bbc 美食纪录片 with Rick

vine trimmings 葡萄藤

ceps 牛肝菌

oysters out of the bay 刚打捞上来的牡蛎

bistros 小餐馆

taste buds 味蕾

soot-sooty  灰黑色的

River Garonne 加仑河

cote de boeuf 牛肋

duck fat 鸭油

radish 小萝卜

 a bottle of Bordeaux 一瓶波尔多的葡萄酒

The entrance is pure theatre. 入口就像剧院一样好看。

pigeon 鸽子肉

itsy-bitsy(口) 小小的

brazier 烤食物用的火盆

The style of cooking over a brazier is pure Bordeaux.

fatty caul 胎膜

roast 大火烤
bake 用烤箱烤

toast 烤至变色,面包

food porn  食物色情片/ 秀色可餐?

cook over charcoal 木炭烤

slice up grattons 猪肉冻

pate 肉酱/鱼酱 pate de foie gras鹅肝酱

Pomerol 波美侯

Pauillac 波亚克
Carbernet Franc 品丽珠

Carbernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠

Merlot 梅洛

Petit Verdot 小味儿多

Ruby-red claret 红宝石葡萄酒

Lillet 利莱酒

citrus liqueur 利口酒

quinine 奎宁酒

法国葡萄酒十大产区: 醉鹅娘视频入门

Bordeaux 波尔多,混酿

Burgundy/ Bourgogne 勃艮第

Rohone Vallley 罗纳河谷

Champagne 香槟,起泡酒

Alsace 阿尔萨斯

Loire Valley 卢瓦尔河谷

Languedoc-Roussillon 朗格多克-露喜龙

Provence 普罗旺斯

Jura 卢拉

Sud-Ouest 西南产区


white/blanc 白葡萄酒

rose 桃红

red/rouge 红葡萄酒

sparkling/mousseux 起泡酒

cremant 用香槟法酿造的法国起泡酒


dry/sec 干型,基本不甜

demi-sec 中干型,一点甜

moelleux 半甜型,较为清淡的甜酒

doux 甜型,很甜

VT:vendange Tardive 晚摘,糖分更高,成分更浓缩

SGN:Selection de Grains Nobles 贵腐葡萄酒,贵腐菌,口味浓缩,特甜


餐酒:VDT:vin de table    

            VDF: vin de France 最低档葡萄酒

地区餐酒:VDP:vin de pays origine/pays de origine

                   IGP: indication geographique protegee 大批量生产的低质葡萄酒

原产地管制命名:AOC: appellation d'origine controlee 工艺和质量水平受产地管制


特级田,特级种植区:Grand Cru 勃艮第和阿尔萨斯

列级酒庄:Grand Cru Classe 指波尔多地区的列级酒庄体系

中级庄:Cru Bourgeois 梅多克产区


古法酿造法: Methode ancestrale

香槟法/传统法:methode traditionnelle


chateaux 酒庄

domaine 酒庄(勃艮第)

winemaker/vigneron 酿造者

vineyard/vigonble 葡萄园

grower/recoltant 果农

on lees/sur lie 酒脚陈年

vintage/millesime 年份

cooperativev 合作社

monopole 独占葡萄园

the arch of a bridge 拱桥

high-rise 高楼大厦

clay and mud 粘土

period drama 古装剧

urns of water/wine 瓮,罐

conquering general on a great big horse

lemon marmalade 柠檬果酱

cafe au lait 牛奶咖啡

cafe du commerce 咖啡厅

the Bay of Arcachon  阿卡熊湾

Bordeaux-bordelasie 波尔多酱汁

Provencal sauce 普罗旺斯酱汁

arriere(法) 倒车

netural 空档

gear change 换档

in/out of gear汽车挂上挡[未挂挡].

