ss7200 cli% cgcmd -tc tty -C cage0 -c report_faults -p a      ##查看报错电源


Drive Manager faults

No faults

Environmental Control faults

No faults

General Service faults

9 component(s) registered with fault tracker

Local faults:

        No faults

Remote faults:

        No faults

Human Interface Device faults

Ops Panel status:

Unit Identifier LED  : OFF

Logic Fault LED      : OFF

Module Fault LED     : ON

Warning:                     Local:  Remote:

    ****No HID warnings to report****

Reporting Current Alarms(Highest priority first):

Type          : PCM Failure - redundant

Current State : MUTE

Status        : ACTIVE

Buzzer        : MUTE

RemoteSync Client faults

No faults



Power Manager faults

PSU 0 fault: "DC under Voltage"   Fault LED: OFF, Warning LED: OFF, Shutdown LED: OFF

##报警电源编号PSU 0


ss7200 cli% cgcmd -tc tty -C cage0 -c report_faults -p a  ##更换电源后重新查看设备错误


Drive Manager faults

No faults

Environmental Control faults

No faults

General Service faults

9 component(s) registered with fault tracker

Local faults:

        No faults

Remote faults:

        No faults

Human Interface Device faults

Ops Panel status:

Unit Identifier LED  : OFF

Logic Fault LED      : OFF

Module Fault LED     : OFF

Warning:                     Local:  Remote:

    ****No HID warnings to report****

No alarms to report

RemoteSync Client faults

No faults

Power Manager faults

No faults


ss7200 cli% exit   ##无错误,退出系统


ss7200 cli% help   ##查看命令帮助

help/clihelp - Help for the HP specific CLI commands.

See the tclsh and Tcl documentation for help on the Tcl language.

CLI commands fall under the following categories:

        add      - add resources

        admit    - admit resources

        cancel   - cancel operations

        change   - change current domain cli environment

        check    - check volumes or logical disks for consistency

        cmore    - page command output

        compact  - consolidate space

        control  - control physical entities (disks, ports, magazines)

        create   - create new entities such as volumes

        dismiss  - remove entities from system use

        exit     - exit from this shell (same as quit)

        free     - free resources

        grow     - grow entities such as volumes

        hist     - display service time histograms

        locate   - identify physical system resources

        move     - move data from one resource to another

        promote  - promote a copy to a base volume

        quit     - exit from this shell (same as exit)

        remove   - remove entities such as volumes

        service  - prepare system to begin or complete service

        set      - set specific parameters

        show     - display information about resources

        shutdown - shutdown a single node or the entire system

        sr       - historical reports from system reporter

        start    - start entities (Remote Copy groups, volumes, logical disks)

        stat     - display statistics for performance resources

        stop     - stop entities (Remote Copy groups, etc.)

        sync     - synchronize Remote Copy volume groups

        tune     - tune resources

        update   - update objects

        upgrade  - upgrade firmware of system components

        wait     - wait for operations to complete

help usage:

        help                  This help message. List command categories.

        help        Help on specific

        help       Help on specific of commands

        help sub              List subjects other than commands

        help -sub   Help on . Same as "help sub,"

        help -col   Explain column headers for

                              Same as "help col,"

        help -search  Search help text with regular expression

        "clihelp" can be used instead of "help"

Help on a specific can also be obtained by typing " -h"

(C) Copyright 2002-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

ss7200 cli% help show         ##查看常用命令帮助

show* -  Show information about resources.             

In each case type "help " for detailed help. 

        showalert        - show status of system alerts

        showaocfg        - show all Adaptive Optimization configurations

        showauthparam    - show authentication parameters

        showbattery      - show battery status information

        showblock        - show block mapping info for vvs, lds, pds

        showcage         - show disk cage information

        showcert         - show SSL certificate

        showcim          - show the CIM server information

        showclienv       - show CLI environment parameters

        showcpg          - show Common Provisioning Groups (CPGs)

        showdate         - show date and time on all system nodes

        showdomain       - show domains in the system

        showdomainset    - show sets of domains in the system

        showeeprom       - show node eeprom information

        showencryption   - show encryption information

        showeventlog     - show event logs

        showfirmwaredb   - show current database of firmware levels

        showhost         - show host and host path information

        showhostset      - show sets of hosts in the system

        showinventory    - show hardware inventory

        showiscsisession - show iscsi sessions

        showld           - show logical disks (LDs) in the system

        showldch         - show LD to PD chunklet mapping

        showldmap        - show LD to VV mapping

        showlicense      - show installed license key

        shownet          - show network configuration and status

        shownode         - show node and its component information

        shownodeenv      - show node environmental status (voltages,


        showpatch        - show what patches have been applied to the system

        showpd           - show physical disks (PDs) in the system

        showpdata        - show preserved data status

        showpdch         - show status of selected chunklets of physical disks

        showpdvv         - show PD to VV mapping

        showport         - show Fibre Channel and iSCSI ports in the system

        showportarp      - show ARP table for ports

        showportdev      - show detailed information about devices on a port 

        showportisns     - show iSNS host information for ports

        showportlesb     - show Link Error Status Block information about

                           devices on Fibre Channel port

        showportpel      - show Phy Error Log information about

                           devices on SAS port

        showqos          - show QoS rules in the system

        showrcopy        - show Remote Copy configuration information

        showrctransport  - show information about end-to-end transport for

                           Remote Copy

        showrole          - show information about roles in the system

        showrsv          - show information about reservation and registration

                           of VLUNs connected on a Fibre Channel port

        showsched        - show scheduled tasks in the system

        showsnmppw       - shows SNMP access passwords

        showsnmpmgr      - show SNMP trap managers

        showsnmpuser     - show SNMPv3 users and their authentication and privacy protocols

        showspace        - show estimated free space

        showspare        - show information about spare and relocated chunklets

        showsralertcrit  - show System Reporter alert criteria

        showsshkey       - show ssh public keys authorized by the current user

        showsys          - show system information (system name, serial number etc.)

        showsysmgr       - show system manager startup state

        showtarget       - show unrecognized targets

        showtask         - show information about tasks

        showtemplate     - show templates

        showtoc          - show system Table of Contents (TOC) summary

        showtocgen       - show system Table of Contents (TOC) generation number

        showuser         - show user accounts and SSH keys

        showuseracl      - show user access control list

        showuserconn     - show user connections

        showversion      - show software versions

        showvlun         - show virtual LUNs (VLUNs) in the system

        showvv           - show virtual volumes (VVs) in the system

        showvvcpg        - show VV space distribution among CPGs

        showvvmap        - show VV to LD mapping

        showvvpd         - show VV distribution across PDs

        showvvset        - show sets of VVs in the system

        showwsapi        - show the Web Services API server information

        showwsapisession     - show the Web Services API server sessions information

Use setclienv command to change the table format options.