图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误



图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第1张图片

目前最新版本是9.5.1,我下载了 Win x86-32 的最新版本。安装后目录如下:

图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第2张图片


图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第3张图片

目前最新版本是4.0.1,我下载了libpqxx-4.0.1.tar.gz 压缩包。解压后目录如下:

图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第4张图片


  • 进入libpqxx的解压路径 D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1\win32 ,将该路径下的common-sample文件另存为common文件
图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第5张图片
  • 打开并删除上述common文件原有全部内容,然后将以下代码复制到common文件中并保存。
       *意:复制后请将第53行 PGSQLSRC 的值修改为你实际安装postgresql的根目录,同时根目录两端的双引号不能省略!
# Common options for Visual C++ makefiles to build libpqxx and its regression
# test.
# you may lose your changes when you upgrade your libpqxx sources.
# Instead, copy "common-sample" to "common" and edit just the file "common".

# Caution: on Windows, some environments, such as the "make" that comes with
# Visual C++, expect you to use backslashes as path separators (for example,
# "C:\src\libpqxx") whereas others like MinGW want you to use more conventional
# slashes (as in "C:/src/libpqxx").

# Standard library namespace.
# There are only two reasons why you might want to change this:
# 1. Your compiler doesn't define the standard library in the "std" namespace
# but in the global namespace, in which case PGSTD should be the empty string.
# However, a compiler with that problem is not likely to be good enough to
# compile libpqxx.
# 2. You are using a third-party standard library implementation such as
# STLport, which lives in another namespace to avoid clashes with the
# implementation that came with the compiler.
# In the latter case, PGSTD must be set to the namespace used by your preferred
# implementation.  In all other cases, just leave this set to "std".


# If you are using a 3rd-party STL like STLport, remember to check your path
# and be sure the STLport is included before the MSVC includes. VCVARS32.BAT
# doesn't know anything about the directories as defined in the IDE. I use
# set INCLUDE=\Utility\Code\STLport-4.5\stlport;%INCLUDE%
# ...and set STD to "_STL".

# Depending on your STL library min/max need to be defined.  Using STLport
# there is no need for libpqxx to redefine these for me.

# The next line gives us the directory under which all PostgreSQL include
# directories, DLLs and LIB files can be found.
# If you built PostgreSQL from source, this is probably the only line you
# will need to change.
# If you installed PostgreSQL using the One Click Installer from EnterpriseDB,
# comment out the following line and uncomment the line after it.
# Edit the appropriate line to match your specific installation.


PGSQLSRC="D:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.5"

# This is the directory where the Postgres header files, e.g. postgres_ext.h,
# are found.


# This is the directory where the libpq header files, e.g. libpq-fe.h,
# are found.  If you used the One Click Installer, comment out the next line
# and uncomment the one following it:



# This is the directory where the release build of the libpq DLL
# and its corresponding LIB file are found, as well as the names of
# those two files.
# If you installed PostgreSQL using the One Click Installer from EnterpriseDB,
# comment out the next three lines and uncomment the following three:



# This is the directory where the debug build of the libpq DLL
# and its corresponding LIB file are found, as well as the names of
# those two files.
# NOTE: If you don't have access to a debug build of libpq, just
# provide the same information as above here. The debug builds of
# libpqxx will reference the release version of libpq, which will
# only limit your ability to debug libpq sources but otherwise should
# work just fine.
# If you installed PostgreSQL using the One Click Installer from EnterpriseDB,
# comment out the next three lines and uncomment the following three.


  • 进入libpqxx的解压路径 D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1\config\sample-headers\compiler\VisualStudio2010\pqxx ,将该路径下的全部头文件拷贝到目录 D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1\include\pqxx中
  • 进入libpqxx的解压路径 D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1\config\sample-headers\libpq\9.0\pqxx ,将该路径下的全部头文件拷贝到目录 D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1\include\pqxx中
  • 进入libpqxx的解压路径 D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1\src ,打开 largeobject.cxx 源文件,在第34行加入头文件#include
               图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第6张图片

  • 在开始菜单选择Visual Studio 2013的开发人员命令提示工具,并以管理员方式运行,然后直接运行命令:vcvars32.bat
               图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第7张图片
  • 将命令提示工具定位到 libpqxx 的解压路径: D:\Program Files (x86)\libpqxx-4.0.1
       图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第8张图片
  • 最后在命令提示工具中直接运行命令:nmake /f win32/vc-libpqxx.mak ALL,即可开始编译。
          图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第9张图片
  • 编译成功后,所生成的静态库以及动态库,包括DEBUG版本和RELEASE版本,全部都在如下目录中:
              图文说明Visual Studio 2013编译libpqxx步骤以及常见编译错误_第10张图片


  • 提示缺少头文件。
              请查看common文件中的 PGSQLSRC 的值是否已经修改为你实际安装postgresql的根目录,并确保已经按照上述步骤拷贝全部所需头文件。
  • 提示类似错误:error U1077: 'copy' : return code '0x1'。
             请查看common文件中的 PGSQLSRC 的值是否已经修改为你实际安装postgresql的根目录,并确保根目录两端的双引号存在。
  • 提示类似错误: min() 或者 max() 不是std 的标准函数。
             请确保 largeobject.cxx 源文件第34行已经加入头文件 #include
  • 提示一堆无法解析的外部函数。
              如果编译的是 x86 版本的 libpqxx ,请确保安装的 postgresql 也是 x86 版本的;同样 x64 版本的也是一个道理。

关于 libpgxx 更多的编译选项及编译说明,请参照 libpqxx 解压路径 Win32 目录下的common,INSTALL.TXT 以及 vc-libpgxx.mak 等文件。