*low/bottom/first gear 低速挡[头挡/第一挡](用於车辆起动或爬坡)

*high/top gear, ie used for high speeds 高速挡

2cv: deux chevaux 法国“国民汽车” 1948年产

go well with 很配

baste with  淋,浇上汤汁

barge 驳船 barge into/through

mooch around 闲逛

stroll-stroller 散步,闲逛

be shot to bits 被摧毁

All the roads were shot to bits because of ww2.

write off:If someone writes off a vehicle, they have a crash in it and it is so badly damaged that it is not worth repairing. (BRIT) 损坏

John's written off four cars. Now he sticks to public transport...

close to heaven 就像在天堂

rabbit cooked with prunes 梅干兔肉

steak tartare 鞑靼牛排

petit sale-pork and lentils 豆子炖咸猪肉

poulet au pot-chicken with vegetable 法式鸡肉锅

duck confit 油封鸭腿

cassoulet 豆焖肉

chicken parmentier 鸡肉马铃薯

vinaigrette 色拉调味汁/油醋汁

as fresh as daisy 新鲜

Jenny-No-Mates 独行侠珍妮

menu du jour 现在的菜单

tomato puree 番茄泥

a tablespoon of food 一勺

well-reduced chicken stck 上等浓缩鸡汤

a rechaufait dish 火盆菜

There are few recipes for leftovers. 好吃到不会剩菜。

a dollop of cream, jam, mashed potato, etc 一团奶油﹑ 果酱﹑ 土豆泥等

fiddly:difficult to do or use because it involves small or complicated objects. (BRIT) 难的

It was a time-consuming and fiddly job...

a grating of gruyere 一层格鲁耶尔奶酪擦丝

in my mind's eye 在我脑海里

stony 硌脚的

Chesil Beach 英国三大卵石海滩之一

marrowbone 牛脊髓

shallot 青葱

searing the marrow into the beef 将牛脊髓烙进牛肉里

take a biscuit:be extremely or specially amusing, annoying, surprising, etc 极其可笑﹑ 讨厌﹑ 惊奇等

He's done stupid things before, but this really takes the biscuit, ie is the most stupid thing. 他以前倒也干过傻事, 但这次实在太离谱了(做了最愚蠢的事).

snooty:showing disapproval and contempt towards others 目中无人的; 妄自尊大的:

a snooty letter refusing the invitation一封拒绝邀请措词傲慢的信

maigre 素食的/鹰石首鱼

bass 鲈鱼

waft into: (cause sth to) be carried lightly and smoothly (as if) through the air (使某物)(似)在空中飘流﹑ 飘浮或飘荡:

The sound of their voices wafted across the lake to us.他们的声音飘过湖面传到我们这里. *Delicious smells wafted up from the kitchen.厨房里飘出了香味.

plancha  铁板烧

by the glass/bottle 来一杯/瓶

main course 主菜

lardon 熏肉

crouton 油炸面包丁
ravioli  意大利方形饺子

truffle 松露

wafer 威化饼

caramel parfait 焦糖口味的冻糕

sage leaf 鼠尾草

mussel 贻贝,壳菜,淡菜

girolle mushroom 鸡油菌

the bug:(infml口) obsessive interest (in sth specified) (对所指事物的)极大兴趣:

He was never interested in cooking before, but now he's been bitten by/he's got the bug.他以前对烹饪从不感兴趣, 但是现在可着迷了。

pucker~ (sth) (up)(cause sth to) form small folds or wrinkles (使某物)起褶子或皱纹:

*The child's face puckered (up).脸皱起来

*pucker one's brows皱起眉头.

I am more of an enthusiastic eater than a cook. 与其说。。。不如说我更像。。。

Diners come here as though they are making a pilgrimage to a long-lost grandmother, to be warmed by the fire and attended to. The gentle Bordeaux is pourred and we are home again.

The terroir气候, the soil, the sun, the rain, the stones, the sea breezes make Bordeaux the synonymous with good wine.

Fashions may chage over the years, but people will be behaving in exactly the same way they are today: having a glass with friends before supper.

French children go to farms, to cheesemakers, to vegebtable growers, so by the age of eight or so, they are all gourmets.

It is all about impressions. I want to get the picture of a palce from a food and drink point of view. It tries to build up a feeling of “I wish I was there".

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