A girl with her idol CC3

It’s not a story that I telling you how a girl chasing her idol.

5 years ago,she was only 20,even not graduated from college,she watched a British TV series and fell for an actor.He’s charming handsome gorgeous gentlemen on the tv even in real life.She was crazy about him for a while like any of young girls they were doing,posters photos screen on her phone and computer.Talking about him to her parents friends students,watched all the TVs movies that he played.His zodiac,birthday,marriage and everything that she knew.

She had time and she was free to do anything she wanted.But nothing can lasts forever,maybe the feelings goes down through the time,she forget about him slowly,perhaps crashed on anyone else that was normal it’s multiple world everything’s changing in every second.

5 years now,she’s more than 20,she have good job, new friends new boyfriend,new life.Growing up becoming a decent woman,she’s never recollected  him anymore,even didn’t mentioned his name again.But one day,she watched a movie,he is the lead actor and his name on the middle of the big poster on the cinema.She can heard some girls were talking about him how he good looking is.After the movie she felt she crashed on him again that feeling was different from past 5 years,like she said: I think he’s the last idol(男神)in my life.I was confused,what’s the different? Same person same look the only thing changed is the age,his age and hers.

I asked about her,why you so sure that isn’t the short delight like 5 years ago?She said:when I looked at him on the cinema again, I felt I lost him for long time,I lost his beauty,as an actor his acting skilks growing fast,he challenged himself in many roles. I like him more and notice more from inside not just looking.We not 17 anymore that guy maybe can improve you encourage you becoming a good person,this is the different.

Okay.... I need a prove.

Until many days ago, I got a proving.

She texted me suddenly:I’m on another city now for business trip,but I hear from weibo he’s going to here tomorrow!

Me: I was so happy for you and couldn’t be any great!You two in the same city you can figure it out how to get into the show!

Her: I can find a way,my friend can help me so easily!

Me:Wow! How I juleas about you!Wish you luck!

Her:But I must get back tomorrow afternoon,my leader needs my data urgency I can’t afford the lost.And he knows I’ve done my duty what about me?Find another reason?Lying to him?I didn’t catch up the train?So stupid!

Me:that is hard think about that clearly don’t do anything you regret!

She was quiet until the another day.

Next day evening I got her massage:gusee where I am now?

Me:On the show?Meeting your 男神?

Her:No i’m on the train.

Me:Wow why you give up the opportunity it’s rare.

She:No,it looks like I missed him but on the other way,this is his job to come the show,his career.And I must go back for my own career either.we both have our responsibilities to live for.The best way to love your idol is never be followed him to anywhere.It is you be better person because of him or her.Something you must learn must change.When the time past you growing up,you can be more confident,unruffled,when one day you meet him at the right opportunity.To lose yourself sacrifice your everything isn’t available for someone even that’s your idol.I’m so sad most of people didn’t think that way.I can stay here one more night but after that did I really getting more than receive.He is the tree I’m still the grass,we both have rights live on the own way and position.He suppose to be the light guide you home,that’s what I thought.

I was so impressed about her change when I read those words,even it’s a simple story or thoughts.Just make sure you thinking more before do something,measure the values that you cost,don’t lose yourself for anywho.

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