• Our system works directly on the pixel representation, similarly to FCN ,Long et al. (2014).
• we believe it is advantageous that segmentation is only used at a later stage, avoiding the commitment to premature decisions.
• The main difference between our model and other state-of-the-art models is the combination of pixel-level CRFs and DCNN-based ‘unary terms’.
他们的模型和其他的state-of-art的模型最大的区别就是他们把基于像素水平的CRFs和基于DCNN的一元表示 相结合。
• Our approach instead treats every pixel as a CRF node, exploits long-range dependencies, and uses CRF inference to directly optimize a DCNN-driven cost function.
• We note that mean field had been extensively studied for traditional image segmentation/ edge detection tasks, but recently Koltun showed that the inference can be very efficient for fully connected CRF and particularly effective in the context of semantic segmentation
• we have re-purposed and finetuned the publicly available VGG-16 NET into an efficient and effective dense feature extractor for our dense semantic image segmentation system.
他们已经重新构建并且微调了大家广泛应用的VGG16 layers的模型。把它变成了一个高效且有效的密集特征提取器,来应用到他们的密集图像语义分割系统中。
we convert the fully-connected layers of VGG-16 into convolutional ones and run the network in a convolutional fashion on the image at its original resolution.
这里补充一下,VGG中卷积层的参数:stride=1,kernel_size = 3, padding =1,
所以进行卷积操作后:(H – 3 + 2 x 1)/1 + 1 = H,即卷积没有缩小图像的分辨率;
而VGG16Layer中有5个Maxpooling层,参数为:stride = 2, kernel_size = 2, padding =0;
所以:池化操作后:(H – 2)/2 + 1 = H/2,即图像分辨率减小一半,5个pooling层就是一共缩小了 2^5=32 倍,
We skip subsampling after the last two max-pooling layers in the network of VGG16 and modify the convolutional filters in the layers that follow them by introducing zeros to increase their length (2X in the last three convolutional layers and 4x in the first fully connected layer).
①他们想skip the subsampling,
但是他们不是把pooling层直接去掉,而是把stride改成了1.然后还加上了padding = 1. 这个操作我在论文上似乎是没有看见详细说明,但是它的代码上是这么写的。这样的效果就是( H – 2 + 2 x 1) / 1 + 1 = H + 1,多了一个像素应该不影响把,它也没有详细解释这个问题,但是总之它把分辨率现在改回到基本不变了,所以就相当于少了两次缩小,就总共只缩小了8倍。
We can implement this more efficiently by keeping the filters intact and instead sparsely sample the feature maps on which they are applied on using an input stride of 2 or 4 pixels, respectively.
pool4的stride由2变为1,则紧接着的conv5_1, conv5_2和conv5_3中hole size为2。接着pool5由2变为1, 则后面的fc6中hole size为4。
这个就是他们提出的 hole algorithm
于是,通过hole算法,得到了一个8s的feature map
We have addressed this practical problem by spatially subsampling (by simple decimation) the first FC layer to 4x4 (or 3x3) spatial size.
直接从7x7的范围中抽取一个4x4 (or 3x3)的范围以此来减小计算量、计算时间比原来减少了2-3倍。
DCNN score maps can reliably predict the presence and rough position of objects in an image but are less well suited for pin-pointing their exact outline.
Deeper models with multiple max-pooling layers have proven most successful in classification tasks, however their increased invariance and large receptive fields make the problem of inferring position from the scores at their top output levels more challenging.
在全连接的CRF模型中,标签x 的能量可以表示为:
其中, θi(xi) 是一元能量项,代表着将像素 i分成label xi 的能量,二元能量项φp(xi,xj)是对像素点 i、j同时分割成xi、xj的能量。 二元能量项描述像素点与像素点之间的关系,鼓励相似像素分配相同的标签,而相差较大的像素分配不同标签,而这个“距离”的定义与颜色值和实际相对距离有关。所以这样CRF能够使图片尽量在边界处分割。最小化上面的能量就可以找到最有可能的分割。而全连接条件随机场的不同就在于,二元势函数描述的是每一个像素与其他所有像素的关系,所以叫“全连接”。
这句话是说,我们在input image后面和 前面的4个maxpooling层的输出后面 都 紧接一个2层的MLP(Multi-layer Perceptron,多层感知器)。这个两层的MLP的构造为:第一层:128个3x3大小的卷积核,第二层:128个1xx大小的卷积核。然后把这写MLP得出的feature map 和主网络最后一层得出的feature map 排在一起。