Joshua @LeZhi ([email protected])
1.5 冰凉的手和温暖的心
Now, since I’m not giving a series of recipes, let’s take a situation from life and say that you suddenly become uncomfortable over a fact that you previously greeted: your child is uncommonly bright; you used to comfort yourself with it when the going got hard, saying, “Well, in spite of everything, I have an unusually brilliant, talented child. At age five, she can add two-column figures in her head faster than many children years her senior.” You were proud of this until now, and your pedagogical efforts tended largely in the direction of appealing to the child’s mental powers, explaining and giving reasons for everything. That may have helped on some occasions, but not on others.
Now you suddenly feel it is an untrustworthy procedure. You note, as you read books and newspapers, how consistently you encounter statements linking purely mental insight with a cold approach, and how well-founded the term “intellectual coldness” is. You cannot get over the feeling that the constant peripheral chilliness your child evidences may well have to do with the fact that such exceptionally bright children suffer from a stunted development of intellectual coolness.
It is certainly not my intention to say anything in the least negative about analytical thinking; it is an accomplishment, the not-least-significant aspect of which is that the soul element, the whole sphere of emotions and moods is as though repressed and held back in the thinker. That is the only way the thinker can succeed in doing it.
To think clearly and logically requires inhibiting feeling and confronting the world in a focused state. Popular talk of “a cool head” is a way of saying that rejection of the warmth activity that rises from the emotional sphere to the head, that is, to the sense organization, is essential to orderly thinking. Mental clarity demands a distancing of oneself from one’s own soul life, on the one hand, and from one’s surroundings, on the other. Just try to grasp a clear thought with your hand touching a hot light bulb, or to form a distinct picture of what is going on around you.
It is absolutely essential in life to master our feelings and to learn to confront the world outside in a focused, gathered state of being so that our heads can function freely. That is a necessity not to be scorned. But the process cannot be described without picturing the setting up of a cold zone between the world and oneself founded on suppressing emotional warmth. That is an inevitable accompaniment of the intellectual process.
So when children are prematurely involved in the intellectual realm, you have continually to overcome the chilliness that stands in the way of contact with their surroundings. And when you also consider the fact that younger children are more open, immediately their soul-spiritual condition expresses itself in their bodily functions (and vice versa); then you will find yourself dealing with chill-related problems of restlessness and cramping that most assuredly go unrecognized in today’s academic lexicon. You begin to realize that there are age levels in which the described suppressing of soul warmth is extremely damaging. It works directly counter to a child’s developmental needs.
You may come to see that providing external physical warmth alone does not fill the bill. You’ll need to think more about soul-warming educational approaches and attitudes, putting affectionate bodily contact ahead of verbal communication, involving the child in creative activity, singing together, playfully transforming his tendency for cramped movement into pleasure in musical-rhythmical motion.
Or, instead of “sensible” instruction, make stories full of rich pictures that develop insight by means of fantasy rather than of intellect. Fantasy warms even the fingertips, whereas reason chills. If it is a child’s desire to go beyond the narrow boundary of his bodily being with his impulses for fantasy and creativity, we shall not encourage elements that make that boundary only the more immobile. Your job is literally to entice the child’s inner warmth forces right out to his skin, into his fingertips.
I wanted to illustrate with this example what progress you can make if you approach matters as described, with courage born of insight, and pay attention to the inspiration you receive. These are reliable guides, provided you have crossed sleep’s threshold with both a clearly formed question and a distinct image of the child. Three things are essential in seeking collaboration with the child’s angel: your own thoughtful effort in forming a concept of the course of human maturation; exact observation, carried on with veneration for the child; and lastly, relegating night after night, the fruits of these efforts to sleep as you prepare for it, trying yet again to combine what you have observed with insights you have arrived at.
Let us avoid any misunderstanding. It is certainly wise, occasionally, to seek a pediatrician’s or educational consultant’s advice when some aspect of your child’s behavior makes you feel unsure of yourself. On the other hand, every achievement of independence from the “experts” who are available nowadays for help in every conceivable kind of problem means a significant gain in freedom, self-confidence, and a calmness that is transmitted to the child as well. And I am convinced that “experts” in educational matters should undertake each job with a conscious intention to make themselves superfluous.
Please take what I have been saying as offered in just that sense.