefined ?
                root.ready( selector ) :
                               selector( jQuery );
               return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this ); //把获得的dom节点转成数组

1.selector 是字符串类型的
2.selector 是dom节点类型
3.selector 是函数类型

var rsingleTag = ( /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i ),
rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/;

if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
            if ( selector[ 0 ] === "<" &&
                selector[ selector.length - 1 ] === ">" &&
                selector.length >= 3 ) {
                        // 以html标签的形式
                match = [ null, selector, null ];
                       } else {
                match = rquickExpr.exec( selector );

            // Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id
            if ( match && ( match[ 1 ] || !context ) ) {

                // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
                if ( match[ 1 ] ) {
                    context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[ 0 ] : context;

                    // Option to run scripts is true for back-compat
                    // Intentionally let the error be thrown if parseHTML is not present
                    jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML(
                        match[ 1 ],
                        context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document,
                    ) );

                    return this;

                // HANDLE: $(#id)  处理id选择器
                } else {
                    elem = document.getElementById( match[ 2 ] );

                    if ( elem ) {

                        // Inject the element directly into the jQuery object
                        this[ 0 ] = elem;
                        this.length = 1;
                    return this;

            // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))  利用内部的find方法寻找节点
            } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
                return ( context || root ).find( selector );

            // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
            } else {
                return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );


context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[ 0 ] : context; 判断context是否是jquery实例


var version = "3.2.1",
   jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
            return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
   jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
        jquery: version,
        constructor: jQuery,
        length: 0,
         toArray: function() {
            return slice.call( this );
         get: function( num ){
          if ( num == null ) {
                return slice.call( this );

            return num < 0 ? this[ num + this.length ] : this[ num ];
          pushStack: function( elems ) {
            var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems );
           ret.prevObject = this;
           return ret;

       each: function( callback ) {
            return jQuery.each( this, callback );

        map: function( callback ) {
            return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function( elem, i ) {
                return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
            } ) );

        slice: function() {
            return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ) );

        first: function() {
            return this.eq( 0 );

        last: function() {
            return this.eq( -1 );

        eq: function( i ) {
            var len = this.length,
                j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 );
            return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[ j ] ] : [] );

        end: function() {
            return this.prevObject || this.constructor();
        push: push,
        sort: arr.sort,
        splice: arr.splice
        // 这里的push  sort  splice就是数组的方法

看到了吧 这里涵盖了所有jquery对象的方法
1.我们要把一个jq Dom对象转成数组,方便遍历,可以 $('').toArray()
2.获取节点中某一个可以用 $('****').get(index)
').slice(index) 截取部分dom元素
5.each map等函数在这里也能看到。


jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
        var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
            target = arguments[ 0 ] || {},
            i = 1,
            length = arguments.length,
            deep = false;
        //大家记得这个函数吗 $.extend(true,obj1,obj2,obj3)  第一个参数为true表示深克隆
        if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
            deep = target;
            target = arguments[ i ] || {};

        if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction( target ) ) {
            target = {};
        // 当没有传递bool值时  参数只有一个时  也就是$.fn.extend({})
        if ( i === length ) {
            target = this;

        for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
            if ( ( options = arguments[ i ] ) != null ) {
                for ( name in options ) {
                    src = target[ name ];
                    copy = options[ name ];
                    if ( target === copy ) {
                    // 这就是深克隆的情况
                    if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject( copy ) ||
                        ( copyIsArray = Array.isArray( copy ) ) ) ) {

                        if ( copyIsArray ) {
                            copyIsArray = false;
                            clone = src && Array.isArray( src ) ? src : [];

                        } else {
                            clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject( src ) ? src : {};

                        target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
                     // 这种情况就实现了jquery原型方法的拓展 
                    } else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
                        target[ name ] = copy;
        return target;


        return $('ele this').length > 0


jQuery.fn.extend( {
    find: function( selector ) {
        var i, ret,
            len = this.length,
            self = this;

        if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
            return this.pushStack( jQuery( selector ).filter( function() {
                for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
                    if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
                        return true;
            } ) );

        ret = this.pushStack( [] );

        for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
            jQuery.find( selector, self[ i ], ret );

        return len > 1 ? jQuery.uniqueSort( ret ) : ret;
    filter: function( selector ) {
        return this.pushStack( winnow( this, selector || [], false ) );
    not: function( selector ) {
        return this.pushStack( winnow( this, selector || [], true ) );
    is: function( selector ) {
        return !!winnow(
                typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test( selector ) ?
                jQuery( selector ) :
                selector || [],
     addBack: function( selector ) {
        return this.add( selector == null ?
            this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter( selector )
} );


  • list item 1
  • list item 2
  • list item 3
  • list item 4
  • list item 5
$( "li.third-item" ).nextAll().addBack() .css( "background-color", "red" );

下面说一个经常见得工具方法 $.extend()

jQuery.extend( {
        isFunction: function( obj ) {
        return jQuery.type( obj ) === "function";

    isWindow: function( obj ) {
        return obj != null && obj === obj.window;

    isNumeric: function( obj ) {

        // As of jQuery 3.0, isNumeric is limited to
        // strings and numbers (primitives or objects)
        // that can be coerced to finite numbers (gh-2662)
        var type = jQuery.type( obj );
        return ( type === "number" || type === "string" ) &&

            // parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives ("")
            // ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
            // subtraction forces infinities to NaN
            !isNaN( obj - parseFloat( obj ) );

    isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
        var proto, Ctor;

        // Detect obvious negatives
        // Use toString instead of jQuery.type to catch host objects
        if ( !obj || toString.call( obj ) !== "[object Object]" ) {
            return false;

        proto = getProto( obj );

        // Objects with no prototype (e.g., `Object.create( null )`) are plain
        if ( !proto ) {
            return true;

        // Objects with prototype are plain iff they were constructed by a global Object function
        Ctor = hasOwn.call( proto, "constructor" ) && proto.constructor;
        return typeof Ctor === "function" && fnToString.call( Ctor ) === ObjectFunctionString;
       each: function( obj, callback ) {
        var length, i = 0;

        if ( isArrayLike( obj ) ) {
            length = obj.length;
            for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
                if ( callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ) === false ) {
        } else {
            for ( i in obj ) {
                if ( callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ) === false ) {

        return obj;

最常用的还是$.each(obj,function()) 这个方法了吧

      var count = 0,flag = true;
        for(var i =0; i


var _jQuery = window.jQuery,
       // Map over the $ in case of overwrite
    _$ = window.$;

jQuery.noConflict = function( deep ) {
       //如果现在定义的Jquery与之前不一样,那么之前的就得写成_$  _JQuery
    if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
        window.$ = _$;

    if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) {
        window.jQuery = _jQuery;

    return jQuery;
if ( !noGlobal ) {
    window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
// 在非全局情况下 Jquery  $ 都有jq原型


  jQuery.noConflict demo


Before $.noConflict(true)

Before $.noConflict(true) 2nd loaded jQuery version ($): 1.6.2 After $.noConflict(true) 1st loaded jQuery version ($): 1.10.2 2nd loaded jQuery version (jq162): 1.6.2

