腾讯首次推出卸妆软件:姑娘们,你们将以真面目示人了! 海侨会——汇海侨 海归华侨精英会(Returnees & Overseas Elite Association),简称海侨会(R.O.E.A.),本平台以海归、华侨和优秀青年企业家为依托,致力于打造最有品质的全球华人实名制社交平台。 What will you do after taking a selfie? Directly post it


海归华侨精英会(Returnees & Overseas Elite Association),简称海侨会(R.O.E.A.),本平台以海归、华侨和优秀青年企业家为依托,致力于打造最有品质的全球华人实名制社交平台。

What will you do after taking a selfie? Directly post it online or beautify it using photo-editing apps first? As virtual makeup apps gain popularity among both males and females, Chinese developers are working on a way to remove makeups from over-edited photos.


腾讯首次推出卸妆软件:姑娘们,你们将以真面目示人了! 海侨会——汇海侨 海归华侨精英会(Returnees & Overseas Elite Association),简称海侨会(R.O.E.A.),本平台以海归、华侨和优秀青年企业家为依托,致力于打造最有品质的全球华人实名制社交平台。 What will you do after taking a selfie? Directly post it_第1张图片

During the International Conference of Computer Vision held from Oct 22 to 29 in Venice, Italy, Tencent Youtu Lab, an artificial intelligence research lab under the Chinese tech giant Tencent, released a new algorithm through a paper submitted to ICCV that can reverse over-edited deceiving pictures.

在10月22日至29日于威尼斯意大利举行的国际计算机视觉会议期间,中国科技巨头腾讯旗下的人工智能研究室——Tencent Youtu Lab发布了一个新的计算程序。它可以还原那些因过度编辑而具有欺骗性的照片。

腾讯首次推出卸妆软件:姑娘们,你们将以真面目示人了! 海侨会——汇海侨 海归华侨精英会(Returnees & Overseas Elite Association),简称海侨会(R.O.E.A.),本平台以海归、华侨和优秀青年企业家为依托,致力于打造最有品质的全球华人实名制社交平台。 What will you do after taking a selfie? Directly post it_第2张图片

Dubbed "makeup-go", the algorithm is claimed to be the first of its kind in the world, and it focuses on tackling the two issues of skin smoothing and skin color change.


One of the difficulties mentioned by the lab is that every virtual makeup software performs quite differently, which make it impossible to learn all operations that can smooth skin, suppress wrinkle and freckle, and adjust tone.


Therefore, the team designed a new network structure to reverse pictures "blindly". Learned from data of different software, the network can restore beautified images without knowing the exact algorithms.


腾讯首次推出卸妆软件:姑娘们,你们将以真面目示人了! 海侨会——汇海侨 海归华侨精英会(Returnees & Overseas Elite Association),简称海侨会(R.O.E.A.),本平台以海归、华侨和优秀青年企业家为依托,致力于打造最有品质的全球华人实名制社交平台。 What will you do after taking a selfie? Directly post it_第3张图片

Also, instead of directly regressing the pictures towards the unedited version, the network regresses levels of principal components of the edited parts separately. As a result, subtle detail information won't be ignored.


Makeup-go doesn't handle geometric face-lifting at the moment, the team said in the paper.





你可能感兴趣的:(腾讯首次推出卸妆软件:姑娘们,你们将以真面目示人了! 海侨会——汇海侨 海归华侨精英会(Returnees & Overseas Elite Association),简称海侨会(R.O.E.A.),本平台以海归、华侨和优秀青年企业家为依托,致力于打造最有品质的全球华人实名制社交平台。 What will you do after taking a selfie? Directly post it)