--autoextend on next nM 满了后选着扩充的大小
创建用户 web 密码123456 对应表空间web
create user web identfied by 123456 default tablespace web
赋予 web数据管理员权限 该用户可以操作数据库
grant dba to web
number --代表整型和浮点型
number(p,s) p代表整体长度,s代表小数的精度
number(5,2) 整数部分为3,小数部分为2
int 实际上是number的子集
number(10,0) 这样就代表的是一个整数
char(10) 代表创建一个定长字符,最多只能存放10个字符,如果不到10个,那么整个定长字符所占空间还是10个
date 2017-08-10
datetime 2017-08-10 09:41:13
Timestamp 时间戳 20170810094113
text 大文本
clob char large object
blob binary
create table student 表格式
stu_id int,
stu_name varchar(20),
stu_age number(3,0),
stu_gender char(2),
stu_birthday date,
clazz_id int
alter table student add constraint pk_stu_id primary key(stu_id)
索引 聚集索引
insert into student(stu_id,stu_name,stu_age,stu_gender,stu_birthday,clazz_id)
drop table student 删除表
添加表clazz 和其内容
create table clazz
clazz_id int,
clazz_name varchar(20)
alter table clazz add constraint pk_clazz_id primary key(clazz_id)
insert into clazz(clazz_id,clazz_name) values(1,'J0626')
alter table student add constraint fk_clazz_id foreign key(clazz_id) references clazz(clazz_id)
alter table student add constraint fk_clazz_id foreign key(clazz_id) references clazz(clazz_id) on delete set null
alter table student add constraint fk_clazz_id foreign key(clazz_id) references clazz(clazz_id) on delete cascade
delete from student where stu_id=2
--oracle 从删库到跑路
truncate --彻底删除
delete from clazz where clazz_id=1 单项删除
--check约束 不能添加与约束违背的内容
alter table student add constraint ck_stu_gender check (stu_gender in('男','女'))
alter table student add constraint ck_stu_age check (stu_age <120)
--unique约束 唯一
alter table student add constraint uk_stu_name unique(stu_name)
--非空约束 not null
alter table student modify stu_birthday constraint nt_stu_birthday not null
rename students to student
alter table student drop constraint nt_stu_birthday
alter table student drop constraint uk_stu_name
alter table student drop constraint ck_stu_gender
alter table student drop constraint pk_stu_id