Key dates
Submission: February 11, 2018
Notification: May 06, 2018
Camera-ready: May 25, 2018
(All deadlines are at 11:59PM Pacific Time)
Note: There will be absolutely noexception to these deadlines.
We invite submission of papersdescribing innovative research on all aspects of knowledge discovery and datamining, ranging from theoretical foundations to novel models and algorithms fordata mining problems in science, business, medicine, and engineering. Visionarypapers on new and emerging topics are also welcome, as are application-orientedpapers that make innovative technical contributions to research. Authors areexplicitly discouraged from submitting incremental results that do not providemajor advances over existing approaches.
Topics of interest include, butare not limited to:
• BigData: Large-scale systems for text andgraph analysis, machine learning, optimization, parallel and distributed datamining (cloud, map-reduce), novel algorithmic and statistical techniques forbig data.
• DataScience: Methods for analyzing scientificand business data, social networks, time series; mining sequences, streams,text, web, graphs, rules, patterns, logs data, spatio-temporal data, biologicaldata; recommender systems, computational advertising, multimedia, finance,bioinformatics.
• Foundations: Models and algorithms,asymptotic analysis; model selection, dimensionality reduction,relational/structured learning, matrix and tensor methods, probabilistic andstatistical methods; deep learning; manifold learning, classification,clustering, regression, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning;personalization, security and privacy, visualization.
Submission directions
KDD is a dual track conferencehosting both a Research track and an Applied Data Science track. Due to thelarge number of submissions, papers submitted to the Research track will not beconsidered for publication in the Applied Data Science track and vice versa.Authors are encouraged to read the track descriptions carefully and to choosean appropriate track for their submissions.
Following KDD conferencetradition, reviews are not double-blind, and author names and affiliationsshould be listed.
Submissions are limited to atotal of 9 (nine) pages, including all content and references, and must be inPDF format and formatted according to the new Standard ACMConference Proceedings Template.
• LaTeXusers, unzip, make, and use sample-sigconf.tex as a template;
Additional information aboutformatting and style files is available online at: Papers that do not meet theformatting requirements will be rejected without review. Submitted papers willbe assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact,insightfulness, depth, clarity, and reproducibility.
Submissions for KDD 2018 shouldbe made at
Important policies
Submitted papers will be assessedbased on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, insightfulness,depth, clarity, and reproducibility. Authors are strongly encouraged to maketheir code and data publicly available whenever possible. Algorithms andresources used in a paper should be described as completely as possible toallow reproducibility. This includes experimental methodology, empiricalevaluations, and results. The reproducibility factor will play an importantrole in the assessment of each submission.
Every listed author must takeresponsibility for the entire content of a paper. Note that changes to theauthor list after the submission deadline is not allowed.
Dual submissions
Submitted papers must describework that is substantively different from work that has already been published,or accepted for publication, or submitted in parallel to other conferences orjournals. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.
1 Submission to KDD is permitted ofa shorter version of a paper that has been submitted to a journal, but has notyet been published in that journal. Authors must declare such dual-submissionson the submission form. Authors must make sure that the journal in questionallows dual concurrent submissions to conferences.
2 Submission is permitted forpapers presented or to be presented at conferences or workshops withoutproceedings, or with only abstracts published.
3 Submission is permitted forpapers that have previously been made available as a technical report orsimilar, in particular in arXiv.
Conflicts of interest
During the submission process,enter the email domains of all institutions with which you have aninstitutional conflict of interest. You have an institutional conflict ofinterest if you are currently employed or have been employed at thisinstitution in the past three years, or you have extensively collaborated withthis institution within the past three years. Authors are also required toidentify all PC/SPC members with whom they have a conflict of interest, e.g.,advisor, student, colleague, or coauthor in the last five years.
For each accepted paper, at leastone author must attend the conference and present the paper. Authors of allaccepted papers must prepare a final version for publication, a poster, and a three-minuteshort video presentation (details will be in the acceptance notification).
Accepted papers will be publishedin the conference proceedings by ACM and also appear in the ACM DigitalLibrary. The rights retained by authors who transfer copyright to ACM can befound at For accepted papers, the authors also agree that thepapers will also be made available to general public on the KDD websiteimmediately after the camera ready submission (June 9, 2018). If you have anobjection to your papers being posted on the KDD site prior to the conferenceplease send us an email at
Chih-Jen Lin and Hui Xiong
Research Track PC Chairs of KDD-2018