N0. 6-1 How to Become a Morning Person: 5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Day| [每周一译]



How to Become a Morning Person: 5 Tips to Jumpstart Your Day(点蓝色字即可进入此文)

Week 1 如何成为早起者:5招让你开启全新的一天

The early bird gets the worm. If you want to achieve your goals, you should get an active start to your day. Find out how to go from being a later riser to a morning person with our five easy tips.


1.Meal prep your breakfast
Five minutes the night before can save you a lot of stress and time the next morning. Take this creamy chia pudding in a jar, for example. All you have to do is whip it up and put it in the refrigerator. Tomorrow’s breakfast can be that simple. Plus, pudding in a jar makes it easy to eat at home or** on the go**.


2.Do your workout in the morning
Whether you prefer an hour of spinning or a 7-minute energizer workout, exercising in the morning is a great way to sweat your worries away. Plus, it helps clear your sleepy head. If you sign up for a fitness class at the gym (for instance, spinning, boxing or Zumba), you are less likely to skip a workout. Doesn’t it feel great to be able to cross your workout off your to-do list first thing in the morning? This leaves you more time to relax in the evening.


3.Work out with friends
Have you signed up for a class at the gym? Great! Then convince a friend or your significant other to join you. There are lots of benefits to working out with your friends and you’re less likely to skip when you know someone else is waiting for you – even when you don’t feel like it! You will see that you feel a lot better afterward and you can get a jump on a long work day.


4.Stop hitting the snooze button
We all know how tempting it is to hit the snooze button early in the morning. But instead of giving into the urge, how about trying to resist it for a change? When it rings, just get up and use the extra ten minutes for you. Put your cell phone down and enjoy the pleasure of drinking a cup of coffee or tea. Relax and think of everything you would like to achieve today. A to-do list can help you organize your thoughts and use your time and energy more efficiently.


5.Smart alarm to wake up peacefully
Gone are the times when your alarm clock jolted(V.摇晃) you out of your sleep. Before you go to sleep, select a wake-up window (say between 7:00 and 7:30). The Smart Alarm of our Sleep Better app automatically recognizes the best time to wake you up and will do so during your lightest sleep phase within that set window. Pretty clever, huh? You can find more info on the Sleep Better app on our blog.Download the Sleep Better app now. A good day starts with a good night’s rest!



Five minutes the night before 前天晚上五分钟
The early bird gets the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃
later riser 赖床者
morning person 早起者
Whip something up 速成一道菜,使(水、沙等)翻腾
on the go 在路上
sleepy head 昏睡的大脑
skip a workout 不去锻炼
cross your workout off 划掉健身任务,即完成健身任务
to-do list 任务清单
your significant other 另一半,恋人
feel a lot better 感觉好很多
get a jump on 很快开始
hit the snooze button 按延迟键
jolted you out of your sleep 惊醒
Pretty clever 十分聪明,十分智能

6.24-7.30 准备翻译这篇800字的小文,What if This Were Your Only Chance?,有兴趣的话就一起翻译并交流吧!

I am sick in spoken English now and I really hope I can express my freely someday and I also hope this day will come soon. If you have any efficient method, please share with me. I would appreciate it deeply.
——by Sophie

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